BUSH DID 9/11 - BUSH DID 9/11 - BUSH DID 9/11 - BUSH DID 9/11 - BUSH DID 9/11 - BUSH DID 9/11 - BUSH DID 9/11
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2005-09-26 02:20:34 UTC
HERO - A bushite killer speaks candidly


/ / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,
"oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have
the two documents of question. We have the
positions that were offered to the bush administration
on behalf of American intelligence. [the N.I.E.] That
was their position, the bush administration censored
that, re-wrote CRITICAL sentences. Fixed the intel. \ \

/ / Shouldn't a person have a right to face
their accuser in a court of law, if it's in "our"
name as a community that we're going to collectively
get together and deprive another their rights? their
freedoms? their liberties? \ \

Repeat after me:

Coast to Coast hosts are leaving us listeners out here
with the immpression, that neither host have
heard of the National Intelligence Estimate,
or the NIE, that was created by pressure through
congress just prior to the war, by the cia, state
department, and eight other American inteligence
agencies, of which, the bush administration got
caught misleading the verdicts by censorship,
and outright re-writing, then bald faced lying.
Subseqenty causing the creation of an
investigation by the Senant, who's conclusion stated
that the bush administration "..provided [Americans]
with an incomplete picture of the nature and extent
of the debate within the intelligence community
regarding these issues."


/ / In a September 2003 interview, Cheney claimed that the
National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002 stated there
was ``compelling evidence that Saddam is reconstituting a
uranium enrichment effort'' and the investigators will ``find
in fact that they are valid.''

Cheney's reliance on the National Intelligence Estimate is
misleading since he quoted conclusions which the report
conceded were based on ``inadequate'' evidence or were
disputed by intelligence sources. (29) \ \


/ / Months before the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq,
members of Saddam regime and his military echelons in
Baghdad cut deals with the US Army to surrender the
capital and the rest of the country to U.S. forces. Yet
despite this no war surrender, the Bush-Blair axis
continued to bomb Iraq infrastructure. \ \


/ / On the eve of the official invasion, on March 8, 2003,
Bush said in his national radio address: "We are doing
everything we can to avoid war in Iraq. But if Saddam
Hussein does not disarm peacefully, he will be disarmed by
force." Bush said this after nearly a year of systematic,
aggressive bombings of Iraq, during which Iraq was already
being disarmed by force, in preparation for the invasion
to come. By the Pentagon's own admission, it carried out
seventy-eight individual, offensive airstrikes against
Iraq in 2002 alone. \ \

/ / U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) -- a former telephone
company executive -- has introduced a bill (HR 2726)
that would let cable and telecom companies shut down
municipal and community efforts to offer broadband services. \ \

/ / But he said the incident also raised the question of what
happens to contractors if they are caught doing something
wrong, such as firing on civilians, as their legal status
is not defined. "If the marines think [the contractors]
did do something illegal there is no process they can go
through. Who are they going to hand them over to?" Mr
Singer said. "There have been more than 20,000 [contractors]
on the ground in Iraq for more than two years and not one
has been prosecuted for anything." \ \


/ / Statement Number Two: "To those who scare peace-loving
people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is
this: Your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode
our national unity and diminish our resolve."

The first statement is a quote from Hitler's right hand
man, Hermann Goering, explaining at his war crimes trial
how easily he and his fellow Nazis hijacked Germany's
democratic government. \ \


/ / It's the Patriot Act on steroids. Charles Lewis of
the Center for Public Integrity shared this document
with Bill Moyers, who examined it on NOW, his weekly
PBS program. That episode aired Friday, February 7,
yet even now no mainstream news broadcaster has picked
up this incredible story. Read the NOW transcript and
see the document itself online at
http://www.pbs.org/now/ \ \

/ / It seems that the Homeland Security Department (HSD)
is about to become the KGB. The first Patriot Act already
allows for people to be locked up indefinitely without a
lawyer and without being charged with a crime. If Patriot
Act II passes, then arrests would also be secret. That means
that dissenters (or anyone else, for that matter) could
disappear without a trace, just as they did in Nazi Germany,
in Stalinist Russia, and in Pinochet's Chile. \ \


/ / Not far from their home, Yavin filmed a bit of graffiti
on a wall: "Arabs to the crematoria." A Border Policeman, a
muscular, tough-looking guy, says in a heavy Russian accent,
"I am only following orders, I do what I am told." Yavin
asserts: "We simply do not see the Palestinians as
human beings." \ \


/ / Delgado said he saw an Army master sergeant lash Iraqi
children with a Humvee antenna. He recalled seeing a Marine
send another child flying with a boot to the chest, and men
in his unit pelt Iraqi civilians in Nasiriyah with glass
soda bottles thrown from a military vehicle. \ \


/ / Sensenbrenner's H. R. 1528 is Fascism, so let us call it
what it is. We show a fine sense of gratitude to our heroic
dead when we sheepishly allow miscreants like Sensenbrenner
impose the Fascism that they fought against on us. \ \

/ / "It's the biggest fraud ever committed on the people of
this country," Rangel told WWRL Radio's Steve Malzberg and
Karen Hunter. "This is just as bad as six million Jews being
killed. The whole world knew it and they were quiet about it,
because it wasn't their ox that was being gored." \ \

/ / Blair--no doubt trying to save his own ass back home
where such a lame answer would be fodder for more bad
press--came quickly to Bush's defense, saying, "No, the
facts were not being fixed, in any shape or form at all."
It was an assertion that anyone who has been following
events for the past two years knows to be totally bogus
and desperate, and which is being laughed down in Britain,
but apparently it was good enough for the tame media here. \ \

/ / "There are plenty of women in Fallujah who have testified
they were raped by American soldiers," said Abdulla. "They
are nearby the secondary school for girls inside Fallujah.
When people came back to Fallujah the first time they found
so many girls who were totally naked and they had been killed." \ \

(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")

www.nyu.edu/pages/hess/cities/introductions/ messages/28.html

(on bush's "wacko" behaviour during the 9/11 incident.)

"..the newspapers don't tell you about it,
why do you think that is soldier grunt,
nazi whore, dying slave?"
Word of Advice
/ / ``The contents of the Downing Street Minutes
confirm that the Bush Administration was determined
to go to war in Iraq, regardless of whether there
was any credible justification for doing so. \ \

/ / Ani went on to add that the main hospital and
several primary health clinics in the city need
rebuilding, but the building materials are being
prevented from entering by US forces. \ \

/ / A majority of Americans now know that the US
Government has been torturing innocent Iraqis for
information on WMDs the US Government already knew
they could not possibly have. \ \

/ / So, what will Americans do? Will they walk their
talk, and fire the liars? Will they stand up like free
human beings and refuse the dictates of an illegal
government, or will they cower and send their children
off to die, watching them walk up the chutes to the
slaughterhouse without complaint, shrugging their
shoulders that this is how life is supposed to be and
there is no point in making a fuss about it? \ \

/ / The Constitution does not explicitly authorize
the government to lie to the people, and the tenth
amendment forbids the government to arrogate that right
to itself. Therefore, when the government lies, it acts
illegally and unconstitutionally \ \

/ / The call for an international response
to this torture scandal is based on the fact that there
has not been an adequate investigation here in the United
States. If there were an adequate investigation, there
would be no need for European governments to have
investigations of their own. \ \


/ / It's all merely a crayon drawing, an intellectual wading
pool, a big messy cartoon world populated by manly white
good guys and fanged dark evil guys and we are good and
They are evil and that's all there is to it so please
stop asking weird tricky polysyllabic questions. \ \

/ / Michigan Democratic Representative John Conyers has
called the latest revelations about these attacks "the
smoking bullet in the smoking gun," irrefutable proof
that President Bush misled Congress before the vote on
Iraq. \ \

-What nation had the highest number of citizens with PhDs on the
had more PhDs than America?

Iraq. Under Hussein's government.

/ / -What nation defended this atrocity by saying a gap
in international law allowed for burying Iraqis alive?

The USA.
http://jeff.paterson.net/aw/aw4_buried_alive.htm \ \

/ / I'm in awe... complete, dumbstruck, speechless awe. \ \

/ / John Bolton, flew to Europe early in 2002 to
orchestrate the firing of Jose Bustani, the
director of the Organization for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons, "because the Brazilian was trying
to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad," \ \

/ / This is one of the rare instances in which US
journalists' proclivity for creating seamless
narratives around events would be wholly warranted. \ \


A bushite killer speaks freely



/ / Hello everybody. All People, it's the Son of Man here,
the Creator, Johnny Wizard, King of the Universe. Anyway
I'm a god. \ \

/ / Where are Americans to stand up for the Christian
virtues?, That are present within any concepualizations
of who God would be? Is God not Just? Would not God wish
to follow the crimes scene leads at the real murder scenes
to arrest the true evil doers? \ \

/ / Look at this: another reason to kill the enemy bushite. \ \


Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)





Falluja Repeat in Al Qa'im


/ / Iraqi civilians and doctors in the area say no foreign
fighters were present in the town. Al Qa'im and surrounding
areas have suffered great destruction, and many in the town
population of 110,000 were killed, they say. \ \


/ / Another soldier told investigators that Sergeant Loring
lightheartedly referred to Specialist Corsetti, then 23, as
"the King of Torture." \ \


/ / Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to
be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people
paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent
to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded,
many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies. \ \


/ / We have reported here in great detail on the voluminous
evidence establishing that the endemic, systematic torture
in Bush's gulag was instigated by the White House, sanctioned
by Bush's appointed "legal experts" who ruled that as commander
in chief, he is not constrained by laws against torture -- or,
indeed, by any law whatsoever. \ \

/ / The 2,200 documents obtained by the ACLU have been put online at:

Interrogators in Tikrit, working for the Fourth Infantry Division,
sent back an email on August 17, 2003, recommending ``open hand
strikes, closed-fist strikes, using claustrophobic techniques and a
number of `coercive' techniques such as striking with telephone
books, low-voltage electrocution and inducing muscle fatigue''. \ \


/ / noted the U.S. government's claim that its forces do their
utmost to minimise civilian casualties. ''How can we know whether
we're making any progress when a conscious decision is made to keep
that from the public?'' he told IPS. \ \

/ / Remember, these are the people who named a big giveaway to
logging interests "Healthy Forests." \ \


/ / The many organizations that have the ability to mobilize millions
of people have wasted their energies by organizing marches to empty
buildings where there is no corporate media coverage. I tried to tell



/ / Under the terms of the deal, Bechtel got $515 million to rebuild
Iraq's power generating stations; $33 million for rebuilding roads
and railroads; $44 million to dredge the seaport at Umm Qasr; $45
million to rehab the Iraqi telephone network, covering 240,000 phone
lines; $52 million for repair of the Baghdad airport; $208 million
to rebuild sewage and water treatment plants; and $53 million for the
reconstruction of Iraqi schools. \ \


The Final Straw


/ / Someone was asking me, why is that the godly people
of Creation, take such enjoyment out of killing the bushite
enemies? And, I'll tell you what it is... \ \

/ / They have no concern for the neighbor's children,
who have sacrificed their lives in a needless war.,
that only serves the interests of the neocon God haters. \ \

/ / Look at that. You can't even get a single American man,
out of the entire country, to phone Art Bell and have Art
Bell hang up on them. \ \

/ / See? \ \


/ / The legal case for military resistance needs to be understood.
In essence, the military is violating the law. It's the war
resisters who are upholding it. \ \

/ / "We are short of everything," she says, raising her voice to be
heard over the constant crying of children. "We've had nothing
from the new Iraqi Government, except some simple antibiotics; and
nothing from the occupying countries." \ \

/ / It revealed that the Prime Minister persistently lied to
Parliament and the public about the legal basis for the war.

The revelation came minutes after Mr Blair declared on TV: "I
have never told a lie." \ \


/ / `The worst thing is to shoot one of them, then go help him,' as
regulations require. `Shit, I didn't help any of them. I wouldn't
help the fuckers. There were some you let die. And there were
some you double-tapped. Once you'd reached the objective, and once
you'd shot them and you're moving through, anything there, you
shoot again. You didn't want any prisoners of war.' \ \


The True Fight for Freedom

(Quotes from http://radio.indymedia.org/uploads/true_fight.mp3)

/ / Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead. \ \

/ / I see really great things in store, if we can find it within
ourselves to defend the innocent, despite the lies of the bush
cabal. Killing innocent people is wrong. There is no
justification for bombing Iraq, there just isn't. \ \

/ / Demon bush says he's against torture, and the Oregon Military
soldiers tell us, hey, they're torturing children, the bushite
forces in Iraq are. \ \

/ / If you knew your neighbor did that crime, and the police said
that they couldn't arrest him because he was a disciple of the
antichrist, so therefor, WE can't hold him to account as WE do to
the regular civilians... what would you think? \ \


It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy

/ / Do not put any effort into thinking out your own opinions.
Create doubt on anything any true liberator, would try to convey to
you as important for your life. Never mind. Watch your son or
daughter be sacrificed, and just lie to yourself, and tell us all
how your so proud of your dead son or daughter, "because they were
fighting for liberty." And we just got to just keep bullshiting you
because you're an enemy to God. An enemy to true freedom, when you
demand truth not be spoken for the innocent being persecuted, as
Christ was. Where is Christianity in America? Call your Church
now! \ \

Canadian radio broadcast interview with the Wizard



commentary from Johnny




/ / For Americans to remain silent as Bush hands down death
sentences for their children and their unborn grandchildren is a
war crime in itself. \ \


/ / The biggest story of the Iraq war is about the torture of Iraqi
children. \ \


/ / The UN's top human rights investigator in Afghanistan has been
forced out under American pressure just days after he presented a
report criticizing the US military for detaining suspects without
trial and holding them in secret prisons. \ \


/ / As George H. W. Bush mentioned in his famous unpublished
quote to Sarah McLendon more than a decade ago: "[I]f the American
people ever knew the whole story about Iran Contra, we Bushes would
be chased down in the streets and lynched." \ \


/ / The British government formally protested to Israel after the
army officer who opened fire when the film-maker James Miller was
shot dead in Gaza two years ago was acquitted of disciplinary
charges. \ \


/ / CityBeat and Pointblank in the light of the latter's searing
expose of the Gosch-as-Gannon situation printed on the same day as
Gannett's Des Moines Register whitewash of the story. \ \


/ / Many Americans already suspect that those sworn to their
defense actually conspired in the murder of their wives, husbands,
children, parents, friends and fellow citizens on 9/11. And - so
what? The bitter knowledge has simply become part of the great
tapestry of American dissonance. It's joined the cottage industry
of conspiracy infotainment, because High Crimes in the United
States are simply fodder for dark amusement, not for solving. And
certainly not for justice. \ \

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)


/ / Similarly, with bush and rumsfeld. Their kind of treason is so
blasphemous, people can't recognize that any real human being would
willingly try to actually do such a thing for the windfalls of big
corporate profit, and as such, a many god person, (as often the
good natured and kind hearted), desperately look for any doubt,
than to face such a human fear of real demon behavior in our World
of worlds of every character. \ \


/ / "When I told the translator with the soldier that I was a
member of the National Assembly, he answered: To hell with you and
the National Assembly," al-Shaikh told his colleagues. Al-Shaikh
said the US soldier continued to beat him even after he told them
that he was an elected MP. \ \


/ / The reality that the President of the United States spent more
than 18 months resisting an official investigation into the most
devastating tragedy in our history is in itself an outrage. But
the reality that there is no official body still seeking answers to
vital questions is an even greater outrage. \ \


/ / "A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an
autopsy by a pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to
obtain that autopsy list and you are invited to view it below
(here). Guess what? Still no Arabs on the list," said Navy
veteran, Thomas Olmstead. "Now, being the trusting sort, I figured
that the government would want to quickly dispel any rumors...It
seemed simple to me. . produce the names of all the bodies
identified by the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of
passengers. So, I sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
to the AFIP and asked for an expedited response...Fourteen months
later...and I finally get the list. No Arabs wound up on the
morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not listed by
American Airline sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these
extras." \ \


/ / But I don't hear a whisper of that opinion on television, in
major newspapers, or from the lips of most Americans, no matter how
they classify themselves politically. It's all still mysterious
Arabs to a majority, who have not bothered to notice there was no
evidence presented, that the investigation into that tragic day was
never conducted, and that the people who profited from this demonic
charade are exactly the ones who claim to be its principal victims. \


/ / The decision by the head of Israel's Southern Command to clear
the officer overturned a recommendation by the military advocate
general that he should be severely disciplined. Mr Miller was
killed in Rafah in 2003 while walking back to his lodgings
displaying a white flag and clearly identifying himself to troops
as a journalist. \ \


The Son of Man rocks!


Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)


lyrics to,

Guilty of Innocence

you don't need to know your rights, with
bush not going [yet] left denied

he'll state no evidence is required, against
the guilty of, innocence in dire

no need to voice your cries,
bushite would rather market war crimes
with your time

your needs need no loving for, you'll
play a mute dumb bushite slave dying
to score,

The antichrist our enemy, depriving us all of liberty

Forsaken you, forsaken me. Can't you see?








Johnny Wizard's "Time.mp3"


/ / Like Americans do. They don't care about their brothers, as
long as they can make it through themselves. Right?? Bush has got
them turned against the interests in protecting the rights of their
neighbor, and their neighbor thinks the same of themselves. And
this is where bush comes in and kills them both. Kills them all.
Let's God sort them out. Well, I've sorted them out now. We need
a rule of law. Look at the effects of these soldiers. Who would
think you could get a military force to commit heinous crimes
against our beings? How do they live with themselves and their
wicked evil lies? Who are they lying to I ask? Are they lying to
you, the listener? CBC sells their lies, but who's buying? Peace
comes through Justice, and that's what freedom's all about. The
bushites go "We can torture innocent people to death maybe, and
we'll be freedom fighters" because the bushite has no commitment to
true freedom, because it take a brave courageous man, a True
Patriot, to hold those virtues as his own. So, you get a warring
faction of cowards, betrayers to the AMERICAN FLAG, that is what
TRULY, a bushite is, and we all know it to be the case. Who is the
bushite I ask? These are not men. They take command from Saudi
wahhabists. This is who's commanding the third infantry, buford
blount, a Saudi wahhabist.


And that of course gives the bushites and CBC and CNN their
implausible deniability, where they can say their remaining
neutral, by not providing us the facts to allow us to decide for
ourselves. Because otherwise, we wouldn't kill ourselves to profit
the bushmob cabal of God haters. Who victimize innocent Christians
for no other reason but for to profit off our suffering.


Think of all those people in that situation as God. And these, the
bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are completely irrational,
they're making no sense, your fuking up. It's like a cancer that
God of that whole situation, is inflicted with. They're lying to
themselves. If your there to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a
position to demand all the money that has been taken through this
Iraq Development Fund, be returned. \ \



/ / Worse yet, the commission concluded in a 600-page report that
intelligence wasn't politicized. Uh-huh. Frankly, only a
politicized commission could possibly have concluded that "no one
from the White House or Pentagon contributed to the mistaken
intelligence." \ \

Hmmm. Is it that they would have us believe, that the neo-con
faith initiatives are solely based on lies?, for none of the facts
trumpeted by the bushites, were established in their own minds by
critical thinking?


/ / "The analysts who worked Iraqi weapons issues universally
agreed that in no instance did political pressure cause them to
skew or alter any of their analytical judgments. \ \

Yeah but, the American analysts concurred that bush was
misrepresenting their facts.

/ / 26. "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a
lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." --aboard
Air Force One, June 4, 2003 \ \



/ / The U.N. scandal did not cost the taxpayers any money, but
this one is coming right out of our pockets. And, if we can't even
sue the bastards to get it back, we are in big trouble. \ \

The crime is now funneled through the made victim American tax
payers pocket as left unaccounted to through frauds blatant, and
still no cries for Justice, Freedom, REPRESENTATION?


/ / Citizens may be held indefinitely, with or without charges
being made, upon the direction of government officials. \ \

SATIRE? Hardly..

Infinite Injustice In The Global Gulag


/ / There he languished for more than two years until he was hauled
before one of Bush's "military tribunals" last fall. The khaki
kangaroo court duly ruled that Kurnaz was a heinous terrorist who
should be locked up forever -- despite the fact that both U.S.
military intelligence and German police had cleared him of any
connection whatsoever to terrorist activity anywhere in the world.
Completely ignoring almost 100 pages of exculpatory evidence
offered by these experts, the kangaroos relied instead on a brief,
uncorroborated memo submitted by an unidentified Bush official just
before the proceedings began.

[... ]

The judge ruled that Kurnaz's imprisonment, indeed, Bush's whole
kangaroo pen, was illegal and unconstitutional. To which Bush -- a
staunch defender of law, liberty and civilization -- answered: Who
cares? So Kurnaz, 23, remains in captivity: year after year of
hellish limbo, his youth sacrificed to the caprice of the prissy
autocrat in the White House.

[... ]

But last week, the Pentagon declined to prosecute 17 soldiers for
brutal murders of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the
recommendation of Army prosecutors. Army investigators also
released 1,200 pages of new evidence last week detailing widespread
"systematic and intentional" abuse of prisoners throughout Iraq,
especially in Mosul; again, the Pentagon declined to prosecute. \ \


The Scandal Behind the Scandal


/ / ``In the EO, Bush is handing U.S. firms `a blank check for
corporate anarchy' in an `outlandish cancellation of the rule of
law,' said legal director Tom Devine with the Government
Accountability Project. \ \

The antiChrist in action, while quasi-Christians go, "Oh, I don't



/ / US aircraft dropped leaflets on Iraqi Resistance forces
fortified behind high hills warning them of the consequences if
they did not withdraw. The punishment, it said, would be painful
for them. The Americans carried out their threat when they bombed
11 civilian houses. The American air raids killed and wounded
dozens of women, children, and elderly persons Mafkarat al-Islam
reported. For their part the puppet governor and mayor of the city
of Tall `Afar both tendered their resignations in protest against
the American bombing of civilian houses in the city. \ \


/ / However, Shyam Sunder, who led NIST's fire and safety
investigation, said there are now better ways to ensure
fireproofing adheres to steel.\ \

Yeah, we sure don't want steel becoming any more of a fire hazzard
than it already is.


Look you might not care for me personally, okay, but this George W.
Bush's treason of nine-eleven is an evil we together, will never,
be too weak to stand against as. As indecisive humans without a
leader, we will never be too few from demanding Justice be served
in respect of Humanity's interest.


Seriously Folks

Napoleon Bonaparte wrote forming governments are forged
only through the public witness of shared mutual
experiences, simple, yet, the bushite strategy
implemented continually on behalf of the enemy forces in
Iraq have been to divide the nation's people with
different "legal" definitions, while speaking for
typical bushite bigotry, by then offering distinctions
of human value between US some from "others". Not
freedom, nor democracy. [Remember: Evil is dumb]

Example: Allawi forbade surviving Iraqi doctors and
nurses from medically treating any of the estimated
200,000+ innocent victims from Falluja [IRAQI vicinity].

Example 2: DYING two-bit bushite war with "foreign"
soldiers paid especially more than a thousand dollars a
day as self confessed RACISTS, and THEREFOR, left
"officially" too weak as, "pissing post illiterates" to
go after real terrorists who torture the innocent, or
real thieves, that have stolen BILLIONS from the Iraqi
Development Fund. Done all to sacrifice life's purpose
for no better good to the ANTI-CHRIST EVIL bush "cabal"
of lying neo-con Christ haters. Allthewhile stating the
objective worth dying young America as bushite for is
"Democracy" in Iraq. But, isn't a founding principle of
any democracy to outlaw thefts, sexual assault, murder?
Again, bushite kills bushite for a stolen nickel that
they just as soon, stole from anybody. If you can
believe it. We need YOU to make some effort to engage
American talk mediae. Perhaps it's only YOU, who hasn't
yet heard a responsibility to this once greatly revered
world of wisdom, of the enchanted, and mystical, or of
the tyrannical as hell bound for suffering and sorrow.
,in which you share allegiance too my friend.

Being caring and compassionate for the victimized
innocent not only feels good, but it is a choice we
would make at being alive to help US survive. To not
speak against the bushite war crimes against YOUR
Humanity, is to not speak in defense of our ancient
dying God no longer found worthy of you Peoples humble
respect. Currently corrupted bushite want my voice of
truth silenced by censorship with false imprisonment,
and those who advocate such hatred for myself and our
humanity, speak no public word or disagreement on my
allegations of high treason by Our Mr. bush Jr.. While
I want to openly debate the, "censorship for tyranny",
corporate talk radio bushite bitches on their furthering
commitment to not allow objections regarding their
contempt for true justice and freedom in America. But
if you singly decide not to support my cause, like
corporate news control encourages, We will be left
forsaken, again. God is Just to the core, like Johnny
Wizard tries to be, while bushite liars lie, cheat, and
steal from America as ourselves measured unworthy for
deliberation to gain true understanding. The Coast to
Coast radio network in America disallows America learn
for why American soldiers are currently sacrificing
their LIVES irrationally. Why? Because there is no
legitimate reason, while bushite pretend in YOUR name,
that there must be another reason but for to rob our
humanity in George Bush Jr.'s name. For if there truly
wasn't another reason, not so then blind, stupid, and
cowardly American soldiers wouldn't be too happy about
the wealthy corporatist bushite commentators silencing
America's dying cries by bushite enemy command. Now
would they? Remember: wealthy blind and stupid bushite
kills/gets killed, poor blind and stupid bushite for a
stolen nickel - a nickel in all likelihood, they rifled
as thieves from some pensioner, that just as soon, would
be their own "grand" parents. Or Yours as someone elses
beside. \ \


"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." -- Frederick Douglass



/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terrorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the innocent.
he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal investigations.
that would normally peruse the actual evil doers. \ \



The Benderman Cause

I felt compelled to support the Benderman's cause in
any way I could, so I am providing America some
arguments that I would use in a court of law to
defend your freedoms. If America would so desire,
I would also be prepared to make a recorded
statement from here in Canada. (I have been
denied access into the U.S..) My positions of
rational argument are naturally based upon our
established facts, and as such, are something few
Americans are afforded the luxury of through
corporate channels. I hope my forcefulness on these
issues does not fear you to doubt I have the best of
intentions when it comes to serving the interests
indivisibly inherent within the American
Constitution. God, I believe is just, and as such, the
ungodly war actions of George W. Bush dictate are
criminal in the worst degree, being a harbinger of
suffering and misery against all of Humanity as
US being the innocent. The innocent in our entirety,
is my "God" that I love with all I can will. I am
compelled as a living human being to defend America
to the last bush supporter praised if need be. I fight
the enemy of God and Humanity with reason,
understanding, Akeido, and a conviction that our
justice system must prevail for me to be truly myself

"He explained to "60 Minutes," "I was told in basic
training that, if I'm given an illegal or immoral order,
it is my duty to disobey it. And I feel that invading
and occupying Iraq is an illegal and immoral thing to

The war was declared "illegal" by the U.N..
Why? Because Saddam wasn't found in breach
of the internationally agreed upon resolution 1441,
(Saddam did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE that was
asked of Iraq by the bush administration, and then
some Mr. Bush refused to even take him up on.
Like national Iraqi television broadcasts.) despite
the lies quoted by corporate news America. There
was no need for the conflict to begin with as was
so reported internationally on march 7th, 2003. U.N.
inspectors had complete unrestricted access to go
anywhere without delay, and known stock piles of WMD
were burned, so could not possibly be
completely accounted for by evidential findings
due to the fact that they were destroyed beyond
recognition. American soldiers were put in harms
way to be sacrificed for no better good, but for to
allow as has happened, the misappropriation, or as
some have alleged, the criminal theft of Iraqi
resources, including monies of the Iraqi Development
Funds through Presidential decree 13303. Which
include the unappropriated, desperately needed,
humanitarian aid provisions still denied innocent
Iraqis, such as potable drinking water and food
stuffs. Democratic principles are DENIED the
Iraqis by the neo-con military forces, such as holding
all individuals equally accountable to a rule of law.
The outlawing of torture, or the outlawing of false
imprisonment has not been professed as the action of
the neo-con "liberating" force. Mercenaries are not
obliged to obey any laws for example. And, "Dr.
Germ", and "Dr. Anthrax" are held solely for the
fact that they know of the scientific hazards of
depleted uranium, and may have warned the
uninformed sacrificing American GI, if not held
illegally against their wills by the enemy.
Commanders such as irrational war criminal
Sattler, forbade all men and boys between 15 to 50
from leaving the city of Fallujah, while refusing to
negotiate with anyone, (because as so was openly
confessed, Sattler had no evidence that Zaqari was
in Fallujah) then leveled the city to kill all it's
inhabitants, estimated at that time near 300,000
people. Using a napalm type WMD, cluster dud
land mine munitions, and as reported, nine two
thousand pound bombs in a city 3 1/2 km by 4 km.
Serving for a military not strong enough collectively
to prosecute such lawless criminal barbarity, is
serving for a military not principled in the American
virtues of freedom and democracy. In truth,
serving for such ungodly criminal command is a
cowardly act of treason. George W. Bush is an
enemy of our Humanity.

From the "anti-government" Johnny essay, "Stand Together or Don't"
/ / How does anyone buy this? On credit? Things are changing
from bad to worse, and everybody appears, from one or two
media accounts, to think, so what or, whatever. Don't drink the
water! A part of the problem is the journalists who are in fact
just trained reporters, who take all the perks and none of the
responsibilities. Selling off themselves to something they have
written, for them to read. Told what is cover, where is
resources, drawing our pictures with their color crayolas.
Telling themselves there must be a good reason why no one is
doing the story! Or they'll take any of a 1000, why think if you
don't have work to? They know the scores, much more money
in advertising. The odds would also dictate a small tiny
informed few who have their minds made closed, polluted by
greed, and lack of power, looking at another side, pleading
ignorance, they didn't see anything at all, and say you won't
either. Exercising power the only way they can, draining from
all, including themselves. Can you believe it? \ \


Protestor's sign: "killing innocent people is the problem
not the solution."





/ / "why should we afford the same liberties and privileges of
justice to the Taliban. Like why should we give them the same
rights we afford ourselves. They're the bad guys. Why do we want
to do any favors for the bad guys." And really that's an
irrationalism. And yet, it was there. You know, people go "you
don't need any evidence, what do you need evidence for, they're
guilty." And the rational, TRUE AMERICAN PATIOTS, would go, "no,
no, no, that's wrong. We want to actually follow the crimes scene
leads at the real murder scene to arrest the true evil doers." \ \


Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush
Administration, when the Secret Service top secretly requested I be
arrested for threatening the life of George W. Bush. They
tentatively planned to have me arrested under the Mental Health Act
to avoid a public criminal proceeding, but however during the
process, I managed to publicly speak on local Manitoba radio for no
less than forty hours regarding Bush in total, and was also well
known throughout my community involvement in live theatrical
productions I've been a part of for more than a decade.


In nabbing those who committed treason against our America's
America on 9/11, needs to be completed by firstly, following the
crime scene leads at the beginning with Bush's prior 9/11 plans
worked with the ring leader's financier, General Ahmad, and how
Condi, rumsfeld, and Cheney with Myers, fits in the picture
together as likewise traitors. The Iraq war is also a crime
against humanity. All stolen monies and property must be sought,
then returned to a legitimized democratic government. Torture is
outlawed, and finally, all innocent people held in prisons by
bushite forces, held without out charge for trial, need to be
released immediately as ourselves being denied liberation truly.
Let common sense prevail.



Forever Hold Your Peace

"I feel depressed," she said after leaving the theatre.
"He (Gibson) went overboard with the cruelty and
violence, and I think Mel Gibson is a bit of a sadist."

It's not the great artist Gibson, but corporate american
cult news who sit back bushiting "It's harmless, now
shut up dummy", knowing sadistic "sexy" rummy dumped
thousands of tons of radio-active toxic waste, along
with land mines to commit senseless, gratuitous mass
murder in residential communities housing the God of

It is bushite america who call themselves Christian, who
fund the Likud with American sweat and labor, to
criminally assault innocent Christians as accused of
nothing but being Christian. They do this as enemies of
Justice and God, to tell US as unbelievers, to
quickening the coming of the Lord, who will in turn,
condemn the individuals responsible, straight to hell
where they rightly belong. (Or prison whichever comes

It is America who sit bushiting "Freedom", while wording
nothing to blindly enslaving whomever, to torture or
murder for whatever by bombing Nations of People
irrationally. No reason., For law. (But to maybe
secretly sell drugs, or steal assets to victimize
Humanity. a.k.a. Jesus forsaken, or WMD bemer's Iraq)

And it is toxic cult corporate america, who let
traitors, bush and rummy murder thousands in New York
City, ("The People") and then escape forever, operation
infinite justice. I don't think so. I as John would
destroy every nazi american bushite happily, to save the
life of one child in any third world country.


Killing people
for no good reasons really sucks. I hate bushites.

Let's get the Patriots together and bag US some Rumsfeld

I just so much hate that demon antiChrist bush, and his
cabal of war mongers, it hurts. Let's just kill George
W. Bush for being qualified to lead but only himself
and Rumsfeld directly up to our NRA's firing squad, for
almost foolishly thinking they would actually escape the
planned murder of US thousands in New York City on 9/11,
then continuing by sacrificing dumdum nazi soldiers on a
cross in a completely unnecessary war against
civilization. What is it that the evil bushites can do
now in Iraq, before murdering untold thousands and
thousands, but for stealing even more of God's good will
towards all Mankind as loved?

[ S I L E N C E ]

No words from the bushites who rule our communications
through corporate news censorship, while Christian
parents call out unheard: why has corporate america
allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God
for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the
up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign? As I
suggested before, (If there are no real men in the
marines) why not just give the unarrested bushmob all
the money they want, so we can forgo all the needless
death and suffering against our friends and family?

[Look, usenet's us.military.army can be the place anyone
in the world can offer any irrational thought on why
bush shouldn't be immediately arrested or executed as
traitor, but guess what? bushite nazi brethren, either
mostly don't exist in our real world, or can't think to
save themselves as bushwhore nazi dumdums. Dumdums who
advocate the senseless murder of innocent People, and
the continuing destruction of America's America.]


W's Reality Gap

" Whenever President Bush is now confronted with an
unacceptable reality, he either changes the subject -
is steroid use really more important than the environment?
- or expresses confidence in his certainty. "I'm absolutely
confident that..." he'll say, as if the issue is his
determination rather than his conclusion. "

It's his faith infinitive as the antiChrist, where he
has hypnotized the dopey with merely the power of
suggestion, that has brought him to US as foolishly not
conceiving, or most importantly, truly understanding.
So, do we feel sorry for his ignorance as fallibility we
are all prone to own as the human rendition? No. But
for stupidity thinking he could murder US as the
innocent to steal our free values, and just get away
with it by lying to no one continually, is where the
Lord makes our stand for God unseen as miraculous.

The demon bush dictate is not exceptable for my just
little man universe. I knows too much about freedom to
go on dying in bush's forsaken place as innocent
sacrifice. With corporate america's unarrested demon
bush forcing my hand, I would decide to defend by
concluding, he is truly, the enemy of all America.
America: weak without leadership, yes, but not as dumb
as some would have us believe. When is it that we feel
sorry for the thousands of lives bush's deliberate
actions of mass murder have taken for no good reasons?
Their ain't nobody to defend america's overlord, but
through corporate censorship of the reality of who's
really dying for the demon bush liar. I'm the one
anyone would ever have a legitimate fear of getting on
the wrong side of, and if your not in the process of
attempting to get away with murdering some defenseless
family for nothing but to rob from, to each, his or her
own, mostly, right?


U.S. pays millions to discredited Iraqis

" The letter appeared to contradict denials made last year
by top Pentagon officials that they were receiving
intelligence on Iraq that bypassed established channels
and vetting procedures. "

Bypassing America as undefended freedom,, sacrificed to
die for slavery under the unconstitutional as blatant
evil, bushite decrees. Demon bush tells America, and
indeed the World, since 9/11, evidence will no longer be
a requirement to convince US who is a mass murderer, and
corporate news america sells on without the human
opinion present evaluating his true asking price. Man,
that demon bush is sure one true evil bastard when you
think of what he, rummy, and Ashcroft is stealing in our
names censored through nazi fascism. [Granted, I am

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our
Mr. bush Jr. very much.


New Moon

To steal public utility services paid already as owned
completely by IRAQI, (America dying for the bushite
American pension thieves at WorldCom or Britain's
"Dutch"-Shell,) ain't gonna change the business
locations. The evil unAmerican cop killing bushites
think they're gonna party in Manhattan on our dime in
apartments for around $15,000 a month, while sneering at
a homeless beggar on the streets, who thought he was
still in Vietnam.

An oil-for-Iraq program needs to be reestablished, but
transparent to all as addressing the immediate emergency
needs of Iraqis. Private, in the secret back room with
the bushmob nazi bankers, and their private inept
collaborators flustering as international fraudulent
behaviors, just wont do., try as bush might to murder
perhaps millions of Americans uncovered by his
criminally enforced, reduction in health care coverage


The evil bushites think they're gonna party
in Manhattan on our dime in apartments for around
$15,000 a month, while sneering at a homeless beggar on
the streets, who thought he was still in Vietnam.

Perhaps, he is.

Another American soldier owes me a beer, or will be
dying to steal life from themselves as sacrificed for
the evil criminal dictate of Their Mr. bush Jr.. Don't
go silent as the unknown dying enemy to God and
humanity, stand with Justice and freedom in America for
Americans, and I swear, we won't kill ya as the good
guys in the epilogue.

By the bushmob attempting to create unrest, so
Halliburton at al, can continue in the tommy franks
chaos to rob America blind with false billing, instead
of cash paying, is costing the lives of American teen
soldiers. Who god love'em or hate'em, don't have the
intellect to strategize their way out of an open paper
bag, never mind evil bush's false creeds without real
leadership present as living for. Instead of bruising
our egos, the bushites are dropping bombs illegally on
the family.


Ask a dying soldier how it sits to know commi
Halliburton pocketed Humanitarian Aid? Go ahead,
ask'em?! Then ask'em why they die as cowards by rummy
cluster dud for the bushmob to rob their own direct
families left unprotected? Ask'em! You know what
they'll tell you? They're not happy about these bushmob
war crimes truly destroying America in America,
"freedom", "democracy", Johnny Wizard or otherwise., Or
instead they'll mumble something incoherently while
jaunting away to murder some one found defenseless, or
innocent to pay further while dying to slave under the
criminal dictate of the really evil demon bush Jr..

A proud bushite is a toxic bushite halting from warring
the innocent by stealing your human values truly.

We need to see an apology to come from America, an
apology to Humanity for this carnage waged unnecessary,
but for these contemptible war profiteering practices as
direct assaults to all as God is. Assaults that we have
been unable to remedy by openly communicating to bush's
secret White House, rumsfeld's secret Pentagon, or
Ashcroft's secret Justice Department.

Just who's running this show anyway, I wanna know.

A - g - a - i - n

Will Americans save themselves with help from the rest
of US, by arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately for
high treason?, or will they cower and DIE as the
innocent, in false gratitude to the lying traitors
bushmob? To with their dying breath proclaim
unattested, to be ridding the Universe of their
continuing criminal behavior.. a.k.a. evil?

Evidence is a must to establish a crime scene
provocateur, to deny such privilege is to deny freedom
be served as consented through any government.

Hint: Demon bush, rumsfeld and Ashcroft, they ain't no
struggling democracy entirely.

Look, the thing about God coming down, and having it out
with humanity on some various critical issues, isn't
like going to happen, it is doing.

We had complete unrestricted access throughout Iraq
prior to murdering any innocent child in america's name.

These verbs will strike that antiChrist demon down for
ever and a day, and if I've gone, faded away, these
words will still remain,

till now we meet again,

as you were,

Johnny Wizard


Look at this will ya? DU killing American Patriot
Soldiers, while bush revises our continuing history,
like this ain't really happening. I can only again, beg
you as the reader, to wake up to this bush madness, and
support ME, the mythological Son of Man God King
because: my facts I bring to our table, do not change
from your summation of my unbridled character. (I don't
need votes, but a trust in the good times coming through
for trying something better.) As I have said before, you
don't have to support Johnny by donating a few dollars
for Christ sake, but, to have a care for your own
humanity. Or, will doubting me, unfortunately, change
the truly toxic composition of measured radioactive, and
gaseously microscopic, depleted uranium. For we both as
ALL suffer from the demon bush fumbles of corrupt
ineptitude, disguised as heinous war crimes against
everyone. Crimes of murder, that there is no rational
justification for., then, or now. No good reason to
have bombed, then stole from the billed Iraq as
Dutch-Shell victims. Only irrationalisms. Examples:
What can we do now in Iraq, that we couldn't have under
Saddam? Spend tens of billions in investments on
universal health care, or education perhaps? Why bomb
anyone, when we had complete, unrestricted access? What
could bush have demanded for Iraq justly, when his
un-elected entourage is responsible for outrages 9/11,
the Patriot Act, and Guantanamo? So see, now, we have a
really big ego problem. By god, You humans are truly
blind without ourselves to be seen as.

Well, not quite.

Don't forget, Our Mr. bush Jr. also participated
directly with the 9/11 strategy's, top secret
Presidential Directive, of offering no evidence against
Bin regarding some crime that wasn't galvanizing the
world like the lucky, World Trade Center incidents did
in time sensibly. Without 9/11, what would Powell look
like from when in August he gave the Taliban 43 million,
to then in September, going after those that funded the
Justice supporters? How? And, where is the Saddam
money gone for the food shipments?! Our Mr. bush Jr.
has it secretly he writes. He also writes he will not
be accountable to any rules of Law in this Universe
regarding the ownership of said monies he has stolen
through the UN not chirping. I told you, no leadership.
(Good thing we showed up to raise the dead eh? Nudge

Justice and Freedom, like God as Nature, be not feared
as of.

A friend and myself were discussing political
deceptions, and he asked me if I knew what the secret to
the universe was, and I said no, what?, he replied,
there is no secret.

The politics of living is Humanity's survival, and is
what should be as our interests recognized, to be
representative. However, there is often dismal public
failure to characterize hugely heinous criminal attempts
to harm our universal freedoms through unbiased
corporate conduct. Justice must be prime, and maybe You
as the forever unknown still. It's just, that we don't
have customers at National Newscast Central to invest in
ourselves as interested benefactor. Why can not the
widely publicized, and FREEDOMly available, central
questions on 9/11 be asked without answer by Blitzer, or
Aaron? Do they actually have US believing it is in not
our interests to say as much for Justice? For America?
For God as victim? How far would CNN go to discrediting
American soldier after American soldier, blindly
sacrificed for WorldCom bush and Dutch-Shell bremer,
before CNN finally reports on bush's other partners in
crime, like Ahmad, the funder of the 'mastermind', Atta.
Why continue? For as the bushmob, to murder cowardly
Americans while stealing pensions and selling heroin, is
just stupidly dumb, evil and wrong man. So wrote the
holy god guy from beyond his own comprehension as a
timeless wonder, demon slayer. The dumbass bush crimes
against US as God, I will remind you, are very real, and
toll many innocent souls. The criminal sabotage bush
inflicts in his public responsibilities as America,
yearns eternally for accountability to our suffering
World, God included.

I will not go silently.

No, it wasn't Iraqi planning, or of Afghanistan's
students, it was bush, rumsfeld, Condoleezza,, Ahmad,
and likely Mueller as traitors, who decided your wager
as American to be devalued into official, unrepresented
criminality as bound tyrannical. (Tenant and
checheCheney, maybe also..) See, this is why the Patriot
Act rears it's direct onslaught against every American,
barely too, unchallenged by Blitzer, or Aaron. No
Justice for terrorists, is no freedom for bush's america
TRULY. As a result, the fascist sympathizing bigots,
racists, and war crime advocates, will argue they're
inept to comprehend what they know not of, and as we
witness, gain easy unchallenged corporate access by
ignoring our public sentiment. You don't have to look
far for major problems with the, "but bremer said they
were freed Iraqis", or the official 9/11 story line, but
as a CNN news caster, Your dismissed without care for.
I say it doesn't have to be so, oh godless bushite
victims censored.


Turning Logic on Its Head

Bush's preemptive war policy is a war without just
cause. Under international law and centuries of common
legal usage, a preemptive war may be justified as an act
of self defense only where there exists a genuine and
imminent threat of physical attack.

We are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just
the deceived disguised. Boo!

The case is wrapped up, and bush and rumsfeld need to be
immediately arrested for 9/11, for murdering countless
thousands for stolen gain, at the losses to our
humanity, that show through every putrid utterance of
scum bucket bush, as contempt for our living as humanity
through Law. Where a person accused of a criminal
offence without any evidence is clearly innocent. For
why I ask you reader, would any unjustified leader of US
people blame someone for a crime who wasn't linked to
the offense, while working to close investigations, and
not follow through with the ample clues to capture the
true evil doers? Just how cowardly stupid can soldier
families be taken without conviction as themselves worth
fighting for?

Justice for all, and glory be to godly.


Bush's preemptive war against Iraq doesn't even purport
to preempt a physical attack. It purports to preempt a
threat that is neither issued nor posed. Iraq is not
issuing threats of attack against the United States. It
is only the United States which threatens war.

By publicly encouraging attacks against the American
People, bush works to do death, on hopes to then maybe?,
get what he's purposing we are publicly pushing for as?
Blind, dumb, and criminally neglegent; we all are then
agreed? To have no publicly known reason to perpetrate
war crimes against everyone to steal and murder for Our
Mr.bush Jr.?... America's false deity super evil
anti-Christ? The terrorist of terrorists?

The demon who marked evil on the map with an "Oh", for
Ohpression by slaying everyone as the innoncet and God

loving in Our names?

It isn't Our position as humanity, to grant bush free
criminal reign over our rights to judge plainly still
living. Americans do learn a great deal from Sitcoms
thank you very much, and God damn it, we can count too.
2 infinity with everything minumn, and too, where
indivisable Justice is of truly being Human to reason as
the Living Universe.

Oh, but no, here comes Our Mr. bush Jr. who publicly
only confesses as pure evil, nazi vermin, to want to
kill our party by actually, factually, robbing from,
then murdering everybody as his enemy illegally,
irrationally!, and alas, God is truly alone, for CNN, as
most others, have no cause to make on Our cult
mentality. We are all together as One God, despite
corporate news censorship ignoring our calls for
Justice, because, WE are living as agreed, whole
heartedly, to be worthy of fairness officially. As a
democractic political lobby of too, yourself dummy. God
hater nazi sharon really publicly supports the murder of
ourselves being, he states over and over again to rob
and murder from your family to be only a jewish thing.
The Universe, could be, something amazing at a real
world level of sustainability, as there is space to
consider so factually as Existence is believing!
Curently however, the corporate break up is not watching
US performing live as recorded, because they victimize
US always. War is the breakdown of communications, but,
bush, the unelected American cop killer, he isn't
listening to any questions not being stated absent your
appeals to be heard as silently victimized, because...
CNN doesn't want to embarres US maybe? All the robbing
and killing bush and sharon does continually then?,
mistakenly? Dead people don't say much for your world,
eh american niebour? Eh?




Wow! what a great riff!


A gem of a Johnny..

A Repeat Broadcast

It is God's fault, that is of yourself also, that we,
leaderlessly, allow bush to further escape rightful
public trial then life term imprisonment. This world
could be so magnificent, if that demon bushmob wasn't
criminally getting sacrificed so many dying leaderless
American People left undefended.


You, yes, You,, If you would help yourself to try
questing to preserve freedom as your being stolen peace
of pie, you'd be practically sky writing across the
world. Can't sell it, can't buy it, but Being alive is
what living is all about. Take it from me partner.
God's practically wiped out, and the world is falling
apart because of George W. Bush's treasonous war action
against all of US as the forsaken, Humanity, (Jesus You
are.) but, I still see a glimmer of hope. A real
possibility that you'll be getting on to spend some
quality time doing what we all should be doing,
demanding real justice for (Johnn err...) freedom's
bounty. Sure, I'm broke, near homeless, hungry, and
left forsaken by all you little Jesuses too, but golly,
I'm still holding out the dream that you gained
something from your boo-da catholic Jewish Muslim Moslem
Atheist upbringings. Why must we allow rumsfeld to
escape accountability for blindly attacking Iraq to kill
US as the innocent? The demon antiChrist Iraqi conflict
has no basis for just cause. It can never be what it is
not. We had complete unrestricted access, to do
anything bush pleased, prior to sacrificing a single
person for Halliburton and Worldcom, disappearing
billions as the American tax payer, robbing the central
bank, stealing the nation's public resources including
humanitarian aid, dropping cluster duds on American
soldiers along with tons of toxic waste corporately
mandated as completely safe to eat by the poundful. No
joking. Murdering thousands. Demon bush is really evil
to US all man. It gives me as Creator a bad name the
great Johnster can't disguise as only one big dreaming
little g. I consider the conduct of George W. Bush an
insult to my intelligence, and, I don't like it, nor
wish bush's criminal folly to continue stealing the
lives of good people treated unjustly in anyone's name.
Let the US destroy George W. Bush instead of ourselves
as countless my friend, and be thanked in love as a
person who cared for all that is good about America.
Live god damn you People, live!

Johnny Wizard,
Again as the stupid one,


A Better Way
Like the bushmob
partner's theft of billions through Enron, of which in
Congressional hearings, nobody wanted to know the
pension money is still sitting in the Cayman Islands,
ready to be returned to the helpless victims, like an
American soldier's family being deemed by Congress, as
unimportant to their standard of living. No care right
nazi soldier? Just murder innocent third worlders to
tell your mother how much you care so for her? While
the war criminals, working for Dutch shell, heroin
dealers, and the monsters from Iran-contra, rumsfeld and
tommy, the nazi fucks, search the third world for people
who speak outrage against corporate America funding our
deaths by murder through censorship. While I sit here
writing as Johnny, waiting for a corporate professional
to deem me worth topicing on as unstoppable sweet
goodness. Look, read of our no counter opinion critics
in google 'groups', who publicly call themselves morons
or traitors willingly. Spooky dumb I'll tell ya.
We are all the Palestinians being counted
without value by corporate dictates ignoring the human


Johnny Wizard Reveals
Bush did 9/11

A war plan to kill the people of Afghanistan for Enron's power
plant in India was on the White House desk on the ninth of September.
A plan to blame bin Laden for a crime without providing any evidence.
Then 9/11. None of the ample evidence implicated Laden, like none of
the suspects were from Afghanistan, so why not seek the true
culprits responsible? FBI officers have claimed publicly that
warrant requests were sabotaged by someone at headquarters just prior
to 9/11. The CIA has publicly claimed stock options were played on
the loss of the two airline companies as insider trading. FBI
officers claim Mr. Atta received $100,000 in terrorist funding by
General Amed, who was meeting with the Bush administration a week
prior and after 9/11. Then rumsfeld and bush stood against our
humanity without reason to steal our lives, playing out an evil never
before shown to sway their capture as traitors to the American dream.
I demand my voice be heard through our corporate news services, to
accept any debate from those who fight to keep us ignorant on our
ability to freely communicate.

(from Google groups tab, us.military.army)
And this one is a shortened version, three paragraphs with Jeff, on
How can one argue against what is documented as proven fact?
Do fascists fear intelligence?
Again, we witness no counter argument for bush and rumsfeld's treason
against all the American people. They both have struggled diliberately
to hide the culprits responsible for 9/11, blamed a nation of millions
without evidence to murder for Enron, have attacked the American
Constitution, stolen billions from cowardly Americans silenced by the
corporate agenda through frauds blatant...

And, they both need to immediately be tried for war crimes, or taken
out by loyal American Patriots who will stand up for freedom to be

"Peace Now" < ***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news: ***@posting.google.com



/ / "The fear is necessary for two reasons. And the
principle reason has nothing to do with Iraq. it has to do
with the government itself. The bush government is criminal.
[...] The problem is: how do you keep people from paying
attention to this? You keep them focused on an external enemy.
[..] so they forment this fascistic hatred of a definable group
of people. So, the war on terrorism so called, is not much a
way for the United States to protect itself against it's enemy,
it is a way for it to create enemies, to justify the kind of
repressive measures that would otherwise be intolerable in
peace time." \ \


Me, Art Bell, and 9-11

From the Johnny essay, "Justice for God"
/ / The rabbi, Dov Lior, said a "thousand non-Jewish
lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail". \ \

So, decieved American taxed payers give him a big fat
welfare payment to tell US that robbed as cheated GODLY
Christians don't deserve fair treatment? What would
Hillel say? Buddah? Or Christ? Well, the Torra of
Moses speaks of God himself! coming down here and
explaining the best way to destroy the evil likes of an
anti-Jew enemy of G-d's love, Dov Lior, however, I'm
really hoping, you'll figure out how to stand up for
yourself as just as soon, a Christian, Muslim, Jew or
Atheist, whom the label pirate Dov Lior beleives so
little of, and demand some equal time to demand Justice
for God, as would be Justice for any, to therefor,
include US all as truly worthy.

God bless America by killing un-arrested George W. Bush


/ / All for our ability to communicate freely

There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is... \ \

Liberty and Justice for All

We need a national call on our national airwaves to have
General Ahmad arrested for being an accessory to the
crimes of mass murder on 9/11.

George W. Bush, Condi, and Rumsfeld, need to be
immediately arrested or executed for near escaping the
crime scenes of 9/11. Warnings came, they, (during
bush's vacation), "TOP SECRETLY" tweaked a, ready to go
planned world war strategy that would start off in
Afghanistan, premised, on not following the crime scene
leads of terrorist offenses that had yet to materialize,
while closing judicial investigations through the lead
up, the follow through, now... they're cooked. The
bushmob didn't want to get arrested those, who in his
name would soon, murder thousands of Americans in New
York City, for that event was saved to put into action
his "top secret" planned invasion. A world war plan
kept secret from those in American government until the
dated documents showed up at MSNBC. Confessed without
choice to MSNBC as "fully implemented" by the White
House, the bushite war crimes plan went underway almost
without hitch. By offering no rational reason that
factually establishes bin Laden's guilt, would GUARANTEE
the invasion of Afghanistan. Again, a planned false
allegation for a terrorist crime that had yet to be
committed. But See?, for, without evidence bush's
america would not be following the crimes scene leads
from the actual real murder scene, and the real culprits
are left to continue un-abated as the un-arrested
enemies of The People in God's trust.

The last thing the demon liar bush secretly wanted, was
to have halted Laden with evidence for the countless
crimes he's left his fingerprints at. For in this
history, we remember, the Taliban ended surrendering
Laden freely without any further answers. BUSH k-n-e-w
BEFORE HAND, if he were to offer any shred of evidence
to the World implicating Laden, the Taliban would
fundamentally fight for Allah like they were going to do
freely under Clinton, and rightly send the suspect away
for trial and sentencing on the commission of crimes
against God in America. But, hell, offering Laden up to
the world stage for a crime he wasn't committed to,
would sure ruin evil bush's war against our freedoms as
justice in this world. For, after following the
evidence, George W. Bush and his partners in crime
would now be behind bars for treason, or publicly
executed after a fair public trial regarding the facts
as they stand uncontended. MSNBC reported that bush had
actually signed the top secret Presidential plans in
their possession to rob and kill God's Great America.
For Bush, Rumsfeld, and Condi, garnered no insight from
"out of the loop" Richard Clarke on the subject of
Laden's terrorist behavior, (last minute not
withstanding) nor conversed the details on waging world
wars on intelligence with Tenet. Nor even,
surprisingly, talked with Armitage.


/ / We can assume, that Armitage received the same
warning reports about an attack as many other persons
did: George Tenet (CIA), Richard Clarke (CSG), Thomas
Pickard (FBI), Dale Watson (FBIHQ) or Henry H. Shelton
(DOD). \ \

Hammurabi tells History to wake up and kill the ungodly
false accuser, George W. Bush for the highest crime of
treason against our entire Universe, and I too, have to
admit, it's a pretty damn good idea to protect ourselves
from needless sacrifice, but for to make the bushmob
even more wealthier than they are as corporate
successes. Killing bush to save the countless innocent
lives of those the bushite liars confess publicly to
target, would be a gift to God un-paralleled in
gratitude for the love of life in which we all truly
share. Think this God asks: What real man of any
nationality, or religion, wouldn't kill a cowardly
bushite who wars defenseless innocent children with
cluster bombs and depleted uranium?, all so the bushmob
can further get away from stealing from their very own
grand parents they leave back home as cowards



Nick Berg was murdered in a large building with yellow
walls and a cement floor, by overweight white bigots who
of none, don't know the first thing about wearing a
turban, nor, the wise teachings of the Koran. We need
to do an investigation to conclude how many buildings in
Iraq fit those same sized projections witnessed in the
film that match up like Abu Ghraib does, before the evil
bushites go ahead and try destroying the 'sound'
evidence like only the super dummies would, to
ultimately win our favor. George, Son of Mankind here,
look, maybe if you'd just confess to making some bad
judgement calls in our names to devalue the human
species for plunder, while pleading mercy on this Court,
we'll let you live in purgatory for a few thousands



/ / Michigan's Senator Carl Levin asked the CIA
director: "Did the CIA agree with the contents of the
Feith document?" "Senator, we did not clear the
document. We did not agree with the way the data was
characterized in that document." \ \

Wow! The American CIA wasn't buying the bushite lies to
sacrifice the American Gi so to rob further from the
innocent censored either. All told, the death/cost
ratio really sucks for all concerned. Therefor, why
don't all nations of Earth call a temporary truce,
acknowledge our misgivings about each other, but then
openly realize, all people, good and bad, like the
forests and the sky lines, hate the evil war mongering
demon anti-Christ, George Walker Bush more than anything

The bushites, as thoughtless degenerates, are warring
our humanity's great achievements in universal law,
pretending like, we're not even present as interested
party. Great achievements like freedom through
representation, or demanding evidence to establish
someone's guilt, have been around since the dawn of
civilization; however, today, we instead under the
supreme command of the lawless evil bushite, are
willingly ignoring the actual criminals attempting
escape from the murder scene of 9/11, to greater parts
unknown without ourselves left still falling murdered
from Your inaction. By bush and cheney order, unfinished
criminal investigations were halted regarding the murder
of thousands in America.

Through fear of the awesome intelligence enshrined
within the Declaration of Independence, or the awestruck
genius in the simple blurb, "A Freeman shall not be
imprisoned", our demand as the civilized, is deemed not
relevant or profitable to corporate news America. What
does it profit an American to stand up for a stranger,
the neighbors, a distant cousin, or even sworn blood
brother? To know rotten Rumsfeld is feeding American
troops plutonium, while telling next of kin families
it's harmlessly done for a few thou', is like the dummy
rummy cluster dud killing today, yet another American
soldier paid through by collateral, so, don't worry, go
to sleep, nothings happening here but the death of

/ / Bush, immersed in his own world of plummeting poll
numbers, said, "Would the terrorists who beheaded an
American on camera just be quiet, peaceful citizens if
America had not liberated Iraq?" \ \

Who wouldn't kill the thieving evil bushite to save the
lives of the innocent they victimize for stolen profit I
ask everyone to think for yourself?

Look, I'm a pranking wordsmith of fiction sometimes, but
trust me when I tell you, this life death karma
business?, is truly a serious endeavor bush is taking
you for as innocent sacrifice. Willingly murdering good
People for the evil bushites to profit off, is a
sickness we must remedy, like, now. Every moment that
unjust demon celebrates his contempt for the American
Constitution, is another insult to all the soldiers whom
have died giving their lives in honor for freedom from
the tyranny a bushite professes proudly as the enemy,
America's enemy, Humanity's enemy, and God's duty as
ourselves to bring a more timely demise.

I am, King and lord of Creation.

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Can you e-mail this to an American talk radio
program, and witness first hand for Yourself, how far
some will rightly go in disguising their continuing
dishonor of all American soldiers; and in so, of all
which the great American nation was truly founded upon.
Liberty and Justice for All. Especially, you. Oh yeah,
and, could you find it in your heart to support my rise
to world acclaim, as a down and out dreamer, looking for
an easy break into the big time? Imagine: me, the guy
nobody has ever heard of before, knowing everybody!



/ / Do you have a Citibank account? How about a JP
Morgan Chase credit card? Who do you think were the
banks that moved the $3.3 trillion "missing" from the
treasury? Who escaped serious accountability on pump
and dump stock market fraud and gold market
manipulation? Do you subscribe to the New York Times or
the Wall Street Journal? Who do you think are the media
organizations that have failed to ask or try to answer
the UnAnswered Questions of 9-11? Why are you "voting"
for these companies with your money and your attention?
Why are you sending them the signal that despite their
abrogation of their obligations to you and your family,
you will continue to support them with your hard earned
resources? If some of your neighbors are earning 2% on
their bank certificates of deposits, while other
neighbors are paying 18% or more to the IRS or
multinational financial companies, why do we not realize
that this is both a political and profit making
opportunity to cut out a parasitic financial middleman? \ \

I'm with you buddy!!!


/ / ``By their fruits you will recognize them. Do people
pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad
tree bears bad fruit.''-- Matthew 7:16-17 (NIV)

I don't see any ``good fruits'' in George W. Bush's
first term as President. I don't even see the
much-touted ``growth'' that Bush supposedly underwent
after 9/11. All I see is a cruel person who has
progressed from blowing up frogs to blowing up people. \ \


/ / As villager Mohammed stated, "While still in the
village, men were gathered together and beaten severely.
A 70-year-old man suffocated and died when they put a
black plastic hood on him." Of those detained, there
were three boys (ages 14, 15 and 16), 10 school
teachers, three human rights lawyers and 67 farmers, 14
of whom were 60 to 80 years old. All of the men were
taken to Abu Ghraib. \ \


/ / Sutton reported, ``Plans were already afoot for the
Americans to disengage from the city. But before their
exit strategy became public the Americans launched one
final blitz on the besieged town. As the world watched
live on television it was, American generals admit, the
most intense aerial bombardment of Iraq since major
combat ended a year ago.'' What did any of them ever do
to us? There's a word for needless killing: it's
murder, and that's what Bush plunged us into. \ \



/ / Let's be clear about what this means: Gonzales was urging--and the
President adopted as
policy--an end run around federal laws. The War Crimes Act, passed by
Congress in 1996, allows
criminal prosecution of Americans for actions that violate the rights
granted prisoners and
civilians by the Geneva Conventions and for "outrages upon personal
dignity." It is backed by the
full range of federal penalties, up to and including the death
And all treaties, including the
Geneva Conventions and the Torture Convention, are likewise the
law of the land. \ \


I Need Funding

/ / The report, dated May 5, said interrogators from a
National Guard unit attached to the 3rd Infantry
Division had "forced into asphyxiation numerous
detainees in an attempt to obtain information" during
one 10-week period last year, the newspaper said. \ \

Nazi bushite enemies ruled under the traitor to America,
lawless war criminal buford "bush bitch" blount.
America has got to double up the effort to preserve your
rights denied under the tyranny of the evil anti-Christ,
corporate america's George W. Bush, if they want to
survive truly as "The People". Freedom without Justice
is like living without being. Demon bush demands by
threat, that evidence no longer be a requirement to
convince us who is evil, or a criminal, and I, John, am
calling his number up. Reality as a property, is of
which to all we share equally. Substantiated
understanding through rational conclusion, formed by our
evidentiary findings, is all we got to go on when
deciding, whom shall be murdered for the crimes of 9/11.
Mr. bush and cheney, they don't want those whom were
accomplices, found out by AMERICAN JUSTICE, and gee,
...I wonder why that might be.. (They both as reported
[MSNBC], urgently struggled to close FBI and CIA
investigations into the matter of thousands [AFFLUENT]
American mass murder victims). If we like the idea of
"Freedom", then we're going for sure need to find those
responsible for transgressing our boundaries quantified
through law conducted so as measured. Top Priority:
Mass Murder. Only barbaric savages, as enemies of
mankind war the Humanity of which is ourselves. The
bushite soldier is ordered to murder indiscriminately
ourselves as innocent victims, and instead of manly
killing their evil bushite commandeer(s), they weakly
target the innocent by cluster bombs, killing their own
brothers and sisters too they praise, completely without
reason as is their unrecognized self betrayal to
America. That they naturally can't see, because they
have no human character. "Growing up" in some southern
bastion of make believe hell, that votes yet again they
claim, to further dismantle the public works system; for
reading is all for the stupid people. The Constitution?
Declaration of Independence? comic books? All trash a
bush supporter once told me of everything under the sun
in public Usenet discussions, or the entire Internet for
that matter. One out a seven in America is a functional
illiterate, which is just about bush's entire
constabulary, that if knew better, would be the first
ones to vote for impeachment, trial, then,..dream on.
The bushite is led as enemies of America, against the
Constitution once held rightly dear. Held dear to the
American soldier of old, not like the thieving sadistic
coward and bushite betrayer of today, absent the Army
Code, or as in present throughout, the Marine's Handbook
on Leadership. Today, American Chivalry is blindly led
through Donald "how dare they ask for evidence to
substantiate my allegations for killing whomever"
Rumsfeld, Kimmit, and the never forgotten bomb wherever
killer of women and children, Sir Franks. A performing
"Knight" [not real] he proclaims publicly to all,
including the wise wealthy spindlers of "magic" some
said, but were the art at living to bring Justice for
the innocent as victimized. The victimized impoverished
from a savage land chained by the tyranny of fools,
through the veils of a.... George W. Bush!! Evil
incarnate! The most despicable excuse for humans
suffering ever surmised by real understanding.

Wow! Why don't you just take a bow for US already!


/ / Add it all up, and the bill comes to nearly $4,000
per household, not including interest. "I wonder how
people would react if they got a bill from Washington
for that amount," he said. \ \

A bill based on murdering US innocent folks, so the
bushmob's bushite slaves, as traitors to America, can
steal even further from our distant Iraqi brothers and
sisters left destitute by our forsaken name. Demon bush
has no rights to any stolen assets, none whatsoever.

Enemies of Humanity shall lose to themselves by us
winning for just ordered chaos. The intelligence of
believing to surmiss, by golly good god we exist as
truly a miracle. Wow!, we could be simply something
fantastic if we had the will to make life something
greater for everyone included. Doing God a favor. What
pleasure could be greater giving back what you so most
treasure? Think of me doing this as King for investment
on continuing towards a better fortune. I don't ask for
your faith as bush demands you for himself, but ask you
to only find faith in youself as an equal unto Heaven,
and try to form your conclusions by not concluding so
much without any understanding at all. Sugestion:
don't be so suggestable., and think about supporting the
re-start of the American 9/11 police investigations by
firstly, arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately, for
the evilest of high treasons in America., America, the
native home land of a freedom plan never lost to the
tide of political indifference through tech-know
corporate media bias. The driving will for me to
succeed towards a better future, is the freedom as being
committed to Justice indivisable. Ultimately, Justice
for You, means Justice for me, even if you don't
understand as much.

Johnny Wizard



/ / These are only some of the reasons bush must be
convicted for murdering innocent people, or executed by
a real American soldier, dedicated to freedom, Liberty,
and Justice indivisible, for all as US equals. \ \



/ / 5) Was there a coordinated effort with the U.S. intelligence
community and/or British officials to "fix" the intelligence and facts
around the policy as the leaked document states? \ \

Forbidden Knowledge



The most powerful broadcast ever recorded in the history of Humanity.

2006-02-02 09:14:38 UTC
Awesome Man
2009-07-18 03:49:41 UTC
Afghanistan After Democracy

Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs story (pt1 of 2)

"Paulson Threatened Great Depression, Food Riots To Get Bailout Bill

THE CRIME OF EXTORTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why? the banksters DO NOT cover OUR loans.


Don't miss this!


Video: Young Cosmopolitan [AMERICAN WELFARE] Israelis
Share Their Shocking [UNGODLY] Racist Views [as Satanic]


They are as evil as they are retarded. Dumb I
mean. Evil is dumb always. Just like Ted Nugent.
What is the crimes of God that they profess a
blind hatred for billions of innocent Human
Beings? the LORD in the Holy Book calls the
Zionist pirates of the Jewish faith, "Satanic".
And guess what? they are! Oprah covered it even.
Godless evil nazi sons-of-bitches who steal
innocent peoples homes while warring Humanity
for more death and suffering in God's stolen
names. Mortal sworn enemies of the Jew. The
Real Jew.


Chemotherapy and Radiation Do Not Work

/ / research from the late Dr. Hardin B. Jones, Ph.D,
and Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology
at the University of California, Berkeley. [...]
Specifically, Dr. Jones found that the life expectancy
of those who didn't use conventional treatments [for
cancer] was about four times longer. [!!!] \ \

Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno”

/ / Dean of Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, took
samples of the a WHO oral polio vaccine to India for
analysis. Evidence of serious vaccine contamination
was found \ \


This is a critically important LIFE AND DEATH
issue that needs to be resolved through Justice
now. George Noory must be demanded by every
living soldier, an open communications
policy of ours to bring Justice where our
lives are respected. FoxNews, CNN, and
CBC included. Blaming anyone else
but those we can establish as guilty,
are greatly often, NWOer bigots and
racists who's minds con not compete under
open channels. Alex Jones' "Ponytail Liberals",
or as Ron Paul, being 'just too busy to look into
the crimes of 911', or; that Canada pays half
as much as Americans do per capita for
universal health care, we get full coverage,
while the blinded Ron Paul culters are expected
to go about and make you buy some insurance then.
Where did the 'following the money' rules go to
in the biggest nation of disfunctional illiterates?
Alex Jones is genuinely, an idiot often hiding
from humbling himself. Open public debate would
make US all the better for it, by not being such
a fraidie cat to admit we have some thing to
learn. Facing our weaknessess is the first step
to becoming something greater than an innocent
victim left forsaken. Censorship is the tool
of tyrants. Support the arrest of those
who did America wrong on 911 with mass
murder. Or don't... and what?

Amazing News on Fox - 9/11 was an inside job told to troops


Bushites Bomb own Base

/ / Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive footage that
appears to show US forces bombing one of their own
outposts. Three US soldiers are alleged to have
died in the attack \ \

Amazingly dumb an evil repuglicon scum.. perump pum.

Soldiers say received orders to shoot first, worry later maybe

Die bushite die.

It's hard not to laugh through the pain brought
here by 'lawless' bushite nazi grunting savages


/ / American officials said Mr. Bush was not required
to approve the mission before the attack, nor was he
specifically consulted \ \ Or was Congress, or the
Military.. Just Cheney.. the 911 traitor..

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson "What I suspect has happened
is what began to happen while I was still in the
government, and that was we’re killing the wrong people,”

so... That would therefor be illegal as the crimes of
first degree murder perpetrated directly to assist in
the escape of those truly guilty of 911. Example: Barbra
Bodine "did" the Cole bombing - and - Bush and Cheney
worked immediately after 911 to close all out-standing
police investigations. Puppets? maybe, but Traitors
never the less hiding in a nation of dying instead
cowards who like to blame anyone but, the guilty
parties. The innocent themselves. See? Take it from
Hammurabi, false capital accusers really suck man..

List of Iraqi Academics Assassinated in Iraq during the US-led

Remember: All government workers of Iraq were initially
targeted by Bremer. Cheney's buddy. Bremer made it that
all Iraqi laws were defunct, and with bushites unjustly
thieverying, every person found under the label of "Bathist"
was going to suffer there for persecution by the lawlessly
demonic ungodly enemy forces of the evil antichrist, Our Mr.
Bush Jr.. "Bathists" in Iraq equaled every man woman or child
that worked in any respect for serving the Public's interest.
Bushite grunters "OFFICIALLY" targeted "Bathist" street
sweepers, "Bathist" garbage men, along with the "Bathist"
PhDs, "Bathist" Doctors, and "Bathist" Police officers.
Example: Israeli NAZIS admit to targeting those Christian
school kids for mass murder, they admit, to targeting,
innocent christian children for mass murder. To targeting
for murder, more than 239 police officers in Gaza guilty
of nothing, but trying to defend our communities from
bushite rapists. Police Officers murdered for a "war"
that Israeli NAZIS broke their word to by ending the
truce to start the indiscriminate carnage off for
more Stolen cash profit. Profits paid out by the
dying to be suckered again, the made unawares,
American Public.

Remember also, Bremer 'walked away' with 19 billion
dollars for his part. Hollywood should be up in arms!!

/ / No judicial evidence, no hearing, no charges are required for
these killings; no law, no border, no oversight restrains them. Bush
has also given agents in the field carte blanche to designate
"enemies" on their own initiative and kill them as they see fit. \ \

South African Death Squad goons from Aegis decide
wether an innocent American shall live or die, where instead,
every able bodied man and woman, needs to hunt every last
'lawless' demon bushite fukker down for public trial as death
sentenced to defend their next targeted innocent murder

More on Traitor Peenacker Cheney and Co.

“More likely, it was a plan to spy on some suspicious
American citizens or organizations, without telling the FBI.”

People that couldn't actually be arrested for something
because these were innocent Americans, doing something
Dick 'top secret' Cheney doesn't want AMERICA to ever
learn about? Like with Enron? Or how in God's name,
Justice is coming about to defend the freedom that is
ourselves truly speaking maybe?

The head of GCN has a son warring God to rape American
women as lawless enemy in Iraq for the Neocon - again
NEVER mentioned as something worth fighting against for
Freedom in America - soldiers are suppose to REFUSE
criminal orders - but not when Alex is at the mike.

Alex Jones, "Liberals don't like Bush."for
mass murdering Humanity as never elected
demon enemy of God he means?

He tries to divide the freedom movement
away from Justice for ourselves.


9/11 Justice

Laden is innocent of setting the Thermate in the towers,
and George Noory the cheat, our enemy, the censor, is a
demon lying traitor, who on purpose, tries to mislead
EVERY listener with his betrayal to the cause of any
soldier who has ever served for a cause worth mentioning.
As dying for. So many people have been murdered and the
demon can only express his happiness for our continuing
downfalls left undefended by freedom practiced. Look out!
here comes Bigfoot for the 52,000th time. Who is it this
"American" who claims George Noory the traitor is anything
else but? SEE? I want open dialog, Alex, the repug coward,
the bigot, wants the tyranny of censorship to escape Bush
and the Neocons for the provable crimes of 911 in New York
City where thousands of Americans were murdered. MURDERED.
Bush closed investigations. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU CAN'T
FIGURE HERE? Demand open communications above the NWOer
shills of GCN rolling in millions donated by the dying,
who bark against REAL Patriots, 'Bush and Cheney are just
puppets' for directly being criminally complicit for mass
murder in MY America. Who am I to speak such truths? The
one and only, King Johnny.

Traitor Cheney is secretly murdering folks he couldn't
have publicly arrested! : and Congress tells US they
doesn't want to let US know about it... Now, why do
you suppose that is so? questioned the wiser than
average Creator of this Universe? Who's the evil
doer here? Cheney for halting police investigations,
or innocent Joe Blow from when freedom was defended.
And where tyrants were publicly charged, publicly tried,
and made to rot in a cell for the rest of their natural
born days, in our love for their continuing murder
victims that were of American. Now, hijacked by the
peenacker TV thought controllers: that instigating a war
for no good reason for, but to torture, rape, and mass
murder as thieves to our Humanity, is more than in
discord with the founding fathers, it is a crime. Mass
murder where there was/is no reason as for. Why bomb
public infrastructure, including an easy hundred
thousand or so innocent souls with tens of thousands
of bombs during the day of, "Shock and Awe", when we
could go anywhere we wished without delay? with Saddam's
Murder in America. Thieving trillions. War crimes. Dying
America. Cheney. Bush is Evil. War Crimes.

Johnny the Man for NEW!, Coast to Coast, Radio Host.
Vote early and Vote Often!!


Vince Cannistraro, former CIA Counterterrorism Chief,
"there would have been no need for a secret CIA
program that received special legal authorization"

from wrh:

/ / The claim that Dick Cheney's assassination
squad targeted Al Qaeda appears to be a cover,
most likely for the assassination squad targeting
people closer to home, like Dr. Kelly and Paul
Wellstone. \ \

“But financial meltdowns don’t offer villains, for
the simple reason that no one person or even one
group is powerful enough to take down a whole
system.” of the lawless LIAR bushmob mentalities
of criminality conning for their 'escape' from
our Humanity is they saying?

Don't Deny These Two Facts.

In October 2008 the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine
reported that vaccinating children against the ‘flu “had no
[preventive] impact” at all.

Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine

Students 1st in Line For [DEADLY] Flu Vaccine

These Politicians who state they speak as our
science communities to advocate such terrorist
actions, including censorship of a falsely
accused, need to be arrested for criminal
negligence attempting mass murder. For
Genocide. Nazis. Don't deny these two

Video: Swine Flu 1976 & Propaganda - The Victims Who Took The Shots
Back In 1976

Again, Ron Paul like near all Libertarians, does not
acknowledge the wanting of Justice for the high crimes
of Banker fraud, Iraq, or 911! He took the "Truther"
money, but refused to support the arrest of Bush for
treasons times 50. Social Security he wants to gut
like Health Care as a sadist who knows near nothing
on how such systems currently operate. Again, he
does not speak of recouping the STOLEN 1000s of
billions from America, or the lives. STOLEN. What
is it that you can't figure here? Fuk ego, FACTS.
We are all effected by suggestion, this is why,
since the dawn of time, evidence has been the
prerequisite to convince ourselves of anything.
Alex's cartoon storyboard, is truly, as measured,
Alex masturbating with our precious times. Think:
Alex doesn't ask Americans why they don't support
the arrest of Bush for high treason because a world
where all are treated equitably is beyond his
understanding as a bigot. He could change, but he
is 'light years ahead of the Public'.. but of what?
All you need do, is every time Alex says "they",
ask yourself, WHO? - then know: the bartender at
"Bilderberg", isn't as FOR SURE guilty of crimes as
Condi from "Builderberg" is. The 911 plan came from
her very desk according to MSNBC, never mentioned by
Alex Jones. Why? You have to be near genius like
me to explain it COMPLETELY without even seeing it.
NOT MAGIC, more like meditation through understanding
our universe is ruled by good ideas. Alex is a man,
a Good man mostly, with some fears countered with
an irrational aggression (not thought through) that
found him blindly supporting the murder of two
innocent men. Not freedom. while I, am of God. An
actual god. The Son of Man as a matter of fact.
I want to tell you how great Life could be, but i
see so very little of words present to survive the
lawless corporate state. I AGAIN, will ask YOU to
forward this post to two People, but will YOU??
Torture is outlawed by warranting Death under Reagan,
and.. it's like the best way to resolve a FoxNews
'excuse' given to illiterate nazi grunts to abuse
ourselves as innocent others. Tell me I'm wrong.
. . KBR rapes American women, or murders them,
and needs to be hunted down by All American military
forces for it, as trialled to death. Including all
commanders of the Air Forces responsible for bombing
our families without causes. And lastly, any that
discourage our grunts from not supporting the arrests
of those that actually did US wrong. Get to it.

“Obama has the right to lock any US citizen
up forever without trial”

Not right, for that would be the popular bushite
crime of kidnapping. True, the Alex Joneser=NWOers
might back off here where they usually as cowardly
do, in lacking the skills to truly empowering
The People with Justice as our sides, but Alex
Jones, the bigot, the chauvinist, is not America
as we see it, we am America. And I am here to
state without equivocation. George Noory sucks
severely to con American teens for death to
escape the Peenacker Neocons - those who are
truly guilty for escaping the treasonous crimes
of 911. Still happy about alll this senseless
suffering for Neocon's profitable savagery?
Don't play dumb with US cowards. This way comes
a calling of Justice, from up upon a cross of
onced left undefended, political illiterates
dictating a lawless as lost Humanity. Freedom
is Ours for the giving. No evidence? Person
innocent. Don't like that? fuk you too then
by yourself alone. Simple. The dumfuks are what
we gotta war with words to expose as lying
demon evil hypnocrites, who believe not in
the law, as the words freedom to be so,
nor as near in, the G Man as President King,
Johnny being a good thing really to get
beside. Ruler of an equal claim as a right
to speak Justice fairly for myself, because
Life knows this period of enlightenment
through Supreme Knowledge, as truly miraculous
for some, as just all by ourselves is the whole
question answered by a calling timeless as
possibly incredibly wonderful for you too.
Life's entirety is to be Just as fair preserving,
free will as diversity, and today, Our world
is being treated very unfairly. So, I'm
playing an actual god guy sent in to explain
anything and everything with facts, unlike
a bullshitting know squat Repugger or Demo-
Crate, as an Artist's, last ditched pleading
effort to bring back a public consciousness. Not by
blind faith, but scientific understandings
to achieve a paradise lost by freedom's won.
Justice for 911.

The Arts - An Inside Job


America Should Do Thee Same

/ / I treat YOU fairly. America should do the same. We
are all in this together. Zionists like robbing then killing
defenseless innocent Christians, and Jews, while just lying
that they don't without scened factual TV perception. Demon
911 WITCH, zionist Condi 'okayed' the dropping of more than
SEVEN MILLION land-mines on Lebanon, purposefully done to
indiscriminately murder ourselves for generations. Jason
might foolishly call you an "anti-Semite" in fear for speaking
such not understood truths. And importantly, not because they
can publicly disagree so in open debate, so sides to not allow
US to rise in acknowledgment to bring about Justice as
demanded, for ALL as ANY. (Gee, who's the neocon now eh?
(we're all sinners.))

If Americans really want 911 Justice:

Help US out by putting the video of molten iron flowing like
water out there in the minds of any who have doubts, tell them
hypno mugger Bush, gave US zero to substantiate his public
falsehoods, and tell US about Ahmad as more than a passing
fact that means little of nothing, then, WE, The People, will
believe this has more to do with Justice for Humanity, than
the American suffering movie goer ego being, "leading the free
world", by voicing no public concerns on the criminality of
the bushmob shysters. Left happying in the George Norry, as a
TRAITOR to a dying America not hearing. An enemy of Liberty
to the, tried to be free soldier, who is led TO DIE still
un-wittingly by lie for the misfortuned neocon bounty of
global tyranny through coast to coast story lining. Look, the
peenackers will tell you freakishly, that they work to lie to
us all, to take advantage of a plain to view weakness. I
swear. The neocon wants to con your kid to die for a war lied
into with as our stolen goods. We lose as crime victims,
while they win free accountability because, (well... I'll
just let you finish that one liner sucker punch..)


Jason Bermas "I just want to point out that we're going to
encourage the people to look at the evidence for themselves."

\ \


Just how stupid is a Libertarian anyway?

"For [Ron] Paul, ideology almost always trumps politics."

Why is it that a Libertarian/Nazi blind ideologue
hates US for speaking facts they don't get anywhere
near measuring close to? Example: Top Cop Elizabeth
Warren has already AUDITED THE FED. Fuk, Libertarians
are as dumb as Alex Jones is.



/ / So here we have proof of clear presidential
criminality as blatant as can be imagined: knowing
his own DOJ believed these surveillance activities
were criminal, Bush ordered them to continue anyway \ \

From Johnny Wizard's "God's Great America"


/ / A form of self deception that looks an
awful lot like Satan's work. Figuring, the demon
antichrist, George W. Bush will offer no evidence
whatsoever AS PLANNED, then surely, the Taliban will
stand up corporately censored in support of real freedom
everywhere, and suggest America's America, private bank
debtor's America, the forgotten America, should instead,
track the actual criminals by following the ample crime
scene leads at the real murder scene; all so to nab the
true criminals. The Nature of good and evil, is
unbelievably super simple. \ \

Strangely True

David Brooks: "They’re guaranteed to invade your personal
space, touch you. I sat next to a Republican senator once
at dinner and he had his hand on my inner thigh the whole
time. I was like, ehh, get me out of here."

Be Good to Yourself

/ / The GAO reached the estimate of 190,000 missing
arms - 110,000 AK-47s and 80,000 pistols - by
comparing the property records of the MNSTC-I against
records US General David Petraeus maintained \ \

Understand this: Saudi commander Buford Blount, gave
out 170 tons of explosives for looting, all so they
could, shoot us up in Baghdad. A Saudi commands the
Third Infantry as traitors to the cause of Freedom.
Cowardly dying Americans are so due to self contempt.

Re: Who Owes Who Dummy? When the Treasury lends money to the Federal
Reserve, that money is created in the names of America's citizenry,
not taken out of the pockets of Greenspan's trillionaire buds

Wow! Who's that guy!!

Lawmaker won't deny CIA program was 'Cheney assassin ring'

The crimes of first degree murders. Was Tillman
a Cheney target?, and if not, who then was not
arrested, but murdered as Patriot to further
'escape' the peenacker traitors for the crimes
of 911 in New York City? A place where thousands
were forsaken in furthering ourselves sacrificed
for 'lawless' cash profiteerings? The Peenackers
need to be arrested for public trial, along with
the rest of the bushmob figures, on the grounds
that murdering innocent Americans to rob from
ourselves is a bad thing to do. A military
objective the soldiers out here might have a
bone or two to pick with them, if they had the
cognitive skills of a fifth grader; it just
isn't something we all could ever get behind
to die for actually when Christ, it's said like
that; if! a General in the American Military
had the honor in working for the defense of
saving soldier's lives as Freedom's Bling. No,
instead, officially in personal cowardly
weakness as enemy nazi fascists, they have near
all refused to speak so. Not men. Pride for
something more important that what one could
steal from Humanity as a godless zionist, is
my regiment military training background. Like,
the rights born through the good ol', red white
and blue.. (I'm just saying that Bill of Rights
was once a glorious thing back in the day is all..)

“I do believe that guy participated in a
falsified homicide investigation,” Pat Tillman Sr. said.

Or, will they escape stealing away all our
values of Justice forever? is absurd spoke
the good guys with the answers to everything
we knows about, to know we know enough as
understood already; a free man shall not be
imprisoned in our names. and.. we will need
some sort of evidence to convince ourselves
of anything. This blind faith business is
Historically, a failing war crime strategy, where
we are denied our due equal respect for the
lives these "CIA" drones bomb indiscriminately
without evidence being even requested - should
enrage every single one of us as innocent
victims. True, the murders do gain the stolen
cash profits - however - that cost is what
American teen soldiers are expected to continue
paying out with their lives defending, as
blinded by the 'mysteries' of it all. Without
effective Just leadership to the bigger
picture of good vs. lawless bushite vermins.
Die bushite die. Bush and Cheney closed still
on-going police investigations immediately after
the crimes of 911 occurred. We am with the God
convoy, little jeezes for short, and we goofed
ourselves up somewhat... Like in Afghanistan
where the grunts war our God and Humanity to
sell heroin, to rape or starve women, falsely
arrest, torture, what ever.. instead of cleaning
the American ranks of 'hiding' as cia BUSHITE
enemies being self confessed, first degree
mass murderers who enjoy torturing mammals.
Check out Youtube's bushite bomber videos,
where they murder women and children at church
services, or randomly people down some street
for the pleasure they groan over in sexually
dysfunctional sadistic glee. , then know,
these lawless mercenary enemies of America
need to be driven out from the shadows, and
into our court rooms as war criminals in need
of a chair. A comfy chair. Then by being so,
the war of bombing and torturing our innocent
Humanity would be near ended, and the war of
open public debates would soar us beyond
anyone's understandings with Justice known
as understood by all ruling our whatever ways...
We are like a total phenom to everybody, so
now teen soldiers could come home as loved by
somebody else who cares about their evil
uselessness, and where we can go from here
with now evidence ruling our guilty verdicts.
I mean, once all the war crime trials, and the
monetary mix-ups are all behind us.. We have
allot of ground to cover - let us begin again.
Hi, my name is Johnny.

Law will let Afghan husbands starve wives



**PROOF**The Anti-Christ is not a person; it's THIS CULT !!!


Fascist News Beat Homeless Man

These demons send American teen sons and daughters
conned to die in Afghanistan, and Iraq, all to
escape the neocon peenackers truly responsible
for 911. These "cops" need to be hunted down for
the crimes of aggravated assault. The sadistic
assault is un-warranted, even IF! you believe
the evil corporate Zionist Nazi's, demon lies.
Of what is NOT PRESENT. Nazi Evil Americans can't
see what is before ourselves they spew in contempt
for the homeless. THE HOMELESS. These American
Nazis are not qualified to rule over our public
discussions, and deserve to be charged with
criminal negligence by forbidding the fact that
Bush and Cheney closed 911 investigations
immediately after the crimes of 911 occurred, like
of iron flowing from the towers prior to the
collapse caught on video. Investigations designed
since the dawn of time, to nab the actual bad
guys, the NWOers of America refuse to champion
as earning back what is stealing away from ourselves.
Equal rights under the law. The Taliban were the
true American Patriots to demand evidence to form
a conclusion, and all evil bushite grunters who
blindy disagree, should die instead, all to
defend their next targeted innocent murder victims
including false imprisonments with torture, raping,
or as indiscriminate bombing victims they commit
daily in your/my name. Innocent victims targeted by
the bushite grunting savages who's contempt for
American freedom is unprecedented in evil wickedness.
Die bushite die.

Cops Beat The Hell Out Of Handicapped Man, Try to Frame Him- Busted By

To be present with a gun, then shooting
the bushite dead, would win the trigger man
an acquital, and a great big thank you from
every honorable cop out here. These sadists
can not be granted a right to murderously
assault our innocent families, then escape
life term prison sentences or death by hangings,
all because they have stolen our Police badges
to commit criminal offenses as lawless teen
grunts back from Iraq, and corporate nws
repuggers not caring enough to get Justice won
for the little guys, pregnant women, the elderly,
and young school kids.

Cop vs Cop

That's the way, uhuh uhuh.


Remember: Bush closed 911 investigations, and
Private bankers do not cover our loans. But CNN
and the Alex Joneser-NWOers don't want to tell
you about it because it makes them look as weak
as we truly are. Un-represented for further
lootings. How much to pay the Alex Joneser-NWOers
before Alex will allow open discussions on the FACT
that Bush lied when stating "Saddam wouldn't let
the inspectors in." How much to pay Alex until
he'll encourage his coward cult to phone the demon
enemy George Noory to demand open communications
with the facts of iron flowing like water from
the 911 towers? How much?



government staged 7/7, victims' relatives call for a proper inquiry

Peter Powers did the 7/7 bombings. Why? He told
us so. As did Gooliannie and the Satanic enemy
of God, Netanyahu advise us also, they were
warned of the indiscriminate mass murderings,
and as such, prepared for the event by getting
dressed up, and getting there early to get
good seats to watch YOU die sukka. Hohum.

Johnny is King, and he demands we be allowed to
publicly challenge that demon enemy of America,
the happy liar George Noory on the Coast to Coast
radio networks for DEBATE!!!! A debate he knows
WE would win to. Bush and Cheney closed 911
investigations immediately after the terrorist
event of mass murder in America occurred on our
watch. What can't you figure that you accept
George Noory's "America" to tell you something


US Strategic Intelligence General Says 911 is a Fraud!

New Document: It Was Cheney at the Wheel of Plame Media Strategy

"The Obama administration has since agreed that the
material should not be disclosed. A Justice..."

Evil is the deceived disguised. For, what is it
that we know, Obama is denying ALL America? Justice
of course. Right? (theme to Jeopardy playing here)

Imagine that..


Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You

"Another Wizard's World Wide Work of Wonder audio spectacular!!!"


Blackwater contractors accused of murder,
kidnapping, child prostitution in Courts

/ / The Blackwater guards also shot the boy’s mother in the back as
she bent over trying to shield her 3-month-old daughter \ \

Die bushite die.

Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Gaza Killings

You'd think that OLd Testament "GOD" would
joyously destroy all repuggers in America
who supported paying these demon enemies
for the war crimes of targeting for murder,
innocent Christian toddlers and pregnant
mothers. The good old days eh?


Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA


Executive Order for Detention Without Charges

/ / "'Civil liberties groups have encouraged the
administration, that if a prolonged detention system
were to be sought, to do it through executive order',
the official said \ \

Propagandizing for the lawless enemy that wants to
incarcerate Americans indefinitely without criminal
charges during a war against evil should be recognized
a serious offense to our liberties by Freedom's
Standards.. what say you as anyone to conclude???

"White House denies ‘indefinite’ detention report"

True or False is what CNN should be asking,
instead of ignoring our cries for Justice

Johnny America I am

“No one could possibly believe that our small
boat constitutes any sort of threat to Israel.”

It's our concerns for our fellow man that has
them as evil doing enemies of Humanity denying
equal protections granted through our free wills.
The LORD refers them to as Satanic enemies of
Jews everywhere, the Zionist Ungodly Enemies of
Humanity. Thieves of our Homes, murderers of our
targeted INNOCENT God Loving Families they do
braggingly in spite of our common sense to being
respectful in honor of this great life that becomes
us. Lovers of Liberty is Justice ruling a better way
where all are included in respect for the
glories of self enlightenment. A person accused of a
criminal offense without any evidence is
innocent, therefore, the bushite grunting sadist
kidnappers must be taken in for public trial - for
infringing upon our liberties as pro-peenacker war
criminals. (example: 'Palin only stole the bridge
to nowhere money, that's all.) Warring to escape
the peenacker zionist neocons, the 'lawless' war
profiteering military dictatorship industry, the
TRAITORS directly! responsible persecuting innocent
others to assist "closing" criminal
investigations designed since the dawn of time,
to nab the actual evil doers for mass murder in
my America. Johnny Justice this way comes...

Send this to two people and the world could be saved

We are Unarmed Civilians Aboard an Unarmed Boat


'AMERICANS continue to be surrounded by Israeli
warships which are threatening to open fire. The
Israeli Navy is actively jamming all navigation
systems in violation of international maritime law,
endangering the AMERICAN people on board'

Are American GI commanders even concerned
for threatened America going further undefended
by CNN, FoxNews, and the Coast to Coast
radio networks I ask you brothers to speak
for Justice demanded by self respect.

Iran Protests courtesy of the CIA


FOXNEWS: U.S. Hired Deadly Mosque Bombers

Memo confirms Bush and Blair knew claims Iraq had WMDs were lies

/ / Blair announced that the test of government
was its ability to ignore the popular will. \ \

60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Told Iraq Had

This documents the biggest war crimes of
History - and American 'Patriots' have little
to say of publicly defending Freedoms they
believe not of their own? NWOers want to blame
anyone but the actual guilty parties. now why
do you figure you'll continue to be silent for
more binded NWOer tyranny? How much to pay Alex
Jones before he'll report Bush and Cheney closed
911 investigations? How much?

[BUSHITE] U.S. supplied Afghan insurgents for ‘Al Qaeda’ in Iraq

Obama Warns not to challenge Official 9/11 Story

"Obama and Bush and Cheney and Rice and
Rumsfield are El CIA DUH"

Monkey Business




/ /

U.S. announces revamp of Afghan drug policy

"Richard Holbrooke, told The Associated Press
that eradication programs weren't working"

Ummm, Dick? The Taliban execute drug farmers.
That is why prior to the US invasion, the opium
trade had all but been wiped out in Afghanistan.

And if fighting opium is your goal, WHY ARE US

Loading Image...

\ \

"Sharing" the task with "lawless" mercenary
soldiers from third world military dictatorships
- good investment for Americans to pay further
binded into? You decide as anyone would.


Comics artist Mark Sable detained for Unthinkable acts

Americans! Don't allow this free man to be
imprisoned for nothing - or else?

Intolerance of our love for life will
not be tolerated for a second more if I can help it.
For I am King Johnny. Welcome.

/ / I, in support
of Freedom for America, make all bigots look truly
dumb as fascists lashing out at nothingness to
divide our innocent masses. And apparently, he can't
have America becoming greater for defending ourselves
fairly through Judicial actions. \ \

Alex, my friend, Evil is the deceived disguised.
Look at Ted Nugent's self, the unjust idiot
hypocrite who condemnations fall squarely on
itself, doesn't even know the truer definition
of his own statements in conclusion
on who died for what liars war. ..right? ..!
America, you'd think, should know this. Perhaps
we're just a little frightened of what being
ALL here as Equal partners to be committed for
Justice ruling means: like, it does actually bring
to be closer, universal freedoms that unshackle
the tyrannies of censorship, in a ever wondering
infinite chaos of potentialled happiness as a reward
for our due diligence to gather the facts. [It's all
good.] Like all is in all, or nothing is everything,
and that thoughts don't have a weight/wait to ourselves
in/of a state that has no absolutes, and is timelessness.
The Big Bang is where! Dant-Da-Dah. Hey! this is could
be a real Cool place! ! - just needs a little fixing
upping that's all.. My plan; we're nothing better than
an other in governing justly our multi-dimensional
existence for more free time all around, fair is fair.
If I want my Universal Love Machine preserved, I am
going to demand evidence to form our guilty verdicts
as was won with the Magna Charta - bushite suck. As I
also challengingly will provide, what will easily
in these times, go up as the undisputed greatest,
most powerful Atheist Ideas of oneness within
this universe, EVER CONCEIVED, where yes indeed,
God is that Great!!! - who wouldn't be
amazed by myself I humbly request we are
incredible. ahhfk you news celeb people are dumber
than anyone to take this con man shit lying down.


CNN: CIA involved in Neda's shooting?

"My question is, how is it that this Miss Neda is shot from behind,
got shot in front of several cameras, and is shot in an area where no
significant demonstration was behind held?" and from more than a
kilometer away!

You know, God is all forgiving for good
reasons. I think the BBC has allot of
explaining to do. Remember: Peter Powers
did the 7/7 London bombings, and they haven't
found the interest to report that to the
Public made un-awares for further victimhood.
Is that fair? Your call.. Allow Mr. Bush to
escape our authority that has him dead to rights
to die America in cowardice, willingly attacking
the innocent in your name silenced, or support a
real Patriot something like ourselves who demands
Justice WILL be done. Be Human.


Conservative Media Paranoia Over Health Care Reform

Wow. ..we must be like a god to those
repugger pukes of championing ignorance
for ourselves gathered in need of professional
attention - for just the facts please
- enlightenment - where they would lose to
US so incredibly fast in obscene silliness.
Alex Jones, the effeminate homophobe, the bigot,
the chauvinist, is truly an idiot for example.
If Incorporated America allows US to speak
only the facts, Americans could be saved,
but.. we'll look like an idiot with much to
learn then. Can't have that because, only the
'winners' or the 'Patriots' get to say, anything
and everything planned by 'ourselves' through
governments will fail due the lack of vision.
The Atheist Blame Game, "God is the bad guy
forever for giving me no free will to bitch".
How about.. 'the crime of obstruction has
been committed by Bush and the Neocons'?,
being a good place for us all to start with
re-addressing the true enemies of Liberty who
broke the Standing Law? Agreed? Agreed.

THAT IS WHY they war Americans through
censorship for needless deaths with a
blind hate for those of US who quest
specifics. Rush Limbaugh, like George
Noory, is a REAL enemy to speak with
such un-willingness for wiser men and women
succeeding over the 911 neocon, Private
national banker swindles, HMOs, sodium
fluoride in drinking water, rapists,
torturers, thieves and or traitors
they allow US no headway over. Criminal
negligence is what our warrants will read.
in part

Alex Jones IS the NWO he tells
US all we should be concerned about never stopping,
like it was in the DARK AGES. Justice Alex, why is
that hard for you as a "Conservative" to figure?

/ / The records show Saddam happily boasted of
duping the world about stockpiling weapons of
mass destruction. \ \ records? from where? FoxNews'
editing suite? "Duping the World" would be easy
to site from big snooze Fox crews all over the
issue, no?

I ask all Police Officers of our worlds to support
my demands to have these so named "Patriots",
questioned, then formally done in for this
flagrantly naked propaganda to hide the 911
bushmobster's treasonous lies. Iraqis did
everything that was asked of them - documented the
destructions of all wmds while repeatedly saying so
internationally, killed plenty of al-CIAduh, and were
NEVER found in violation of U.N. 1441 - therego Kofi
Annan called corporate nws Americans, ungodly evil
liars, "war crime"ers escaping the Zionist neocons
for 911 - but CNN and the Alex Joneser-NWOers
refused to allow such struggles to be understood in
respect for Justice equaling a freedom won. Reagan
made it a Death Sentence FOR THE WAR CRIMINAL to
make more than 1000 flights out of America with
innocent kidnapped victims to be tortured to death
for the bushmob in popular 'American' military
dictatorships. Example #1 - Uzbekistan, Egypt,
Cheney's Burma, and so on.. Example #2 - The Third
Infantry is headed by Buford 'bush bitch' Blount,
an ACTUAL SAUDI WAHABBIST. A Saudi who just prior
to 911, was commanding troops in Saudi Arabia
against People for being Christians, People for
being Jews. And In Iraq ordered the mindless
bushite dumfuk teens from the lowly southern states,
to murder indiscriminately men women and children
while he stated to reporters the excuses why were
thus: 'No military objective', but that he just wanted
to personally let US all know he was there commanding
bushite grunts to murder America into 'profitable'
tyranny. (Profitable for him anyway - LOOK! he's
an 'escaping' new billionaire zionist war criminal,
while your innocent teen sons or daughters are dead
from blindly praising the peenacker highjackers.) He
also left Iraqis largest weapons depot undefended
for looting. QaQaa. Ask the World, I NEVER lie. I
am here on a mission from Life, Super cool if it
wasn't for all the bushite rapists and torturers,
bombers and banksters robbing ourselves of our
Gloriously Given Rights to Liberty in The New
We is Ourselves Century.

The waste of Israel's Gaza war

Driving Them Crazy For Five Years

Wow! All the demons who control Americans to
die blindly for the Neocon in cowardly silence.
Bush closed 911 investigations immediately after
the terrorist event of mass murder in America
occurred on our watch. What can't you figure that
you accept America to tell you something other?
Media Matters.


Rumsfeld “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and
your plans will succeed.” Did he mean as the escape
strategy? someone should ask him. Ted 'Frenchie'
Nugent will be a scratin' hees hed, over why he
supports dying American teen punks dumfukkedly for
the tyrannies of foreign french colonies. Does
that now make Americans second class as Proud
to be an American jackass? Yup. Fair barter or
still repugger I'd like to show let me tell you..
Wow! G E T R E A D Y --- -- - ..You are about to
learn something..

Rep. Alan Grayson "I am shocked to find out that
nobody at the Federal Reserve is keeping track of


Neo-Cons Are Cheerleading For A Terrorist Who Helped Kill Hundreds Of
U.S. Marines

/ / This once again proves that slack-jawed Neo-Con
twits, ditto-heads for phony conservative media whores
like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, have
no loyalty whatsoever to America, but only to the
corrupt power structure which they like to believe
they are a part of.

Apparently, the new form of ‘patriotism’, the new
incarnation of ’support the troops’ - is to support
someone who helped massacre hundreds of U.S. troops
just two decades ago. \ \

Ain't that the truth.

"Why do we have to hear Republican objections
to health-care reform all day long on TV? "

Well yeah. Considering they're the most evil ignorant
people of Humanity who publicly, in the light of day,
support MURDERING innocent Peoples indiscriminately
for cash from demonic Zionist enemies of God and Man.

Words from the Satanic Enemy of God Spoken Sunday!

/ / NETANYAHU: These are people [IRANIANS] who are
sending thousands and thousands of missiles to their
terrorist proxies Hezbollah and Hamas with the
specific instruction to bomb civilians in Israel.
[No evidence required by American Corporate News
Cons] \ \ Yet, it is NAZI Israeli that dropped
more than 7 million land-mines on Lebanon to target
specifically JEWS who lived in the region, it is
Israeli NAZI who targeted for murder, American
GIs on the USS Liberty TARGETED,

they steal innocent peoples homes routinely as

it was Netanyahu who confessed with cross-dresser
Gooliannie, in London, that they knew all about the
mass murders of 7/7 before they happened, and told
no one but Gooliannie and feinds, as they were caught
directly at the mass murder scene arm in arm 'draggin'.

Satanic enemies of Life G-D describes themselves
as.. Enemies of every Jew still breathing.. they...

/ / Staff at Goldman Sachs staff can look forward
to the biggest bonus payouts in the firm's 140-year
history \ \

AGAIN, this is TRILLIONS of hard earned American
taz money STOLEN, extorted, from Americans who
work for a living, and given to, do nothing
pirates of the 'un-defended' public interest.
Mr. John Q. Public at your service.

Johnny America by Telephone


What SpikeTV is Celebrating as American "Men"

Thieves and rapists walk freely among their
ranks without mankind present to support
the arrest of who actually did US wrong.


How Much to Pay?

How much must dying America to pay Alex Jones
and the NWOers, before they will allow US to
acknowledge that the Iraq War is a war crime?
where Saddam wasn't in violation of 1441??
Will Alex Jones, the NWO false accusing bigot,
(who calls propagandist George Noory anything
but the naked demon traitor he is), EVER support
the arrest of those who actually did America
wrong? Understand: Alex Jones has NEVER
encouraged his coward cult to phone George Noory
and demand open debate! Considering he spent 8
plus years calling Bush, Cheney, Condi, and the
rest of the principles only puppets, LOOK AWAY
LOOK AWAY!, (bush only stopped Justice by halting
911 Police investigations) and instead tells of
powerlessness against unseen forces, he bigotly
calls, the global elite aka Christ in Person?
He gets on FoxNews affiliates to "debate" 911,
and NEVER mentions iron flowing like water from
the towers, NEVER ADMITS Condi's 911 plan for
Enron dated two days prior to the event of no
questions, no questions. How much before YOU
raise your phone and demand America to make
the Stand? Understand: Alex Jones refuses to
support the pubic trial for conviction of George
Noory as the traitor he is, for falsely reporting
again, bin Laden did 911. Fuck, George HAS stated
such right to Alex's face, as he did regarding
going ballistic against any mindless grunt who
refuses a Neocon's criminal order, and Alex
responded whoring for EVIL as he always has, all
on how great George Noory is for refusing our
calls for only the facts to allow US to decide for
ourselves. George Noory demonizes our innocent
Humanity routinely for mass murder as a Satanic
sadist ENEMY, escaping the neocon Zionist liars of
demonic origins - escaping for mass murder in my

As The Constitution Laws

Spike TV is airing a special about what Guys in
America do; "Thank", "Thank", "Thank" the First
Airborne for dropping nine two thousand pound bombs,
along with countless 500 pounders on the densely
populated city of Fallujah, then going house to
house granading every last inhabitant toddler
- murdering EASILY more than TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND
INNOCENT SOULS - Die Bushite die. They dropped
millions of land mines throughout residential school
districts!! They dropped a 42 thousand pound bomb
on Kabal, the populated Capital of Afghanistan,
murdering easily more than a hundred thousand
innocent human beings on the brink of starvation
- They used white phosphorous, along with radio
active toxic waste against entire cities like Ancient
Samara, Tikrit, and elsewheres murdering near
millions in total, and Spike TV doesn't show US the
I.D.s of 'escaped' grunts to hunt down in our streets
as payback for our children they willingly murdered
or tortured while chanting "whore yeah" for the
AntiChrist ENEMY of God and Humanity to 'Escape'
Our proper Authorities - Oh - I guess they did. A REAL
Christian hunts the bushite down for Justice to
defend their targeted innocent victims - left
forsken in God's good Name - YOUR OWN.
The godless bushite is the sworn enemy of any
Religious person that Believes God is Holy, Just,
and wise, Atheists too take great pleasure in downing
the bushite for the simple care of the rights of
any other. The Bushite is the sworn enemy of every
Soldier who believes the innocent are to be protected,
As The Constitution Laws, not targeted for mass
bombings, rape and or torture to enslave our Humanity
- all to be robbed Father, OUR Golden Rule. Human
values of just actions sacrificed for lawlessness,
US, the dying victims for the Neocon TRAITORS to
Life in this Universe. Speak out for Justice demanded.

Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast Radio Host! Vote
early and vote often!!

Bill to Ban Release of Bush-Era Torture Photos Passes Senate

/ / unanimous consent the Graham-Lieberman bill, which seeks to make
it illegal to make public any images of US prisoner abuse and torture
from the Bush era. \ \

Zionists Graham-Lieberman will be formally charged for execution
under American Law for war crimes against US, The Innocent.
Reagan's "War Crimes Act". They tortured our innocent
Humanity to death called first degree murder - a serious
crime. The Enemy deserving the Patriot fires from American
GIs who have their lives on the line warring for something
other than raping or thieving to escape the Zionist Neocon
for 911.


Man Says Cops Don’t Own Him, is Tased, then Escapes

Fire David Letterman Protest: War on (Palin) Jokes @ BreakRoomLive.com

Zionists Destroy Our Homes as Satanic

When I see the women and her child, left outside
while they sadistically destroy her meager gains,
I grow weary with ourselves for not speaking right.
Nazi Israeli are committed to deny US our God given
rights as Innocent persons to speak freely for Justice
realized. All because they STEAL our Lives for monetary
gain. It is our reality, give it or take it, YOU LOSE.

Then.. Hammurabi founded Civilization.

I go concerned for any hesitations of condemnation by
Obama. It's like, he's talking some jive about
how now he'll NOT let the words of Hamas reach
his ears. Being against war criminals, doesn't make
you pro-Hamas, necessarily, it means your against
war crimes to defend the lives of ourselves respected.

We are Good to Go. Rise Up for innocent Life,
or don't and see where it'll get you in the end.


Pleasure of the President

US Attorneys don't serve "the pleasure of the president", they
serve freedom lovers dedicated to defending America from
willful criminality. But, Americans are too stupidly weak to
demand Coast to Coast hosts allow open communications on
America's highest of concerns. Bushite america would rather,
in silence, thieve from God as our Humanity, than serve the
protections of Justice as ourselves.

Not My Problem - Johnny Talks with America


Tough luck so far for corporate news america continue to
slog that America is so ungodly stupid as the
uninformed, and have never heard of this Johnny Wizard
artist taking center stage as makeshift creator
antiChrist demon slayer.



Retarded Enemy Ted Nugent on Not Defending the Grunts
from Senseless Slaughter for Neoconning Plunders

What a demon enemy of God and Country. Only to
steal lawlessly from America is his public battle
cry as a treasonous enemy to Justice in Liberty.

WARNING: Bush Whore Ted Nugent is Extremely Disturbing -
all due his retarded-see - he likely smoked too
much grass, and drank too much malt liquor 29 years
ago, and gave up on celebrating the joys of
communicating lively new material since then with others.
- or he's just sick from some kinda mind altering
corporate pills 'thingy', that mushes his abilities
as if, he was hit in the head with a brick much earlier
on it seems... after all, he does enjoy murdering as
many mammals as he can 'get away with' for
fixings - near all his 'free' time to doing, giving
to whatever he wishes - his cause - that's it. How often
does a lion kill?, or a Python?, or do the Northern
Northern Indians who live in Egloos just kill animals
to see them suffer, then maybe donate the entire
proceedings to an impressionable child of five,
locked in a million miles from no books, no TV, no
Internet, no Movies - just TN's ungodly crap?

Dumfuk enemy TN has pictures on his website of kills
of the youngest of Bucks - the average size of a
family dog. Just like the thousands of pets that were
kidnapped by badge flashing McCainaic Zombies during
Katrina, placed into several public schools of New
Orleans, then for sport, the McCainiac enemy of
Truth as rightiousness, killed every "beloved" mammal
for pleasure - TN's boasted pleasure, just like the three
million plus democratic Peasants in Vietnam that were
firebombed on color film for the tyrannies of FRANCE!!!
That is why they did it - it was on MSNBC - and they
STILL carry our badges 'escaping' life term prison
sentences, or death by hanging. While McCain tells of
a concern for the life of one Iranian woman shot
by whoknows but a person more than a killometer away
they tell us, gives the bushite the go to using
Israeli wmds to murder tens of millions - because
according to unchalleneged for rational thought
conclusions by George Noory among others, the McCainiac
sadist rapists, the torturers of CACI, AEGIS, BLACKWATER
and KBR love that idea too coming from their third world
military dictatorships where they rest in real
comfy chairs thanks to Georgie!! die bushite die) Gotta
kill our offsprings as a typical godless enemy of a Free
Peoples who believe Justice wins a better deal. You know
God, you big love nut in the sky, I'm beginning to really
hate Corporated nwz Americans who lie in our names to
steal Freedom from Ourselves through mass murder for
stolen Liberty they DO NOT own. Well I, for One, am never
longer going to put up in it. I hate bushite grunts with
a Vengence, how about YOU as absolutely anyone to care?

Hid away from our troubles as a bush whore coward, and
a slave for profitable, any American teen soldier
die for Ted Nugent's insistence on continuing blind
for more purposeless miss-fortunes, all to escape the
enriching war criminal Peenacker Neocons. Gawd how dumb?
Peenackers = General Ahmed, Iraq War = No Cause; Justice
is Freedom, not freedom to murder, rape and pillage as
needlessly dying, bushite thieving lawless enemies of
God and Man - no, can't have Justice because, Ten Nugent
wants to put teens in prison caught with pot, or heroin
shipped in with the willing support of bushite grunters
last I heard him spew with fellow 'Patriot' Alex Jones.
a Hero? I am from America, TN is a loser, or only wishes
death to bring on a harvest for Satan in America. What
think you on things Spiritual that need doing to maintain
a greater style for TN to enjoy your continuing needless
sacrifices over? Innocent Soldier's lives saved?, or
washed away as shallowed out for sacrifice by Ted
Nugent's no-Questioning Vision: a retarded plea to have
killed Americans indiscriminately, to save our world the
embarrassment to see his true State: a bonafide "Dorian
Gray" in the flesh, albeit, an illiterate poorer version
thereof. An Idjit still minding like that of an average
toddler. A, still learning! five year old Canadian I mean,
with the supporting semi-accountable to the public, public
service providers insuring ourselves better judgment if
so warranted - as debated prior, (still far from superior).
They really do amazing work though - as a better as bargained
for, publicly wagered going price.. - see? buying in bulk is
cheaper and easier to manage for understanding bigger TN's
crayon drawings - Like how Wall Street bigwigs get to take
almost all the invested capital by us little guys because
they has more than anyone else does - as we get .02%
interest on our savings account or pay $50 or so for
Checking, - if we're lucky - so was Created: The Public
Contract for Improvement. Words. A Contract only God
could, in our entirety, truly Comprehend timelessly, as
we'll too, continue to do the best we can for respecting
ourselves for the up-and-coming...


As way above anything TN could even comprehend currently!!
- maybe that's why he wants YOUR Innocent Humanity to die
blinded for his self contempt for Living freely? Justice
is Freedom as that is what I as America infers, thank you
very much but, fuck you too said King Johnny at Your
service fairly. Rock on to the beat of a civilized Man Sirs
- TN is an evil handicapped child to proudly be, a fascist
Nazi corporate whore for lawless evil in our dying worlds
- who refuses as a coward and a slave to seek Justice for
our times truly, all because, he doesn't have the strength
of true Manhood. Selling for America to be ruled unjustly
through his blind fears - as imposing a seriously faulted,
gotta be actually brain damaged, (let us feel sorry for the
murder victims howabout?) escape of those who 'doose us'es
wrongin', The Dumfukker Nazi Facist Ted Nugents of our
Species. Aka Bushite or McCainiac Lite but even dumber
- where a person's guilt or innocence isn't the question,
it's all the indiscriminate terrorist bombings that gets
Ted Nugent all lathering for more UNGODLY sacrifices of
Liberty with murderous death and suffering as "American"
willed tyrannicalized. Ten Nugent Sucks. I think our World
has suffered enough already, man, what a failure to God and
Country. So Spoke, Johnny America

Again, so I guess it will be,
Americans were just too far gone as illiterate
chauvinists, who cared too little for your freedom as
themselves degenerating. Why? To battle tyranny they
knew not Justice wins the day, and blamed innocent
groups gathered wherever, instead of following the crime
scene leads at any real murder scenes - like was once
done on TV and at the Movies. But even that was too
far above their doped down heads, to raise their finger
to dial a phone number.

From years after the fact still demanding Justice now:

/ / Huh? "at last been disarmed..." ? How does he figure?
The equation hasn't changed. Example: The same
unaccounted anthrax, (that was disintegrated into ash),
still is not able to be measured as completely accounted
for, (never could be), \ \

Again, a bushite has no commitment to defend
America, for it speaks nothing for the arrest of
the neocon traitors. traitors like themselves whom
will murder innocent folks like your Self to steal
our common values. Wouldn't you glory in seeing
these savage grunts who on video, indiscriminately
shoot innocent families, or bomb a city entirely,
executed by Christian Patriot firing squads? or
televised to fry in the electric chair for these
documented war crimes? I sure would. It would make
our world a much safer place to raise a family
secure in knowing, bushite grunts as enemies of
everyone, were hunted to extinction for their
crimes against our Humanity. Hunted by Johnny Law,
the True Spirit of America

US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive

If it's broke don't Fix It because no one in bulldozing
TV America Inc. is worth the public effort to defend.
Right. WHY?

This is why:

The Nazi American

/ / American warplanes [...] mistakenly killing dozens
of innocent women and children, \ \

"George Noory doesn't have the right to play us further
for death in tyranny, with his continuing refusal to
allow US speak freely on the evidence that directly
implicates Bush and Cheney for high treasons. For
bankers that do not cover our loans. (So why pay them
for nothing but a blind hope they'll lend some back at
high interest?) Water? Food? "Who agrees on sodium
fluoride in our drinking water - let's talk"?
I WOULD ask as the NEW! Coast to Coast Radio Host."

While George Norry tells US he wills to go ballistic
against any serving soldier who refuses a criminal
order, Alex Jones tells America, George Norry is the
greatest ever being incredibly evil near every single
day nakedly. Evil Alex Jones can be often when refusing
better minds to prevail for Justice IS our sides. Alex
wants more money to buy things.. again, how much do WE
have to pay NWO Alex before he will acknowledge that Bush
lied when stating, "Saddam wouldn't let the inspectors in"?
How much to pay Alex before he will acknowledge Bush and
Cheney closed American police investigations on 911
immediately after the crime occurred? Howe much to pay
Alex, a gold merchant, to pay before he will allow the
knowledge to know: private bankers of the Western world
do not even cover our loans - and going to a gold standard
is not addressing the real problem, as are his falsehoods of
socialized health cares to make US pay more needlessly
in ignorance propagated by bigots who can not define
their goose stepping right wing blind corporate ideologies
of 'absolute' 'right winger' foolish name callings - Name
calling of ourselves comprised of every other description
imaginable, all put in to what a right wing repugger
bigot falsely transcribes, a "Liberal" or a "Socialist".

How much to pay America to weigh our minds on the rights
of all as innocent regardless of our back grounds,
until proven otherwise? Corporated America excepts to
reject facts that they cowardly find personally
uncomfortable, like rape and torture of American Women
by KBR warring with the escape of those who committed
911, yet, importantly, for us, Humanity, we must honestly
assess a workable plan to defend the innocent of ourselves
falling further bombing victims to ungodly bushite
lawless tyranny. Bill a bushite to save America, or
don't and die rightly for godless Zionist tyranny.

"CIA Secrecy on Drone Attacks Data Hides Abuses"

The American Military needs to go in and bill these 'lawless'
bushite lying enemies of the Republic, for after all, they
are targeting for murder innocent men women and children as well

/ / Seymour Hersh recently described the JSOC as an "executive
assassination wing" controlled for many years by the office
of former Vice President Dick Cheney. \ \

New US Commander in Afghanistan Assembles Team of Assassins

These are acts of TREASON against America to steal our
rights to murder the innocent with "Top Secret" death squads
from pro-Bushite tyrannical military dictatorships, that openly
commit lawless acts of TERRORISM to escape the neocon
zionist enemy LIARS responsible for mass murder in New York
City. Bill a bushite for Humanity why don't you love
God for all you are Johnny asks?


/ / [...] a victory for the hardline President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the Iranian elections would
be in Israel's best interest. \ \

The Lord, in the Holy Bible, calls the Zionist,
the Satanic enemies of every Human Being with
God in fair Judgment.

The Holy Bible "I know the blasphemy of them which say
they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of

Look, these enemies of Life steal INNOCENT PEOPLES
HOMES as thieves of The King of Jew's simple philosophy.
Too difficult for Amerika's NWOer movements "against
global tyranny"? for your "American" mind as pretending
my Nation of America, is not a cowardly fascist Nazi
grouping of godless savages, who pray to win by robbing
Humanity from our Humanity by supporting in silence
the indiscriminate bombing and looting of the Innocent
to "profit" themselves from? Freedom? No, today's
give blind for evil, 'profitable' ungodly Zionism.

Just My Opinion

Yeah, that's right, it is 'just my opinion' that
YOU let yourself go this way willingly, lying to
yourself as a slave to allow the Innocent of
Humanity suffer YOUR contempt of silence like
Ron Paul does. Ron Paul supports escaping war
criminals like Bush and Cheney, AIPAC, and
earmarkers worth 16 billion dollars stolen
to a private place never to be found again, in
just one single example of repeating highway
robbery that he has formally called for more of.
Millions were donated to Ron Paul winning for
The People, of which he pocketed the cash for
himself and his extreme right wing, cash for free,
pro-pirate banker family, while giving in to a
rigged election for the Republican Party, of
which HE PERSONALLY SABOTAGED. I even remember a
time when he expressed a concern where he stated
something like, 'well, we don't want to steal any
delegates'. SEE? Show some self respect, Ron Paul
certainly hasn't while conning he candidly knows
something, but he's not telling US right now.
EXAMPLE: The Nation of Georgia, (a Zionist
controlled entity), targeted for FIRST DEGREE MURDER
in South Ossetia, defenseless innocent children,
men, and women. Targeted. Fully admitted now by
everyone. MURDER, of which they, with bushite
American and zionist Israeli military advisors,
ACUTALLY COMMITTED, and Ron Paul fluffed it all
off (while okaying a ten billion American TAX dollar
payment to Cheney's personal friend), by selling
ourselves, as just "some people think". Ron paul
refused to exercise his CONSTITUTIONAL Rights to
demand the arrest of Bush and Cheney for PROVEN HIGH
TREASON. Iron flowing like water from the 911 Towers,
and Ron Paul sells the mass murders exceeding well
over a million innocent persons, is all just a lefty
"Police" action preformed by bushite teen grunt minds,
of whom many, call Home Base third world military
dictatorships. To CON America for death to rob from
Iraqis for the Neoconner demonic naked liars. Torture,
IS against American Standing law (War Crimes Act), and
warrants the death sentence. Kidnapping also is a crime
under the laws of every Nation. The bushite must be
actively hunted to destruction by Our Police Services
with American Law, to defend the lives of the next
targeted innocent victims whom the bushite holds in
contempt. Ourselves. Die bushite die.

I DEMAND, as the Law in America does Stand, the public
trials and executions of every bushite TRAITOR serving
at Guantanamo for warring to torturing more innocent
kidnapped Persons for demonic Zionist enemy liars.
THEY deserve to fry for targeting innocent peoples
with bombs and tortures, while refusing, AS NAZIS,
refusing to hunt a Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney for
public questioning on closing 911 investigations
immediately after the crimes in America occurred.
Instead, the bushite wars for raping, for torturing,
for thieving, for private banking, and for most
importantly, senseless sadistic mass murdering.
Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of
God and America.

Glenn Beck's School of Debunking 9/11 Conspiracies

9/11 Truth Activist Sues Glenn Beck and Fox News for Defamation

Antidepressant Nightmares

This site is perfect for sighting American insanities.

Do "Americans" care for Justice winning our freedoms?

/ / I hate bushite nazi grunters who desecrate the
American flag with their tortures and raping, their
indiscriminate bombings and thieving from our great
Human species. \ \

Dumfuk Grunt "Duh, why are we here to kill
good people needlessly so the bushmob back home can
further rob our undefended families bro? Bro?"

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

Understand: Iraq played no part in 911, yet, American
nazi grunts have indiscriminately bombed easily more
than a million innocent souls, while cheering "whore
yeah", for the demons of CNN who only smile over such
ungodly treachery. To torture, to rape, to thieve
from America, left undefended for further corporate

Demand I be allowed to speak freely for open debate
in America on the Coast to Coast radio networks.

Bushite liars are the true enemies of God and Man

Bush "International law? I better call my lawyer."


When a bushite is halted, the innocent of Humanity
cry a relief for the saved lives of their next
targeted victims. A bushite is a thief who remains
silent over American Women raped by KBR, or Afghan
Women by the collocated lawless dope dealing forces
of demonic tyranny they support with "American"
firepower. An Ungodly bushite is a first degree
child murderer who supports THOUGHTLESSLY dropping
5000 pound bombs on our populated cities to enrich
the pro-torture Zionist neocon mastermind criminals
responsible directly for the escape of those who
committed 911 in New York City - a place where
Americans were mass murdered as the forsaken
for stolen profits, all in praise for the antichrist enemy
of History, Our Mr. bush Jr. and Co.. (Bush closed
911 investigations immediately after the crimes
occurred according to the FBI.)

Senior Military Sources Confirm Rape and Sodomy At Abu Ghraib

Obama Openly Protecting Child Raping Torturers

/ / [Obama] ..says that stories regarding the
contents of the photographs are false. \ \ But,
they DO show war criminals who plan with the
Neocon and Obama to escape their rightful death
sentences under the fair Laws of President
Reagan. We mean, why do you want to torture
with rape an innocent man women or child to
death, as 'lawless' bushite enemies proudly
claim, of FoxNews fans for instance? Why? But
for to threaten Humanity with child killer
O'Really and the Cheney family for the
unlawful escape of the Neocons who actually,
on purposes widely published, did America
wrong with deliberate lies regarding the
crimes of 911 - Bush and Cheney immediately
closed 911 investigations according to the
FBI and Senator Daschle - documented ungodly
traitors to Humanity. My Humanity, Your Humanity,
Our Humanity.


/ / There can no longer be any doubt that the
Cheney / Bush administration not only lied to the
American people about WMD's and Torture but lied
to and obstructed the 9/11 commission during its
investigation of 9/11. \ \


Leading Democrats: Congress, Senate Owned And Run By Bankers

Private bankers DO NOT cover our loans. Demand
I be respected for my simple wisdom, by asking
the Coast to coast radio demons liars allow me to
challenge anyone on Earth who could mistakenly
disagree with me; because the Internet does tell,
I am without challenge. Without challenge but for
censorship by the NWOers, like AJ, who insist anyone
but those directly responsible for criminal actions
should be targeted. Builderburg? How about Bush
closing 911 investigations. CFR? Condi sent 7 million
land mines that were dropped on innocent Jews for
mass murder in Lebanon. Liberals? Repugger right
wing nazi fascists are evil to God and Humanity
almost exclusively, for, General Ahmad funded Atta.
And.. as a point of documented fact: Ron Paul is
not qualified as a con and a thief. Nor is Alex
'shoot innocent Americans in the back and call
it Liberty' Jones. A half honest newsman, but clearly
does not have the just leadership skills not to
divide US, the innocent masses against ourselves
for NWOer tyranny. AJ is the NWO he says WE must
fear blinded. He hears NO ONE be allotted as
known: Ron Paul won the Republican leadership
convention. AJ does what FoxNews does in fear
of wiser people speaking when they 'forbid'
America to know also: Bush never won an election,
and closed 911 investigations to sacrifice innocent
Americans for stolen profit. Alex is still, by far,
a greater man than 99% of the rest in pains USA.
At least his blunders are far an few between,
like us all, we can seem as idiots defending
ridiculousness in a hypno stupor, however, this
communications business of open communications
with the Universal constants of Freedom through
Just causes is something we have the answers for.
It's just some, for what ever absent of the facts
reasons, refuse Justice calling. Well, .. and
that's where I fit in: King Johnny. Actually for
real. Boo! I CAN EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!!! Hate me do you
because you can’t find a single word of mine you
could ever possibly disagree with? haeh this would
have made for a great comedy if it wasn't for all
the senseless tragedy. Censorship is the tool of
ungodly tyranny. I, as the Son to God willingly
destroy the popular tyrannies practiced by bushite,
to allow YOU to publicly critique my genius you have
near no hope of ever conceiving. Bankers DO NOT cover
our loans for example, where Americans react with
little more than a ‘so’?.

(Reminder for all you NWOers: Alex Jones was on
FoxNews and refused to say, 'Bush closed 911
investigations, so, do we want to get the bad
guys or no?')

24,000 Architects at SF AIA Convention Come Face to Face With 9/11

Obama Tortures Our Wills to Believe Him


/ / Obama administration is continuing to use a
notorious military police unit at Guantanamo that
regularly brutalizes unarmed prisoners, including
gang-beating them, breaking their bones, gouging
their eyes and dousing them with chemicals. \ \

Who's freedom are the lawless bushite winning to
sacrifice ourselves further as the innocent for?

No evidence? Person innocent. No? fuk you an die
then Life spade. I did too. I hate bushite nazi
grunters who desecrate the American flag with their
tortures and raping, their indiscriminate bombings
and thieving from our great Human species. All
done to cowardly sacrifice themselves for the
escape of those who truly did Johnny wrong on 911:
the guilty of treason, "lawless" bushmob shysters
of evil incarnate. Enemies of every real Jew
standing, including too, the Man of men as Son
to God.

I never lie if I can help it, for why does a half
honest man really need to? Enuf to say, 'we know
things', if you catch my meanings. Read on to be
truly amazed, or fluff this John off as a reject
to a greatness once in your presence, but way
beyond your immediate grasping as literal
to save yourself in time. Cons lie because they're
dumb or evil, just like near ever single talentless
Republican extortionist - the corporate fasci
socialist sell-out of the public for private bankster
lootings, playing along with the "opposition"
the phony mute Libertarians, with several Democrats
too waiting to cash in with the full pensions, plus
garnered fringe benefits - are - as all that is
holding Back America from truly defending herself!
Demand "JUSTICE FOR AMERICA", so spoke, Johnny Love.

Invite me up to California, and we'll talk about
getting back the billions in stolen revenues
taken by Enron criminally as one possibly among
bankers and banking, bailouts and lootings.
isn't that special...
ahhoakey - Later.

"[Patriotic American] Army deserter deported from Canada, now in U.S.

This is a for real war crime. Why? there was/is
no cause for the Iraq war. Truly. Example: why
bomb if you can go anywhere without delay? To
only murder innocent People INCLUDING SOLDIERS,
done as thieves do from ourselves in praise of
enriching lawless war criminals in tyranny, is
what any rational person comes to understand
if they survive the godless demonic tirades of
bushite in American bombers indiscriminately
bombing millions of defenseless innocent people
in praise of Christ. See? There is only so much
bullshit God can take, before he has to send a
Johnny Wizard down here to settle some scores.

KBR/Haliburton [AMERICAN] Worker Raped, Locked in Shipping Container

Lavena Johnson Was Raped and Murdered: Then the [BUSHITE ENEMY] Army
Covered It Up

When we, God and Humanity destroy bushite grunts
with the Law of evidence being the pre-requisite, we
win against bushites who willingly war God for rape,
torture, and enslavement of our species. To defeat
the 'lawless' bushite, you save the innocent lives
of their next targeted victims. Our innocent selves.
Bushites are cowardly as they are Evil. Just like a
McCainiac, but slower.

The Real Meaning of Allowing Guilty Pleas and Death Penalty Without
Trial for Alleged 9/11 Plotters


/ / But tell US Marc, how is it better to bomb Iraq people to rid
ourselves of WMD, than it is currently to go anywhere unfettered? How
is it possible to improve a scenario that is as open as possible
already? How will American soldiers eating bullets improve the search
and disarm technique? What ever happened to evidence being a
requirement to convince US who is evil? Oh yeah, bush as the American
cop killing antiChrist doesn't like American principles. \ \

These words from the greatest Patriot that will
ever live.. Why? Because these are timeless reasons
of freedom to form an actual conclusion. Corporate America
is conning American teens for death by criminal sacrifice,
and American GIs are TRUE cowards for not speaking freely
for a just cause. Nope. They are told not to read from
the internet freely, and they jump to salute the enemy,
with a, "Yes sir." Cowardly enemies of American liberty
who refuse to demand the arrests of those responsible for 911.

Cheney's Chief Assassin Is Now Obama's Commander in Afghanistan

/ / The bizarre thing about making this a "he said/she said"
issue is that we already know for a fact that the CIA lied to
Pelosi about the torture.

Marcy Wheeler points out that (as she's been reporting for
weeks,) we already have documentary evidence that "when the
CIA briefed Pelosi and Goss on September 4, 2002, it told
them that waterboarding was not being employed."

Yet this was in fact a lie. Because we also know from Lawrence
Wilkerson that the CIA had been engaging in waterboarding
since at least February of that same year. As Marcy observes:

While we can't be sure of the date when Cheney started
ordering people to be waterboarded even after they were
compliant, we know this order had to have occurred before
February 22, 2002--because that's when al-Libi first
reported on ties between Iraq and al Qaeda. \ \

This is incredible beyond current comprehension on how
wicked evil these bushmob traitors are as still 'escaping'.
We need Johnny for Coast to Coast Radio Hosting, as open
communications on the needs of Justice winning for
everybody. Bush and Cheney closed 911 investigations
designed since the dawn of time to nab the actual bad guys.
Bushites are evil people who lie to steal our rights
to Justice practiced as freedom willed. Let's change that.

"Obama Joins the Cover-Up."

"Obama Trades Our Principles For Cheneyism."

Media Ignores Real Controversy Behind Torture Photos; They Show Prison
Guards Raping Children

U.S.: Afghan militants using white phosphorus

Is the bushite torturing rapist, the nazi fascist
enemy, suggesting that to criminally act with such lawless
murders, should warrant death by American firing squads?
Christ says YES! For, the FALSE ACCUSING bushite within
the Air Forces, who routinely drop radio-active laced bombs
or landmines in the millions indiscriminately from our god
forsaken skies, are called American Heroes 'earning' a
welfare pension in the corporate news lexicon as do gooders.
Escaping the traitor neocon by flying above a third world
country, on the brink of starvation, dropping bombs on
anyone seen near a building, that of which were near all
targeted. They dropped a massive MOAB on Kabal if you
remember after "secretly" flying out the Taliban to a
safe location, or killing them off for supporting REAL
Justice in America by demanding evidence to form a
conclusion. Christ hates the bushite lying nazi grunting
enemy of true Liberty in a free to speak Universe of
wonder most spectacular... but right, we don't care,

Bank of America accuses JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs of cheating on
stress test

This is big news asked the King of the
Universe to himself - as robbed the respect
he so rightly deserved in the land of the
damned by criminal greed.

Our Humanity is under attack.

Americans Torture to Intentionally Extract False Confessions


/ / al-Libi just "committed suicide" in Libya.
/Interestingly, several U.S. lawyers working
with tortured detainees were attempting to get
the Libyan government to allow them to
interview al-Libi....

[...] the Bush Administration used torture to
intentionally extract false confessions
linking Al Qaeda (and 9/11) to Iraq, to give
Bush a false "casus belli" to invade Iraq. \ \

Reminder: These actions against our innocent
Humanity, perpetrated on order by the Bushmob
false accusers are highly criminal, as ungodly
being really evil. And as a consequence, the
bad guys are still trying to make their escape.
Bushite torturers do not support following the
crime scene leads at the real murder scenes
because they are godless nazi enemies of America,
sadists who deserve to die by public jury, before
another innocent victim is made to confess of a
crime left 'officially' truly un-prosecuted.

Done to escape the neocon zionist enemies of
God and Man responsible for the crimes of 911.
Bush closed 911 investigations according to the
FBI and Senator Daschle who spoke on the issue
with the late Tim Russert on MSNBC's Meet the
Press. Hi! My name is Johnny! Vying for NEW!
Host of the Coast to Coast Radio Networks. Vote
Early and Vote Often!!

G. W. Bush "Money trumps peace.."

Bushite ENEMY Dismisses Karzai Demand to Halt Indiscriminate Bombing



Bushite Enemies of Liberty in America Continue
With War Crimes Against God and Humanity

U.S. Used White Phosphorous in Afghanistan

Afghan girl's burns show horror of chemical strike

Gates Balks at Demand to End Indiscriminate Afghan Airstrikes



Oprah Winfrey exposes Satanic Jewish practices

King Johnny's "Nazi Israel"
(note: History has changed since then)

Gaza 2009 - Operation Cast Lead

Again, they are Satanic here because
they THREAT to tell you, yeah, Zionists
are casting the leads for the real mass
murder scenes - Justice denied Humanity.
God doesn't exist to defend yourselves
from war criminals for Satan.

God will fuck you up!

WTC 911 Secret Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve Accounts Revealed

/ / the massive New York state financial derivative
Ponzi Scheme, but is now centered on money laundry,
and possible funding of alleged terrorists in Pakistan. \ \


"Military to Run State Schools"

This is un-acceptable. Lawless bushite vermin
who cowardly remain silent over 911, are traitors
to the cause every soldier has ever died for.
Thieves and rapists walk freely among their

/ / US Defence Secretary Robert Gates yesterday in Kabul,
that the Taliban might have killed people with grenades
because they did not pay an opium tax is not supported \ \

For this, American men will try and execute with
joy, Robert Gates, and his terrorists in the Air Forces.
Gates, in our world can not state such lies in the
face of the fact that the DEA confirms, Gates and his
bushite crews are dealing heroin into America today,
while refusing to hunt bushite rapists of American
Women down for rights defended. KBR. While the Taliban,
as religious fundamentalists, believe selling heroin
to enslave American children is ungodly. The Taliban
also made the crime of rape, a serious offense
warranting as much as death. "Lawless" bushite grunters
are the enemy of Humanity, who war God for the escape of
the neocons for 911. remember: Bush closed 911
investigations near immediately according to the FBI
and Senator Dacshle. Why? Because WE had found out that
the mass murder of Americans was financed by the
bushmobster General Ahmad. The General who was there
with the bushmob two days prior to 911 finalizing
their invasion of Afghanistan plan for Enron.

/ / Colonel Greg Julian, a spokesman for US forces in
Afghanistan, said that the Taliban had used civilian
positions as cover for attacks on US and coalition troops. \ \

Death to Colonel Greg Julian for conning teen grunts
without a sliver of evidence to form our free thinking
minds. Countless videos are on youtube documenting the
first degree murders of countless Peoples, well in the
millions, bombed indiscriminately with radio-active toxic
waste. Completely innocent human beings. Bill the traitor
Gates for refusing to support Justice for America, or don't
and die more ungodly American sons and daughters to the
cowardice that they express in refusing to honorably
defend. Justice for all. Die bushite die.

the zionist bushite enemy forces

/ / After it was revealed by the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price
that British trained policemen had tortured prisoners to death
with drills, we discovered, through the New York Times (!!),
that American intelligence officers had been working alongside
them at the Jamiyat police station \ \

Death to the bushite,
death to the sworn 'lawless' Zionist enemies of
Man who target our 'defenseless' innocent children
for murder, or torture, or rape. Death to the
bushites of KBR who 'escape' raping American Women,
and charge grunts more than $100.00 per small bag
of laundry. Death to the bushites of the Air
Force that routinely bomb our families
indiscriminately with radio-active toxic
waste for the neocon lying thieves to Life. Bill
a bushite nazi grunting robber, for Justice is God.



"The Devil" Peres to America: No choice but to compare Iran to Nazis

/ / "World has no choice?" Sounds like Israel is
making threats here!

How is Iran like Nazi Germany?

Iran isn't invading other countries (the way Israel
keeps doing), indeed Iran hasn't invaded anyone for
200 years.

Does Iran have an ethnic minority forced to starve
in a giant open air modern day "Warsaw Ghetto",
like Israel does? \ \

And Israeli are openly into actually targeting JEWS
for murder to profit themselves for, as they did by
breaking the truce, and by bombing Jewish centers
in Lebanon - God's Truth. Satanic as Ungodly enemies
of everybody according to the Holy Bible as a matter
of fact. (Hi! My name is Johnny.)


CODEPINK Interrupts Israeli President at AIPAC Conference

How is this not treasonous to play America's
part for sacrifice - is as to, obey without
question? In who's vetoed authority? 'Hands
Up!' What about championing equal rights for
all in our name we proclaim naturally? Where
evidence is the prerequisite on whether or
not we believe in something or another as a
cause worth dying for. AIPAC directors are
accessories to mass murder of ourselves as
the innocent targeted, they do for stolen
profits. Zionist leeches of the great
Jewish Faiths. Ungodly as is criminal so Doth
proclaim, The LORD, in the scriptures about
Satan's minions, and Johnny by whenning here:
LOOK : Nazi Israeli admit to breaking the truce
they put their word to. They false accuse the
innocent routinely, while stealing our homes
from ourselves at gun point, claiming God's
will not our own. Unfairly. Ourselves as the
left undefended victims paying extortions to
war criminals. Let US win one for everybody
by putting the war mongering enemies of God
and Man in their proper place. In a prison cell
awaiting public trial plastered wall to wall
as a good thing to shoot for as really
truly happening starting here and now, for the
betterments of all, what are we waiting for?.
the sky to fall again? Whaduyahsaie?

Torture Was Used to Try to Link Saddam with 9/11

Death is what these crimes warrant under standing American law.



These be murderous traitors of demonic order,
enemies of Justice, enemies of Life.



/ / The grisly [BUSHITE RAPIST] crime was
initially blamed on insurgents -- "This is
what happens when you harbor terrorists," \ \

Enemies of every female, and do American "men"
have the manhood to defend their own
Women from bushite rapists by simply lifting
their phones to demand open dialog for Justice?
They refuse as lifeless nazi scums. Bush closed 911
investigations and what does Americans really
care for? KBR are raping American women, and
the "men" of America only can chorus how greatly
fantastic Ron Paul and George Noory the demon
liar are, providing cover with censorship for the
godless cowards who refuse Justice to win the
freedoms of themselves.

Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast radio host!

Truth commission to proceed despite Obama’s wishes

"We need to be able to read the page before we turn the page."

We is Me and Keemosabbi


It Will Be No Defense To Say, I Was Just Following Orders Says Bush

Lawless bushite nazi scum will be brought down
by the fullest extent of our laws. Prosecutions
to the bushite torturers and KBR rapists, the
indiscriminate Air Force bombers of school
districts, the enemies of America who war
Humanity for the escape of the neocon zionists
responsible for mass murder in God's country.

Johnny Law for NEW! Coast to Coast radio Host!
Vote early, and vote often!

"Rebuilding America's Defenses"

"advanced forms of biological warfare that can
target specific genotypes may transform biological
warfare from the realm of terror to a politically
useful tool"

Profit from mass murdering Humanity as the most
sinister of Satanic war criminals in History.

Do Not Take A Swine Flu Vaccine!

[..given by a treasonously blind McCainiac bush
whore of evilness. An un-American corporate snoozer,
a LIAR, protected by censorship of Humanity's call
for Science as Justice Supreme. A godless liar
worthy a life term prison sentence in our courts
of Thee - done before Ourselves, the innocent
they con for more 'profitable' deaths to escape
the likes of a zionist neocon betrayer to Life]

Vaccines contain poisons on purposes to hurt you.
The PROVEN fact here is that, without DOUBT,
Mercury causes brain damage one hundred percent
of the time.

Support our rise to popular acclaim to defend
ourselves from the criminally insane.

Deadly 1957 Strain of Flu Is Found in Lab-Test Kits

/ / The rush action, recommended by the World Health
Organization of the United Nations, was prompted by
a slim risk that the samples could start a global
flu epidemic. \ \

These demons know full well they are directly
responsible. The science is well understood
that these godless savage enemies of Creation
promote next year's Influenza strain, of which
they are 100 percent correct every year on the
random mutations that they profit financially
from. Every year but for the one year where the
vaccines were destroyed by fire before they
could target for murder countless thousands as
someone like Yourself.


9/11 “Mastermind” Falsely Confessed to Crimes He Didn’t Commit

/ / If one of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s major
confessions (Pearl murder) was false, why
should we believe his confession about 9/11? \ \

Yeah like, where is the evidence these
traitors refuse to provide US in mutual
respect for ourselves actually defended?

Example: how did KSM get the military
explosives in without anyone seeing?, while
the place was a wash with bushite scum
retro-fitting for sumtin 'secretly' special?
"Secretly" = they told US they destroyed
the official records as conduct good enough
for a conviction on conspiracy to escape
mass murdering in, Hood Inc. America (ns).

No honor among thieves who feed off the
cowardice of the American citizens refusing
to stand for the cause of Man.

Justice for All.

Former Chief Accountant for the SEC: Bernanke and Paulson Broke the
Law and Should be Prosecuted


Port Authority: Records For WTC Renovation Work Destroyed On 9/11

High Treason, hohum.


US rejects an Israeli demand

"Israel expects the Palestinians to first
recognise Israel as a Jewish state before
talking about two states for two peoples,"

We refuse to believe a real Jewish state, is a
state that is inherently, a godless nation
of war criminals without an ounce of Love
for Justice as G-D's true will for Humanity.

Nazi Israeli admit breaking the truce.


SEE? Zionists are TRUE Satanic enemies of God
and Man, as so written in the Holy bible.


Obama "... nothing will be gained by spending
our time and energy laying blame for the past."

No Justice whatsoever?

What about American women raped by KBR? Oh yeah,
right. Women’s Rights are of no concern of bushite
nazi grunts who instead, have murdered more than
700 innocent people with the predator drone
strikes as exampled, with a total of 17 "Al-Qeada"
kills. According to YOUTUBE "Al-Qeada" = men who
look like they might have been carrying a gun.

(Maybe they, as the Taliban, were defending women
from rapists, a task that no TV politico as
"American" expresses for urgent concern, regarding
the American Womens victimized by unarrested KBR
rapists/employees of 'The NWO Freedom Force'. An
American worker paid for, private military campaign
that bombs Our Humanity indiscriminately, routinely
as FOR SURE sadistically evil Satanic war criminals,
the enemy of each and every one. Robbing US blind with
as BOASTED!, a belligerent ignorance on the simplest
precepts of Justice; such as evidence to actually
convince ourselves of something. McCainiacs are evil
stupid people of History's worst example for false
accusations. To near never apply our skills of
communicating to seek greater understandings, but
to divide our/itself as a bigot false accuser not
qualified to hold such a position in complete
disregard for the worth of it's 'viewer ship'. US,
the Audience. "News Professionals" are $tealing
our center stages selling a contemptible self
censorship on OUR Reality, FACTS readily reachable
to make present as considering, but systematically,
fully ignored as Legitimate. Like We don't count
for anything. A contempt for YOUR LIFE that could
never naturally stand without minimally, constant
ridicule, if the truth were ever known far wised,
instead of blind sided. Our Media, OUR media must
demand actual evidence to convince ourselves who
is who here. False capital accusers, particularly
in the American and Israeli military, must be
challenged publicly for facts on still, blindly
targeting our beloved families for capital murder.
Done all to better our circumstances against these
bad guy war criminals who as such, like the McCainiac,
refuse to target KBR rapists and/or, the torturers
in CACI, 'Al-Qeada' as AEGIS, SAS as Cop killers,
or Blackwater for mass murder of absolutely anyone.
"It's a turkey shoot!" Death to the bushite scumbags
who refuse US evidence to form our guilty verdicts,
death to the 'lawless' Zionist enemies of God and
America who falsely believe they will escape our
wrath against themselves as the sworn enemy.

That is why these monsters of mass murder and banker
mayhem refuse our open calls for Justice as willing.
A smart man or women might make some sense of this
dire predicament to remind ourselves of why Justice
wins for the betterments of all.

O'Reilly: "Torture, My Ass"

Bill O'Really and his brew deny the self respect
we deserve of equal privilege standing. His excuses
for being so ignorant, is his selling point!, and
that's why he is so honored in America with a multi-
million dollar salary. ? You decide; is that fair?
(Reminder for all you NWOers: Alex Jones was on
FoxNews and refused to say, 'Bush closed 911
investigations, so, do we want to get the bad guys or

"John McCain says 9-11 terrorists came from Canada"

I HATE McCainiac enemies of Life, that lie cheat
and steal from our Humanity to escape the neocon
traitors responsible for the crimes of mass murder
in america on 911.

Imagine these nazi grunts 'policing' cities in
America to escape the neocon for 911.. oh yeah..
they are. A nation of cowards too cowardly to even

raise their phones, never mind their voices
against national demon broadcaster George Noory.

Fed Shrouding $2 Trillion in Bank Loans in ‘Secrecy,’ Suit Says

Who's money is it secretly hiding from? Demand
justice. The crime of Extortion, along with
massive frauds in 'secretly' doling the TARP
funds, CRIMINAL frauds that demand real
leadership publicly open to committing
ourselves to fairness for all victims.

Johnny Law for NEW! Coast to Coast Radio Host!
Vote early, and vote often!


Unnatural Acts: No Place for Mercy from Happy TV News Celebs

/ / Having stopped the torture, the Oregon
soldiers asked for further orders: what should
they do now? The request was relayed up far up
the chain of command, and the answer came back
from on high: Go away – and give the prisoners
[including young children and women] back to
the [sadist, pro "lawless" McCainiac BUSHITE
grunting demon dumfuk] men who were torturing
them. \ \



bright light on where our TARP bailout money is going

Media damning Americans. This is a CRIMINAL fraud,
A THEFT OF BILLIONS. They fraudulently (MEANS
ILLEGAL] misrepresented the American Public,
aka 'God' to steal our money. "Officially",
"Democratically" left undefended for further
plunders. Nothing on YouTube, CrooksandLiars,
a Prison Planet?, you decide. Your Humanity
too dumb to care for supporting Johnny for NEW!
Coast to Coast radio host? Don't appreciate
the brilliantly wise as Just do you really?

Why do we still refuse to support this call
for freedom? Justice.

What is doubt? who cares to love God with all
of everything you are? Is to love America, to
watch it fall undefended for plunder? God's
will is to be Just for the benefit of all,
support this call for demanding open national
debate over the bushite liars who war to escape
those TRULY responsible for mass murder in my

King Johnny


9 scientists prove traces of explosives in dust from World Trade

This is the point.


Just We Rule

Niels Harrit, on nano-thermite in the WTC dust

On TV: Nano-thermite Behind Collapse of WTC Buildings on 9/11, Not

Obama DOJ Ignoring Evidence of Thermite from WTC

/ / Just how deep is America’s reserve of
dismissal and denial? \ \

They'll sacrifice their own teen sons and
daughters to escape the 911 terrorist
traitors, before demanding wiser men or
women being allowed to speak openly on
Justice for all Coast to Coast. How difficult
is it for "Americans" to raise their phones?
To post a concern, or to send an email?
..and to think: they call themselves Human
with Fox News hosts, hosting our Innocent
Humanity for more capital murders all to
further their stolen bounties in happiness?

Make YOUSELF known.


King Johnny Calls In to Talk Radio in America



Stop Spending Our Future - The Crisis


King Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast radio host.
Vote early and vote often !!!

/ / When does this stop?

When you, America, are tired of being ripped off
and demand that it stop. \ \

They are committing
the criminal act of extortion, and frauds
aplenty costing our ransom payments that include
many stolen homes. THEN - double whammy - The
TARP funds too! have been taken through fraud as
reported on MSNBC: 60 cents for every dollar
spent on buying a "dollar's worth" of toxic
debt. Easily convictable, (plus, we'd be able
to recover our loses) if we could only find the
common will to lift our telephone receivers, to
speak up for communicating: Real freedom is found
within Justice for ourselves. Who am I? No my
friend, who are you


"Now, if you listen to Hannity's show, if you
listen to Savage; you listen to Limbaugh, it's
almost like Alex Jones is hosting the show."

See? No justice as advocated with evidence
to form an allegation, makes Alex, and his
NWOers, look the same as the Hannity repugger
traitors daily.

AJ 'Lou Dobbs is legitimate"

What about the MURDER VICTIMS
of 911? Afghanistan? Iraq? Palestine? Haiti?
Somalia? South Ossetia~!!1!!

The bushmob doctored
the NIE. Conned Congress, and Soldiers. Did 911,
by closing criminal FBI investigations immediately.
Alex and George don't seem to want US to know
these FACTS that demand arrests of the culprits
responsible for high treason against Johnny's
America. Alex wants your money, and EVIL George,
our enemy, wants your soul stolen for Satan.

Ron Paul the THIEF "We Need More Earmarks!"

Alex Jones "We got the truth on our side"


HOUSE OF CARDS Causes of Economic Crises

So many crimes, so little time...

don't forget though..
the banksters do not cover our loans.
So why are many, who do near nothing for
anyone, actual trillioniare pirates? Because
YOUR an idiot for refusing to support
these calls for open debate to save ourselves.


Magic Thermite and the 9/11 Fairytale.




It Is Here! The Banned SNL Skit Cannot Hide From Louie

Hey, no prob. Obama needs only say, "it was
all perfectly legal". And pro-war crime magic TV
smilers say oh happy days. Like demon enemy
George Noory.

Where, or how does
a bankster "Lose" trillions?, when they covet
every last quarter penny? JPMorgan has currently
more than a trillion dollars in capital, so why pay
out as a tax payer 9.9 trillion on hopes to bolster
loans? They trade worthless derivitives, (CNBC's
"House of Cards") then pay themselves in YOUR
pension money as commissions. A sub-prime scam where
they trick a family into re-finance on the promise
of lowering payments, then bamb! double YOUR
payments to steal the house they put ZERO down for,
is a criminal fraud. But, whores of Obama hear him
state, "it is all perfectly legal", and that's all
they need to placate our screams for real Justice.
Our America is dying for the false accusing
demon LIAR, Trillioniare Zionist Banksters.

King Johnny for open line Coast to Coast
radio Host - Vote early, and vote often!


Christ the Jew=Elite Globalist

Alex Jones is confronted with a mirror false accuser

/ / AJ is not into connecting.

He is making money by spreading fear and
paralyzing people \ \

Alex, my friend, don't lose the cool.

Why do we need to rely on anything
but a fair sounded argument? Look at me: my
word's would suffice in dialog with US, the
Public, if America would demand we speak
openly on Coast to Coast with the facts of
criminality present in tyranny - all with only
needs to drop threats of fists-in-cuffs
against war criminals for public trial. I've
never threatened charm against anyone but
zionist torturers, mercenaries, and those
"Christian" soldiers who kidnapped young
barefooted Iraqi children and hurt them as
the innocent on video tape as sexual deviant
fascist nazis who 'believe' they are lawlessly
un-accountable to God and Man. You have to
be one serious un-arrested SOB before I'll
talk of cage.. well.. there you go. It really
doesn't help OUR cause to be a tough guy
against another wanting open dialog for
Justice. ? right? All for open national
debate in America, raise you voices! Or
don't and fall the consequences of further
ignoring my freedom call for liberation.

King Johnny

The "9/11 Missing Links" trap..

/ / The "Jews" started the 9/11 Truth
Movement....(?) Oh, that's rich! \ \

Look, blaming "Jews" would include innocent
persons, oh like.. Christ. A Zionist though,
states openly the will to TARGET for robbery,
or first degree mass murder, innocent
children, as corporately acceptable being
Satanic enemies of God and man. Remember:
Israeli ACTUALLY targeted Jews in northern
Lebanon with 7,000,000 land-mines. And Condi..
is near the biggest, documented war criminal
of history, and she's a .. .well.. a war
criminal who pre-planned 911 with her "TOP
SECRET" plan to invade Afghanistan for Enron.
If she was "Jewish" or otherwise, she'd still
be found a war criminal who pre-planned.. blablah


/ / Dr. Condi was very smart when she declared
at the outset of the most brutal Israeli war on
Gaza that it was the Palestinian side which
is held responsible for violating the six
-month truce. \ \

She lies, Innocent Christians die.


Geithner's Toxic Debt Plan So Good,
Citi and BofA Can't Wait to Get Started

/ / We're paying enormous amounts to free them
from their toxic assets, and they buy more? \ \

Raise your hands: who's in for continuing this
way without themselves present as accounted for?

Did you know: this latest bailout of AIG, is
the FIFTH given from the public as still not
accounted for either? Once, their idiots, twice,
your the idiot, three, We, the Idiot. Five times?
is to be somewhere past what was once factored
as purely theoretical.

(fOo|x)*5 - the irrational expression on how dumb
the public can succumb, before dreaming something
even dumber, is beyond the possible.

Holy man.

King Johnny for open line Coast to Coast
radio Host - Vote early, and vote often!


Nader: Seven Steps the Obama Admin is NOT Taking to Fix the Banking
Crash, Why Not?



Notice 12 versions - which one is right God
asks the religious in slanged broken English?


UN: Israel broke six-month truce in Gaza


Again, understand, Israeli NAZIS murdered 239
Police Officers who were just trying to defend
our families. The NAZIS also specifically targeted
innocent women and children for mass murder as
CHILDREN - then stated it was pro-zionist Hamas'
fault. Please, allow the godly men and women of
Humanity to speak freely in America, as open
speech dedicated to a freedom currently dying
as enslaved at the hands of the neoconner
corporate whores.

U.S. partner, not Hamas, firing rockets into Israel



Your buying "TOXIC ASSETS" wake the kucf up

I DEMAND yourselves open lines for remedy through
understanding, or don't and listen further for the
demon to openly lie cheat and steal from your life.
The bankers, who are ready to accept another trillion
dollars plus from giving Americans don't cover our
loans - they don't.

I want Justice, and I want it now for all the victims
of 911. Americans be damned, we want Justice, and We
want it Now.

Barack Obama Pimps the Bailouts on Jay Leno | 2 of 3 | 3-19-2009

'It was all perfectly legal."

No it wasn't. and besides, the private bankers
don't cover our loans. We need to work for
open communications Coast to Coast to remedy
a workable solution through factually based

Ben Stein on Larry King, said something
near this in reference to bailing out
these trillion dollar frauds: 'it's called
extortion, and somebody out there needs
to insist on understanding that that means,
it's hugely illegal, but Congress has
forgotten you have some dying rights here,
but, they can still call in our forces for
Justice, if America wills it.'

Guess what? We might might be the only
peoples on Earth to realize the
significance of Mr. Stein's factually
based stance on this issue of yours.


/ / Indeed, emails show that the rating service
employees knew they were acting fraudulently \ \

Did we forget that fraud is not only costly, but
illegal as well?

A.I.G. Sues U.S. for Return of $306 Million in Tax
Payments, Some Involving Tax Deals in Offshore Havens
- Uses Taxpayer Money to Pursue the Lawsuit



Cheney: Don't blame Bush team for economic woes

NWOer Jones: Don't blame Bush the decider

blame the CFR, IMF, Builderburg, Trilaterals,
the Masons, gays, liberals, socialists, wiser
women, wiser men, all without evidence to form
an actual warrant for arrest to defend ourselves?

How can Alex state Bush ain't worth American accountability
because Obama is oh so much worse? If Bush can do
911 and torture without Alex getting his panties in a bunch,
how is it that Obama can enrage him for dare increasing
the non-existent tax on those who "earn" 250,000 or
more in the lawless 'free market'? A Patriot?.
Can you believe Norris states a problem with a capital
gains tax? Do you People have any idea on how truly
wicked evil that is? ANY? Hedgers have cleared as
much as a trillion dollars personally screwing with
our businesses by nickel and dooming everything, and
with BUSH, have paid zero income taxes on such insane
cash withdrawals. While you as an American worker, who
actually works for a living, have paid your 'necessary'
taxes, and will continue to be forced to comply
further laboring, all to pay for the likes of Presidente
Chuck Norris, and his deeply proud ignorances on Economics,
Justice, Maths, and Religion. Like fellow multi
(b?)millionaire Ron Paul, who claims no call for Constitutional
protections available for demanding the arrest of Bush
and Cheney for high treasons, including the documented
actions of mass murder in America on 911. Never mind the
millions of INNOCENT bombing victims by the bushite nazi
savages of the amerikan air forces Ron states died as
an American police action. HEY! Bush wasn't even elected
and Norris with Alex Jones cares what for defending
American Liberty? Alex WILL continue to sell America out
with George Noory for more money. How much money does
America need pay Alex before he will allow the knowledge
of Bush closing police investigations on 911? How many
to die at the hands of censor Alex, who claims George Noory
is anything but the demon enemy he boasts daily with
his continuing lies to con the teen grunts further for
deaths? How much to allow Americans know the Iraq war has
no cause to still die America for we ask??????????????????

/ / Obama: US Can Detain Americans Indefinitely
Without Charge \ \

Err.. no we can't, for that would be criminal.

/ / Goldman Sachs, which paid out a company record
$11B in pay and bonuses after grabbing $10B
from taxpayers. \ \



Iraq dossier emails ‘devastating’

They knew they were CONNING us for murder.


"450 MILLION in AIG Bonuses to be paid,
not the reported 150 million"

Groups Request Special Prosecutor for Bush, Cheney, et alia

Ratings Agencies "Sold Their Soul"
Joining Wall Street and the Government


Bush Whores of Evil are Enemies of American Freedom


/ / 'No one is above the law, except the Bush
administration. Oh, and dissent is patriotic --
unless I disagree with you. \ \

Chuck Norris “Ron Paul was Right”

On pot okay, but on what else? 911? the Iraq war crimes
of liar Bush? Banking? Social Security? Health Care?
Freedom? Trade? Rights? The Republic? We don't think so,
and Norris ain't talking honorably to defend our rights,
because we know, he's a total sell out dysfunctional
illiterate loser to the military complex beyond his
reconin'. He'll kill any American teen with an
un-constitutional con to make the ungodly lawless
zionist enemy traitors richer as unholy thieves, just
as long as we don't make him out to be the COWARD he
is, still warring for the French to oppress The innocent
Peoples of Vietnam. I mean really, where is his
apology on targeting millions of innocent women
and children for mass murder as a Satanic LIAR? WHERE?

Headzup: Glenn Beck's "We Surround Them" Cult

Chuck Norris, The Illiterate Baffoon, 2009:

/ / "Texas has yet to learn submission to any
oppression, come from what source it may."

That's actually not true. They drink Dr Pepper here.
Dhimmi Peppers, I call 'em. Dang, now I'm on President
Chuck's enemies list. \ \

Texas? The State that openly rapes children without
arrests? Texas? The State that released a first
degree murderer without charge, while executing men
not guilty of anything, AS ALLEGED? blahblahblah.

What does Norris know of American freedom?, of
liberty? Squat, for he is widely recognized as a
dysfunctional illiterate who's made that claim
proudly for decades.

Canadian Activists and Lawyers United for Justice:

Canada must bar or prosecute Bush for torture,
and mass murder. For he is a war criminal who
lied that Saddam wouldn't let our inspectors in.
And, with Cheney, closed 911 FBI investigations
before we were finished nabbing the actual
suspects for mass murder - that's a no-no where
we're from. See? I'm a strict Constitutionalist.

Canada must bar or prosecute Bush for torture

/ / The law says foreign nationals who have committed
war crimes or crimes against humanity, including
torture, are “inadmissible” to Canada. \ \

We are being spoon-fed stupid again...

/ / Moreover, defying President Obama's ruling
putting a halt on all Gitmo military commissions,
the judge on the case not only accepted this filing,
but also released it to the public. \ \

Cofer Black admits to torturing KSM for years,
to get him to confess to near 50 terror events
spanning 20 plus years, TERRORIST CRIMES, that
Cofer has highlighted for US as still incomplete.

Obama Doesn't Have The Right - Just Like Bush Didn't Either


March 12 - 2009
Alex Jones "Liberals think Obama is God."

A younger, wiser
Alex Jones 'we gotta get beyond the left wing
right wing dichotomy'

Again, he constantly works to DIVIDE the
innocent masses, to escape the Neocon
bushmobsters for mass murder on 911.

FBI Believed that Bombs Used on 9/11

/ / Indeed, the FBI told a reporter for
USA Today that FBI agents believed there
were bombs in the Twin Towers. \ \

Awesome. Where is CNN and CBC here? Is
this an issue of life and death or no?
Who are they to judge OUR lives unworthy
of defense? I am King Johnny. Support my
demands for open communications above the
NWO shills who bark Bush and the Neocons
must be allowed to escape our Public

THINK: they took the bailout
money for THEMSELVES!

SuperNews! - A Night with Ann Coulter

Ann is like these NWOers some what eh?
Anything to escape Bush and the Neocons for
the mass murder of Americans. Ann actually sounds
near identical to Alex's excuses for attacking
Liberals, Socialists, gays, do gooders, anybody
he'll demonize to divide our voices for Justice
against the guilty parties of 911. (he's even
recently said some derogatory words against
the equality of Women's rights if you can believe
it!) Condi however, he has near never even
metioned but for to quickly pass! The 911 witch
who ordered not only the killing of Americans
for the criminal Neocon plan of plunder through
the mindless grunts of the military, who
lied daily about Iraq's wmds, but also, was
the sole person responsible for ordering seven
million land mines to be dropped on Jews in
Lebanon. 1441. When has Alex in his entire carreer
expressed interest in defending Palestinians
from indiscriminate slaughter supported by
Repuggers and Dems alike as Proxies for Satanic
godless war crimer Israeli? Is it because it
isn't popular to defend an innocent other in
Guns for brains Texas where rapists walk free
and innocent men are put to death without a
whisper of concern from the Chuck Norris' of
that world? Alex actually stated that the sound
of the bullets going into the backs of those
two innocent Americans was 'the sound of
Liberty'. Or, in other words, has Alex
supported arresting all AIPAC members as
accsessories to mass murder and blatant
treasons against the good old red white and
blue? Of course not, but demands he is US
fairly.. how so bro?

Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report

Justice we will.

Four largest TARP recipients spent billions

/ / The Goldman Sachs Group, which received $10
billion in TARP funds at the end of October, saw
fit to spend $2 billion earlier in the year on the
repurchase of company stock, which resulted in
an increase in company share price. \ \

Now, are YOU still going to refuse to demand the
Coast to Coast radio network stop working to
kill Americans for evil stupidity through the tyranny of
censorship, and instead, allow open communications
where John can host for dialog? Again, GCNLive will,
as largely bigots, will mimic daily what ALL "liberals",
or "Socialists", 'think' as fascist Commies - blindly
being derogatory to divide our innocent masses, OUR
WILLS, to start arrests with the traitors Bush and
Cheney - for PROVABLE crimes such as MASS MURDER on
911 by simply closing outstanding investigations.
The NWOers are the 'unstoppable' NWO, who they claim,
we can not bring formal warrants against ourselves.
The Iraq war is a needless war crime of dead
people that has no need to be, (why bomb
where you can go anywhere without delay)
a crime that all GCN hosts currently will forbid
communicating such knowledge to defend the
lives of sacrificing teen grunts. Why does not
America demand Coast to Coast allow the evidence
of 911 being ACTUALLY orchestrated from Condi's
office with her pre-invasion of Afghanistan plan for
Enron, (as so reported by MSNBC.) be openly aired
for grievance? Who's freedom does the NWOers defend
by blaming without needs for forming probable cause?
People who blame other INNOCENT people with labels
concocted from the broken minds of bigots? Again,
the bartender from the "CFR", isn't guilty like Condi
from the "CFR".

Wake up people, we are under attack by those
who refuse US Justice to win Freedom for anyone.

Johnny for NEW! Coast to Coast radio Host!



Fed to Taxpayers: Up Yours! -- Insists on Hiding Bailout Data


'9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda

Banks Use Your Bailout Funds As "MOB" Tax Havens

This is unreal to see America victimized to
die this way.


A Jew Speaks Out! - "All the answers are here."

'Israeli Military Attacks the Civilian Police Force'

REVEALED: 'There was no Cabinet debate in run-up to war,'

/ / The Government is refusing to release minutes
of Cabinet meetings before the Iraq War because
they would reveal there was no discussion on
the issue. \ \ Couldn't even be bothered with
pretending when the cameras were off? Lazy
nazi war criminals laughing at Humanity's
demise for sacrificing to the ungodly Zionist
LIAR gains of demonic origins..

Reminder: Peter Powers did the 7/7 bombings


911 WTC7 CBS Breakthrough

Amazing News on Fox - 9/11 was an inside job told to troops

9/11: Impossible Speed & Impact -- Busted! Updated

Now, the bushmob with Obama, CNN, FoxNews
and some of MSNBC have been issuing the blind
acceptance, that buying these "toxic assets" was
a better investment, than publicly challenging
ourselves on where all the actual money went? and
for wHaT?? Manufacturing has been purposefully
outsourced by the Bushmob as treasonous SABOTAGE,
while now, to make up for a small percentage of
the massive job losses, they, to FOOL YOU, include
those who flip burgers as the new Manufacturing Jobs
created to make the numBerts look not so bad -
Giving public money
to banksters to do what THEY will with our
investment is nuts okay? - even if they lent it
back, of which they have formally refused, but even
if they did, it would still be nuts because where
is the public's interest being defended where they
pocket privately by defrauding near all at 99
percent there also? It's like you EARNING a thousand
dollars, to then be told by the banker, he's
going to charge you a thousand dollars plus interest
for cashing YOUR check at the only bank available
for fifty miles. (Your car has been repo'ed.) Answers:
The depositor should be recognized as the shareholder
- and there should be no private interests existing
to take in between our exchanges for goods and
services. Banks need to be separate from the Casino
frauds which comprise much of what the Market is
today., and a tax for every buy and sell needs to
be re-introduced. Obama, and the Repugs want US to
religiously accept the broke Banker Buildings rule
our Reality by giving of ourselves blindly in huge
error. We can work it out. Ego must be chucked
- facts are facts - and Justice is measured as
Freedom is cherished. In other words: No evidence?
Person innocent. I rulez.

Trillionaires, whatyahfingureeh?

Johnny America for Coast to Coast Radio Host.


Fans Get Even With Riot Police


Autism & Vaccines: U.S. Court of Claims

The PROVEN fact here is that, without DOUBT,
Mercury causes brain damage one hundred percent
of the time.


Bird and Fortune - Subprime Crisis


the banker does NOT cover our loans

/ / Alex Jones on Coast to Coast tonight to speak Bush the mass
murderer, is just a 'puppet' for lying that Saddam wouldn't let
the inspectors in WITHOUT CORRECTION \ \

He's a bushwhore. A soul who refuses others to actually
understand their own conclusions. It's all about Alex, and
not about Justice. Bush closed 911 investigations. He'll
go on and on about the new bank of banks their selling
against "all" as a diversion to understand, the
international private bankers have stolen trillions as
of late, and believe Alex and George ain't gonna let
Americans know: The banker does NOT cover our loans, and
even if they did, WHICH THEY DON"T, why give them our
own money to only hope that they will lend a small
back to ourselves at high interest?

Justice in The Gun State of Texas

Texas Prepares to Execute Man for Driving a Car Near Scene of Murder


Bushite Alex Jones "Obama is so much worst than Bush was"

So, don't arrest him for treason that murdered Americans?
Remember, Alex in eight years did everything he could to
not allow any to discuss BUSH'S crimes spree. Doctoring
the NIE?, prior plan from Condi? Or stealing 50 billion?
I could easily go on for paragraphs on DOCUMENTED CRIMINAL
ACTS - acts that Alex would not allow YOU to know need
defense to save the lives of innocent Americans.

Patriotic American Navy Vet is tortured by bushite nazi grunts

Again, Reagan warrants death to all who torture, and
a deep hatred for all ungodly in America who support it.
Why? Because the vast American public (especially FoxNews
treasonous LYING enemies of The People) DO NOT have the
intellectual skill to understand what freedom is.
Justice. Look at me! they can't seem to talk for
Christ's interests, that smart ass know it all, where he
thinks he's so ingenious where no one on Earth can find
fault with his indisputable simple logic we share EQUALLY.
(Bankers don't cover our loans for example) Kill my kids,
my spouse, myself, before allowing John to speak openly
in the public on Coast to Coast for open debate, all of
Americans say in silence censored. Why does America continue
to die this way? Because bushites are truly as they claim,
stupidly ignorant as treasonous cowards, or as
prosecutable criminals, evil people who only want in this
world to rob or murder People indiscriminately as enemies
to Justice, enemies to GOD, a Criminal. NOT A JEW you fuks!
George Noory will tell you freely all about his hatred for
our Humanity, he does it near everyday, though People don't
have the ears to hear, or the care. Too scummy. That
remember! get American GIs murdered by the score with NO
REASON AS FOR. Example: why bomb more than a million
innocent souls indiscriminately in Iraq, if you have
complete unrestricted access to go where ever you will?
And, that Bush, Cheney, Condi and such, knew from day one,
Saddam had all the WMD destroyed as documented fully, as
did I. Documents that BUSH personally stole if you recall
not listening to Alex Jones, Foxnews, CNN, or the CBC.
err. maybe it was Bolton - s-t-o-l-e-n -.
Likely, as a likewise deeply ignorant person, you know
little of Life as principled for individual freedom, and
couldn't care less what this boundless Universe offers
all in reflection, instead, it all about what's in it
for you as a lying cheating thief to this mystery right?
Wanna be a lawless mercenary to murder innocent people
dreaming of becoming a private investment banker, who
never earns a dollar in their entire careers, taking
trillions undefended from Humanity just to see US
suffer to deaths for our continued silence. All you have
to do is raise your phone to demand justice in our times.
All Neocons must be arrested for public trial, along
with near every last member of the Bush Administration.
PUBLIC TRIAL. And Soldiers must learn quick a commander
who doesn't support getting those responsible by following
the crimes scene leads, is a commander deserving of an
immediate firing. Otherwise, what use is the grunt
good for eh?


9/11 - strange facts

Alex Jones on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory P2

"I'm light-years ahead of the general Public in knowledge"

/ / Yet, doesn't know a thing about Education,
Health Care, Social Security, Banking, or evidence
to form our guilty or innocent verdicts on which
war to fight for. And.. can't figure Bush guilty for
treason? Apparently yes, that dumb. \ \

A Den of Thieves - why give to private bankers
who don't cover loans you godless nazi savages?


/ / the firm for which the spouse of the
House Republican whip works has scarfed
up a couple of hundred million bucks in
the banking bailout. \ \

Private Banking Made Simple


Israeli Bombs inflict more pain on Gaza hospital


/ / Late last week, a federal court ruled that
there was no link between childhood vaccines
and Autism. But the legal conclusion is not
enough to erase many parents' concerns and
the debate continues. \ \ Mercury causes brain
damage as a neural-toxic heavy metal.


Stephen Harper copies John Howard WORD FOR WORD

Widespread Suffering and Death

[CNN pulled this A. Cooper report off youtube - accessory]

Notice no one shoots at the blimp fire bombing the
entire neighborhoods. And if it's phosphorous, that
smoke is already deadly toxic. That is why it warrants
the Death Sentence under International Law when used
against OUR Humanity, as the most evil of Nazi War
Crimes ever.


Eyewitness to Shanksville Crash - It Was Not a 757

Fake 9/11 Call From Flight 93 Exposed!


/ / According to U.S. intelligence sources, at the end of
June 2001, the FBI intercepted two phone calls from Grossman
in which he told the called parties to "stay away from
Brewster Jennings . [Plame's TP SCRT Cover to nab REAL
terrorist WMD proliferators by using GOOD policing freedom
skills - with logical arguments, warrants, and everything!] .
. they're the government . . . they're nothing but a
cover." One of the calls was to a Pakistani Inter Services
Intelligence (ISI) top agent in Washington. \ \

So, the ISI was warned by the White House clandestinely, in
June 2001, 'some do gooder cops are on the prowl defending our
interests, looking for REAL terrorists who jeopardize
Freedom's cause, so, you'd better watch out for America's will
power, US might get US, and boy, then we'd be in for one big
hell of a surprise!,. eh?. Are you still with me? Hello?
Is someone else on this line? ... Yyyou'll never catch me.'

Marc "Johnny America" Grossman "Any country that doesn't go
along with US will be paying a very heavy price."

CNN Admits 9-11 Inside Job

Patriot of Great Britain arrested for sending
"7/7 Ripple Effect" to judge and jury members

/ / Anthony John Hill, originally from Sheffield,
was arrested on Carrig Street in Kells this morning
on foot of a warrant issued by the authorities in

It is alleged he sent DVDs entitled "7/7 Ripple
Effect" to the jury, the judge and members of the
victims' families. \ \

All of Great Britain joins US in demanding
the "Judge" to face trial for death sentence.
Peter Power "did" the 7/7 bombings. Ask
Netanyahoo, he knows.


Report Of “People Planting Bombs” on 9/11

"Army deserter deported from Canada, now in U.S. jail"

This is a for real war crime. Why? there was/is
no cause for the Iraq war. Truly. Example: why
bomb if you can go anywhere without delay? To
only murder innocent People INCLUDING SOLDIERS
to thieve from ourselves as war criminals is what
any rational person comes to understand. When you
destroy bushite grunts who war God for rape, torture,
and enslavement of our species, you save the
innocent lives of their next victims. To hunt
the godless bushite enemy, is to love Justice
as our glorious Humanity winning over the lawless
nazi grunts of the Third Infantry - who'll shoot
anybody, blindly as cowards, led by a Saudi, Buford
Blount. Their "leader" who left Iraqi's largest
weapons depot undefended for looting. Qaqaa. Killed
many a bushite nazi grunting lawless coward by his own
treasonous brand. And mumbling bushite nazi grunts have
what to say about American teens made valueless
victims for Neocon bounties? "whore yay" That's
about it..

Private Banking Made Simple

9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!

VIEWS: 10,100,000

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11



LETTERS NOW RELEASED PROVE-Bush Intervened-To Suppress Torture

This is called ungodly nazi war crimes against
innocent Human beings.

Obama Gets Tough to Shield Bush Torturers

Who does Obama think we are as 'United' together
on pro lawless torture against innocent 'others'?
Wake up people, we are under attack by those
who refuse US Justice to win Freedom for
anyone. "Conservative" retards are completely
lost here, because they do not have the
intellectual skills necessary to understand:
a person accused of a criminal offense without
any evidence is innocent. Or, how about, No one
deserves to be tortured for confessions on
crimes left then unresolved for actual
retribution. [Aegis OPENLY murders innocent
families for more American paying for zionist
monies - P2OG - YOUR Spouse, YOUR Child, YOUR

Following the crime scene leads of 911 to nab
the actual evil doers is beyond the will of the
deaf, dumb and blind? with lawlessness gaining
for monetary loses due America as corporate
cheaters. We are Brilliant, of that much I am
certain. Conservatives are minimally, idiots.


Israelis forced mother to choose which of her children would die

Funded by the American tax payers as a gift to
God as our stolen Humanity. Equal rights for all,
especially the Taliban's position in defense of
America, demanding evidence to form our guilty


Obama Accused of Blackmail over Terror Trial Evidence

Again, Obama is taking a position to torture innocent
people here as a traitor to Just cause. Just cause to
live in a free society. Torture warrants the death
penalty under American STANDING Law.

Johnny Law for Coast to Coast radio Host!

yaahhh im a real person! Wow eh? Now,
let US bag some bushite scum for the Gipper.

UK judges accuse Obama Administration of suppressing torture claim

Yeah really. What kinda world does Obama take US
for here? Does he actually believe we hold no
interest in being attacked as ourselves, the
innocent forsaken? A reminder: an American was
executed under Iraqi law without any evidence
brought against the accused, while the grunts
were offered an excuse to seek not the culprits
at the terror scene. The case was lightly reviewed
at democracynow, a year or two ago, and can be
found by searching for a grunt pretending to be
an ambassador to Romania. A case where the Judge's
life was threatened by a "General", where if he
didn't order the death of the innocent American
citizen, the grunt with the General would murder
US all right then and there. The Innocent American
was murdered as forsaken for value shared by
free men. dying.



Hey! this stuff for cats and dogs looks pretty
coool. Check it out if your a pet lover!

Near Impossible to believe!

/ / "similar themes go through all our streams. And it all
comes back as Confucius says, "Do unto others, as you would
have them do unto you." And Christ said that, Hillel said
that, Buddha said that, everybody says that, cause that's all
it is. But bushite, he wants to accuse People of criminal
offenses without any evidence, and indiscriminately slaughter
everybody in countries, for no good reason but to be OUR


AG Holder-- First, Jail All Bush's Lawyers

For actual documented criminal actions against
American interests in defending ourselves from
indiscriminate robberies, tortures, or mass murder.

Israeli openly admitted that they targeted those
innocent Christian children for MURDER - as -
continuing "disproportionate" force in our names
as enemies of God and Humanity. They are not Jews,
but of the evilest group of lawless nazi savages
pirating the government of Israel away from US Jews.

Ceasefires, Israeli-Style

They admit TODAY, as yesterday, and last week, month,
year, decades, that they target completely innocent
people for murder to punish Humanity for believing
in God as Just, or real freedom understood as practiced.
Libertarian couldn't give a shit on a issue such as this,
that they keep everyone ignorant of through hypnosis. Israeli
openly admit to thieving innocent peoples homes, to them
be sent at gun point, to live in a concentration prison
death camp.

Americans Are Welcome In Israel

Jesus Christ in Islam


Yoo: Bush okayed torture to outwit defense lawyers

This is why it warrants the Death sentence. Remember
corporatist Amerikan citizen, these torture victims
that include children as younger than a hundred, had
not been alleged to have ever committed a crime in
their entire lives. Victims tortured to death for the
pleasures of those Satanic, such as General Geoffry
Miller, who tell US today as confidenced, they do it
because, patsy wasted American soldiers will just refuse
to hunt them down for formal executions.


Ron Paul defeats 5 TV 'experts' in 10 minutes

Ron Paul is a traitor. They stole the cash Ron.
And, the Iraq war is a war crime. But Ron, the
Fascist, doesn't want THESE FACTS uttered. Why?
Because wiser men would prevail, wiser men like
me who understand buying in bulk is cheaper. Those
like Christ who understand, who KNOW, the banker
doesn't cover our loans - so why give them as much
as a taxed red penny?, let alone trillions as
officially unaccounted for? They are stealing the
cash Ron. Ask yourself: Why has Alex Jones
forbidden his bushwhore cult from understanding
Bush doctored the NIE?, or of iron flowing like
water from the towers? Because wiser men would
prevail and he can't have that. He called shooting
innocent men in the back, an act of liberty. I,
an actual god, unlike Alex, lie near never, but
maybe to myself when I'm lonely. Alex yes will
tell you rapists are free to do what they will
in Texas to American children, un-arrested, but
he won't mention it when the police chief is with
him on air, talking about how he'd like to be
exempt from traffic tickets for being so popular.
NO MENTION of the rapists walking away without
arrests made, no mention of Bush's documented
treasons on 911. Where are Alex's priorities?
In selling YOU out so he can be wealthy like a
bankster?, and have special rights over everyone
else that drives drunk, or speeds? a big hero
standing over our dead soldiers yelling, I told
you so, I told you so, I was right, I was right.
Again, understand: It is not by my will to deny
open debate with America, it is Alex, and his
demon buddy George Noory that denies out Humanity
this right. And when people try, like Peggy, or
Black men on Jewry, Alex lies cheats and steals
our wills for further thefts. Ron Paul's family has
millions taken from loyal Alex Jones fans. MILLIONS!
Does Ron do commercials with that money highlighting
the bushmob's plan to invade Afghanistan, dated two
days prior to 911 for Enron? Of course not, wiser men
would prevail to expose him as the charlatan charity
raider he is regarding Health Care, Social Security,
Public Schooling, earmarks.. It is unfair to measure
Ron against corporate nazi zionist whores of MSNBC who
willing, openly, kill American teen soldiers for
criminal neocon gains, as an honorable gentleman's
talk. Half honest People like Ron are extremely ignorant
on the workings of our world. EXTREMELY. I joke here not.
Evil is the deceived disguised - translated - evil
people are always dumb.

Corporate America says no, Charlie Manson was a genius,
but not, that most Americans are prone too easily to
suggestive states where they can be made to believe
anything blindly. Think: what does, "bin Laden did 911"
mean anyway? You should know of what I'm trying
to teach you here. That is how
Alex knowingly or otherwise, steals our rights, by
beating off he knows everything already. And some,
if not most, actually believe him without knowing
squat either. It's sooo easy that way - no study
required!! LIBERTARIAN HELL! Everything is not on
the Internet, where it near should be, but regardless,
a Libertarian can't be bothered to read anyway.

Justice to the war criminals of
indiscriminate warfare would better serve ourselves
to halt for our safety. The bushmob did 911.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

Humanity Under Attack by the Zionist Enemy of Life


Not only that but the BBC argued that to show
innocent Human Beings suffering, in CRITICAL
life threatening need of desperate food and
water that Israeli nazi stole, (because they are
unlawful murderous thieves), would have them look
like they were partial to serving Humanity's
interest in compassion for US humans. Over the
Israeli terror Nazi tactics of indiscriminate
slaughter for more Amerikan welfare. Wicked evil
nazi bastards who too, DO NOT THINK IT BEST to
report Peter Power committed the London bombing.,
Oh yeah, and mercury is neural toxic, anti-psychotics
make us crazy, and sodium fluoride makes us
stoopider while weakening your body for big cash

Olbermann | Bush Years: 8 in 8 Minutes

Bush and Cheney are traitors to the cause of
American Liberty. To leave them free, is to leave
America un-guarded from further transgression.

King Johnny Guest Caller on Free Mind Radio!
(back-up) http://www.mediafire.com/?ptui9mm15pn


Unseen Gaza High Quality: Part 1 of 6

While Zionists OFFICIALLY target Christian school
girls for mass murder, CNN instead reports that
bushite grunts attacked girls in Afghanistan, posing
as Taliban.

The Torture Ban that Doesn't Ban Torture

/ / Obama's Executive Order bans some -- not all -- US
officials from torturing but it does not ban any
of them, himself included, from sponsoring torture
overseas. \ \

Is America a nation of Law to Live freedom?
Because this SPECIFIC deviant action of Obama warrants
the death sentence under Reagan's "War Crimes Act".
SPECIFICALLY. Or, is it you falsely believe Obama
can do no wrong against innocent people here, where
an illiterate nazi grunt, maybe from South Africa,
will kidnap YOUR children, and torture them to
death for sadistic pleasure, with as they did using
power tools caught in Iraq, according to Iraqi
government official(s), and several soldiers from
Oregon, all because Obama has given an ILLEGAL!
"excuse" to NOT support following the crime scene
leads at our REAL murder scenes? Again, death to the
bushite dumfuk enemy of God, death to the enemies
of a freeing Humanity striving for a just society.
Obama needs to be arrested for this under the Law
as it stands I'm sorry to say my friends. Why?
Torture is illegal in all 50 states, (as Reagan
directly planned), no matter where you ship the
innocent victim to, or from! Read the War Crimes
Act, then demand Justice today, otherwise, it's
YOUR funeral. Obama wants to secretly torture
Peoples here, while lying to US ALL that he doesn't!
A TRAITOR! Who also wants to give bankers 100s of
billions of dollars more to disappear, that WE pay
for, out our door, never to be seen as our own

Jack Blood interviews Richard Andrew Grove, an AIG insider and


Bush PERSONALLY worked to close
Police investigations immediately after
911 (obstruction), or that WE have video
of iron flowing like water that PROVES,
without doubt, bin Laden couldn't have
single handedly placed the explosives
in the buildings, or stole the black boxes.
Because someone surely would have spotted
him dragging his dialysis machine what with
all the professionalism of corporate news
media coverage regarding our horribly
suffering worlds. Alex Jones ignores the
treasons of Bush, as a Bushwhore, and
instead, tells US of how Obama is Bush on
steroids. He only wishes. What about
Justice for Americans Alex? Why for do you
forsake ourselves? For money? What about
the lives lost to mass murder, that you
allege to champion OUR TRUTH without saying
much of anything on real Freedom?, on real

"We believe there were dozens of IRGC
personnel in the Gaza Strip during the
war," an Israeli source said. "Some were
killed; others went into hiding, and
others escaped."

See? the demon enemy of God speaks no
evidence as a TRAITOR to every Jew. A terrorist
nation that still steals humanitarian aid in
our public realm of left defenselessness. The
false allegation deserves a death sentence
by Jews against the war monger Zionist enemy.
A cause that Iran should champion, if in fact!,
face, unsubstantiated as patently, demonically
false. As typical from any godless Zionist.

Gaza: 'I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls'

Getting away with murder as 'God's Chosen' chosen
for death by war crimes trial more like.

They are murdering Cops

2-Bombings target house of Abu Ubaida El Jarah,
Police Director in Sheikh Ridwan area.

3-Airstrike targeting Al Zaytoun police station.

Nazi Israeli are murdering Police Officers,
and the families that live in the areas near
them as once defended from criminals.

It's like saying, every Cop in America deserves
a death sentence by thousand pound radio-active
waste based uranium/plutonium war shells because

Bush stole the election, then committed 911 with
the Neoconned Partners of Public Crimes, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Condi with General Ahmad and Myers. Now,
I ask all Cops, does that make sense to you as
still remaining silent? You can be a man too, why
don't we all just give it a try.

Chief Israeli Nazi Rabbi "All civilians living in
Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks"

“In spite of rising the blue flag of UNRWA on
our schools, the Israeli army has been targeting
those schools by missiles and tanks shells.”

U.N. special rapporteur on torture calls on U.S. to prosecute Bush and

[SATANIC ENEMY] Israeli warplanes attack Gaza during Truse

Satanic Enemies of Humanity Kill 8 Yr Old Girl During Fake 'Ceasefire'

Nazi argues it's good to get killed Jews by
breaking truces with prison camp.

They shoot Peoples indiscriminately telling US
that's how evil they are to argue it's Your
fault though.

They HAVE ADMITTED to targeting the school
girls for murder with lies they were caught
doing. THEY DON'T GIVE YOU EVIDENCE. And when we
get the facts, it's near always exactly the same
thing: they steal our Homes, they STEAL our
lives. God calls the Zionist Jew Enemy of
the Synagogue to Satan!!

The Ungodly Murder of Innocent Men by Israeli Nazis

/ / At noon an Israeli military jeep with four
soldiers entered Tameizi’s land. After 15
minutes the man was thrown, blindfolded and
still handcuffed, into the back of the jeep. \ \

Let us not lose the focus of fact, that these
people of ourselves live in a concentration,
prison death camp, robbed of everything.
in Curfew near anywhere in "peace time". And
still, to this day, do Nazi Israeli CONTINUE
TO THIEVE the Homes of god loving folks in the
region, guilty of no crime but to have been
born into such brutal ungodly oppression
against Civilization. And to see, face no TV
opposition as American tax payers continuing
to fund such war crimes in our absent names,
is a crime on to ourselves if allowed to go
unchallenged. Johnny for Coast to Coast radio
host. Free the Slaves! Free the Slaves!

Binding U.S. law requires prosecutions for those who authorize torture


The ugly secret of Barak and Livni, the truth about the Gaza rockets


See my Jewish friends, these zionist liars
will never escape our love for Truth in this
our new age. Killing Jews for money is as
evil as found, negligently criminal, agreed?

Gaza: lives in ruins

'Ungodly Enemies of Life is the only way
to describe it from here Tom. They again,
are attacking People indiscriminately for
murder as sadistic Satanic enemies of God'


For the Popular Will?

Alex Thomson shuts-up Israeli spokesman!

They are criminals who murder People
in hate for a freed Humanity. They OFFICIALLY
steal Peoples homes in that country didn't you
know they proudly proclaim it so? And steal
humanitarian aid from starving children.
Targeted to murder children specifically as
publicly confessed, 'it is Hamas WE blame',
not them as demonic child murderers.

/ / Those white phosphorus shells used on the
Gazans are made in the USA according to Jane's
Defense. \ \

Again, these peoples are not Jews. Being
Jewish is a religion. These thieves of God
are Satanic in their LIES to betray the
common trust in our words, that bind all
worlds to victory, called freedom universal.
Even tales of the Devil have him keep his word,
with verses specifically condemning the self
to damnation for targeting the innocent for
death. God's the Word.

A zionist cabal of criminal pirates who murder
Jews around the world for stolen money is
seriously evil as criminal. What do you think?
Let US have a open line discussion on this
indivisible matter of rights to all as equals
before who ever we proclaim, I AM.

I mean you right? Say it with me... "I" "AM"
we are good to go.


George Galloway "The West has DOUBLE STANDARDS when it comes to

A Zionist Nazi Being

See? A zionist Nazi argues it's good to get killed
Jews by breaking truces with a prison death camp,
cause look at all the free American Welfare money
we can steal through kicking-back AIPAC members in

Nazi Israel Broke Ceasefire as Satanic:
The Bush Administration and The New York Times v. Amnesty

UN sites shelled with WPh after GPS coordinates given

Livini was reported to say today that, 'every
innocent person targeted by Israeli, as such
driving in ANY car, or on ANY bike, or walking
down the street as then directly murdered, Hamas
will be blamed for. Heil Hitler' Well, I made
that last part up, but do you have the ears to hear
the screams for mercy given by Humanity?, while
this, the evilest of JEW KILLERS in the known
universe, (targeted, and murdered countless Jews
in Lebanon as one example), believes no man or
woman living can speak directly against her wanting
to MURDER even more as ungodly... 'Until the tin
can rockets stop falling on Jews' standing in their
detention centers, or living at the garbage dump
They will rob and kill US all my INNOCENT friends
as LIAR Satanic if you, YES YOU continue to refuse
to support my/our demands for OPEN COMMUNICATIONS
for Justice ourselves. Johnny Dazzler for Coast
to Coast Radio Host!

'Secretary General outraged at shelling of UN building in Gaza'

"I conveyed my strong protest"

Not good enough. Public War crime charges warranting
Death by Jewish firing squad, is what is demanded of
our Humanity. Death to the zionists liar war criminal
enemies of Humanity, instead of US, who they target
for mass murder.

They are jewish criminals, not criminals because they are Jewish.

Some Serious Evil Jarg in Dishonest Reporting

Forgetting about the truce given to those in
a concentration prison camp? Where they are denied
food and water? In curfew prior to near half the
days of the year, for years? How could they not
to claim such self righteousness? They don't bother
because they'd rather YOU were made innocent victim,
then them, Zionists who would screw you out of a house
called home. Did you know: they openly steal Peoples
homes in that criminal nazi state labeled godly?
Of whom openly thieve? Officially? Yes, and they try
to thieve the title of Jew from the Messiah too,
but I'm not going to a slave prison death camp
for innocent humans, I'm fighting back to demand
open communications to rule true Justice concerned.
Freedom is paramount. 911 perpetrators will be
brought to Justice by King of Jews Johnny Dazzler.


Israeli Murders Officer to make it look better


/ / And we may assume that he was a non-Jewish
member of the IDF, given [...] \ \

Lawless evil doing for neocon lying criminals
really sucks man. Our friends are dying murder
victims. They are robbing our humanity of common

Neocon Enemies of the Jew do not Care for Truth

ElBaradei says Iran’s nuclear program is legal: report

But Neocon enemies of the Jew do not care for Truth.
They lie as enemies to God, on hopes to murder Jews
like they did in Lebanon with millions of land mines.
What kind of "Human" would commit such crimes against
Life? Cheating Liars for Satan Johnny tells YOU.


The Queen Shall side with The Great Nation

You can not hand over a prisoner for the crime
of refusing to commit a war crime. Otherwise,
YOU'D be a war criminal like now Harper is.
A Zionist appeaser. The government of Canada
already decided on this issue, and the vote was
137 Patriot to 110 neoconned bushite dumfuk.
The Iraq War is a war crime. These be demons
that steal our democratic voices, by denying
freedom from a man who's capital offense, is
that he tried to be fair for all parties. See?
War criminals.

The Queen Shall side with The Great Nation of
Canada Vs. S. Harper on this. Ask her.

God Bless the Queen.


/ / destroying Hamas terror infrastructure \ \

As Satanic, they TARGET TO MURDER Christian
School girls, and claim, none on Earth will demand
their public trials for executions as War Crimes
against God, because to the Satanist LIAR, (and
many "American" "Christians") God doesn't exist
within YOU to demand Justice for our Times.
YOU change that.

Evil on Parade

43,000 FoxNews Zionists in America, sign petition
in YOUR INNOCENT BLOOD calling for censorship of
Gaza conflict across all America


Stressing that Israel was "the first to stand
up against pure evil." [See? A zionist Nazi argues
it's good to get killed Jews by breaking truces
with a prison death camp, cause look at all the
free American Welfare money we can steal through
kicking-back AIPAC members in Congress.]

"I demand that the use of images and headlines
that misrepresent current events to the detriment
of the State of Israel be stopped immediately,"
the petition went on. [and the 'judge' judges
anything detrimental misrepresents the constant
LYING nature of the Nazi Zionist thieving pirates
of the Jewish Faith?]

This is detrimental to Zionist war criminals
because it exposes their TRUE EVIL NATURE..

Israeli Forced to Admit in League with Satan

Israeli forced to admitting, it lied as a demon
enemy of Life about tin can rockets falling
into the head of a good Jew, prior to the
Neocon LIAR's ungodly criminal attack for
senseless war against Humanity in the region.
When Jews die, these Zionists really take
everything like bandits., Peace where smarter
People speak freely for Justice? not so good.

The Other Side of the Story!

Ron Paul:
US Will Be Rightly Blamed for Israeli Killings

Not the Nazi Israeli?

The guilty party are those who advocate these
mass murderers of innocent peoples with
deliberate lies, like from Blitzer. Blitzer
will be tried, and executed a war criminal
for stating Hamas broke the truce., Where,
only two minutes earlier, he learned, that
it was his Nazi partners. DEATH SENTENCE.
It was on TV. BUT SEE? Ron Paul, the Libertarian,
ain't going to be honest here. He'll lie cheat
and steal Humanity's voice for Justice - like
he did with OUR money. A typical Libertarian
like Alex Jones who wants to blame "socialists",
"Liberals", aka, all of innocent America.
Blitzer is war criminal, who makes his own
discussions. As is Ron. What an enemy to not
mention the truce. THINK: IT IS THE ISSUE. But
Ron plays the dummy to kill more with contempt
for Freedom. Ron Paul, the bigot, asked,
'should we be doing this'? SEE? it's not first
degree mass murders, no, according to Ron Paul,
it's argumentative that indiscriminate mass
killing is a good thing really. Remember,
Ron Paul does not support arresting those
who committed mass murder on 911 either.
Or those who STOLE TRILLIONS. Or lawless Bush,
the ACTUAL AntiChrist enemy of God. Ron Paul
will watch America die for a stolen dollar.
And Alex Jones will refuse all calls to label
him good guy like himself warring order
to our universe for it.

Israel is [NOT?] responsible for these childrens death

Ron Paul "When we pick sides, we make it worse"

He also took our millions donated for freedom
fighting away for his family, but not our own
as dying innocent victims giving. Pick a side.


Contribute to our rise for the popular will

Alex Thomson shuts-up Israeli spokesman!

Wow. The demon LIAR will also say Hammas broke
the truce, and Israeli started this by stealing
innocent peoples homes, then imprisoning
ourselves, the victims, in a death camp for
indiscriminate slaughter. While they STEAL OUR
CHARITY. What is it that YOU can't picture?

Hi. My name is King Johnny.



/ / The targeting of civilians, whether
by Hamas or Israel, is a war crime. \ \

They are targeted by Obama who suggests
there is an argument to be made here. There
isn't. Nazi Israeli DEMON LIARS broke the
truce to kill Jews for money.


Nazi Israeli STEAL Peoples Homes without
apology, as a function of their SATANIC
government, while collectively bombing the
INNOCENT victims who die because of it.


For the Great Truths. We Stand United

/ / This option is also regarded
as a non-runner as the US would certainly veto that
suggestion. \ \

No no no no. What you do is investigate who this
the "US" person is as the GUILTY party my friends.
The facts have spoken for ourselves without contention.
And while we're at it, try to figure who that "Army
says.." person is too, we need to know who these
traitors are who hide their names backing war crimes
to continue. The Enemies of Civility, they are
enemies of US all my innocent friends, enemies of US

If I truly state
two nickels make a dime, does that mean therefor
they make a quarter also? If I say so like Alex
would? He is an idiot. Truly. George Noory figures
Hamas broke the truce, and that the Mideast solution
is that Jews should be separated with special rights,
as oppressors over the freedom of every Palestinian
Prisoner, and what's Alex Jones gonna say about
his 'truth telling freedom fighter' George to actual
'lame ass evil nazi traitor' George?, to YOU about
how George is just trying to murder millions of
helpless people as an offer for the final solution?
We can expect Alex now to claim, Zionists should
have special rights over Jews, all to maintain
his FICTIONS on Noory being anything but the
monster to Humanity he is. Just because Noory
doesn't growl when talking about murdering all
children in around the age of 15, or against
soldiers who refuse criminal orders, does still
make him a true fascist nazi enemy laughing at
your murderers escaping to live freedom in
our dying forsaken worlds. The bushmob doctored
the NIE. Conned Congress, and Soldiers. Did 911,
by closing criminal FBI investigations immediately.
Alex and George don't seem to want US to know
these FACTS that demands arrests of the culprits
responsible for high treason against Johnny's
America. Now, who's with yourself. I am! I am!
I am!

He don't give a cluck, but
how much money he can get you to give him for investing
in things that are un-important to our struggles, but
for the fact, he states, you'll get free money for

He will never mention the Bushmob doctoring the NIE
to con America for death as exampled, because it
doesn't fit his fictions, where all the bad guys
escape because they are geniuses headed by secrets
so powerful, nobody can ever know'em, except Alex.
He tells us near every day, he knows everything
already, and is never wrong, therefore you can't
criticize him. Bullshit. It's like he wants to be
wise like Johnny Gawd is, without doing anything like
studying for a test where the teacher actually does
know the issues. He told US today, the British came
up with concentration camps, from the Indians - who
spent all their lives murdering themselves. The
British 'invented' false imprisonment? The British
came up with the, Jews Killed Jesus? The British
invented Pope Gregory VII? I suppose Alex has never
heard of Ghettos. SEE? he just pulls shit out of
his ass, and calls it like it's truly pure gold you'd
wanna buy. Those, like your typical American have
no clues, so they figure, Life must be sorta so that
History is all one big Alex Jones NWO cartoon. What?
that the NWO did 911, and everything else that use
to instead, require criminal investigations to nab
the actual evil doers? Alex Jones IS the NWO he tells
US all we should be concerned about never stopping,
like it was in the DARK AGES. Justice Alex, why is
that hard for you as a "Conservative" to figure? Is
it because you are cowardly in the face of true
Liberty? Afraid that some People, on some Issues,
ACTUALLY know a great deal better than you could
even imagine presently? Don't like that do you?, where
you don't rule this Universe as a lawless tyrant
desperate to live in an illusion at the expense of
everyone else dying victims to censorship? Does he try
to find wise men or women? rarely. "Ron Paul [MUST]
leads our truth movement" - like, fuck off already
with the Ron Paul, The Truther, Bullshit Alex Jones.
1% is what YOU get on Social Security deposits - 1%.
And.. Bush stole 700 billion. 700. Billion. That's 700
BILLION. It's a "Trust" account. A "Trust" Account. It's
being held in "Trust" Alex. Ron Paul is asleep at the
wheel. As, so are the rest of all you other fools..
I want Justice, and I want it now for all the victims
of 911. Americans be damned, we want Justice, and We
want it Now.

Again, the two Laws of Johnny:

1. No evidence, person innocent.

2. Torture? fuk you and die then

"Rice says it is 'hard' for Israel to spare civilians in Gaza"

We KNOW they are ONLY targeting innocent People,
the ungodly zionist Satanic enemies say so..

"Israel Rejected Hamas Cease-Fire Offer in December"

Livni has declared her country "is not going to show restraint"

"Her" country?

It's like she's admitting here, that they DO NOT
target the IDF's Hamas, but only our innocent lives
as a threat to LIFE and GOD. Remember: the Zionist
LIARS broke the truce.

' In Civil-Contempt Cases, Jail Time Can
Stretch On for Years for Americans, without Ever
seeing a day in Court. '

Where are the arrests?, then firing squads for
the Judges who 'judged' such criminality against
freedom for US, the Peoples in America?



Rise up for Justice American Christian, or
die innocent victim the Son of God does say.


UN: Israel Admits Claims About Attacked School Baseless

US military re-supplying Israel with ammunition through Greece

/ / UN Call for investigation into shelling of
Civilian shelter \ \

Investigate that evil does exist in the thieving
LIAR name of godless Zionism? The enemies of God
and Jews everywhere?


Freedom Granted by Americans for Neocon Liberators

"Americans are having their heads velcroed to chairs
and forced to take in nutritional supplements by a
tube forcibly inserted through their noses by US guards."

Widespread Suffering and Death

Notice no one shoots at the blimp fire bombing the
entire neighborhoods. And if it's phosphorous, that
smoke is already deadly toxic. That is why it warrants
the Death Sentence under International Law when used
against OUR Humanity, as the most evil of Nazi War
Crimes ever. The neoCON LIARS are the LIARS conning
you here on our TVs and Radio dramas, in where, they
don't want to openly take our public calls for real
Justice. Bush and Cheney are traitors to the cause of
American Liberty. To leave them free, is to leave
America un-guarded from further transgression. So,
them being "puppets" is even all the reason more to
insist in their capture for trial by Jury. A Public
Jury of our Peers. Now, who's in with You? You can
count me in. and I bet willed to action, we will find
others to be something of ourselves too.. Justice
and Liberty for All. Equal rights given is what true
freedom is as measured. Translated from the 'Alien'
dialectic to Amereeze jank vibe; where is the fucking
evidence here Neocon traitors who false accuse to lead
us off the straight and narrow? It leads to Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Condi that's why I figure, you
figure, they figure, we figure, so... what are WE
going to do about this sacrificing for godless tyranny
further then as unrepresented?

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

Views: 1,212,890

Israel Facts the Media Isn't Telling You

Views: 358,960

Maybe we know it, but we just don't know it yet?


Israel Attacks Jews,
Silence from Mainstream about Violation of Law

They kill Jews for money. They bombed Jews in Lebanon
for money. They want to bomb the HUGE sacred Jewish
communities in Iran.. wonder why? Zionists are not
Jews, for Jews don't steal in God's good name. Nor
target innocent beings for stolen gains. A zionist is
a thief to life, and as such, needs to be formally
charged for their criminal offenses, given lawyers,
and upon a successful prosecution, rot in a prison
cell and/or pay restitutions. YES. why? so not another
innocent person must fall in their place as next
victim to a zionist's public commitment to lawless
tyranny for evil intentions.

Johnny for Coast to Coast Radio Host


Israel Phones 'Terrorists' Before they Bomb Homes

Didn't the Nazis say something like, they weren't
there to take out Hamas directly? Well, after all,
it was founded by the Zionist IDF, so I guess that
must be why they target our children instead..

UN: "Israel knew they were bombing a school"

The Zionist is a thief of Life as our enemy.

IDF VLOG UPDATE: IDF Hits Dozens of Hamas Terrorists
- Capt. Benjamin Rutland - 4 Jan. 2009

Zionist enemy of God


The Appropriate Response To Islamic Terror

/ / an Orthodox Jewish Russian immigrant \ \

These Zionists
are not only the bad guys, but they're bad guys to
even the bad guys as there is no found honor among
murderous thieves. A Zionist will kill a Zionist for
a stolen nickel, as do bushites today. Hey! it's only
Your Life in the balance. Or are you one of those
who goes in America, it's okay, we're only murdering
innocent folks who don't live in Israel.

Doing what's right and just, or evil as dumb is
Your riddle. Get back to US on that.

We need People are Equals Power!

President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co.
King Johnny Wizard at your service me Lord.


/ / It is just unacceptable to apply two standards of
morality, one for Jews and another for non-Jews.
For if what Israel is doing in Gaza is right, as
Israel and her supporters maintain, then what the
Nazis did in Europe several decades ago must have
been right as well. And vice versa. \ \

US Again Stops UN Call for Gaza Truce

Who is this the "US" person?, and let's
put him to death with Bolton and Kalilazad
for the most serious of war crimes against
OUR Humanity. Remember, Bolton was NEVER
confirmed because, the Zionist could find
no man or woman to say a single kind thing
about him. FACT.

Remember Israeli nazis to this day, insist as
DEMONIC LIARS, Hamas broke the truce - as Hamas
is responsible when they target school girls for
slaughter. They said the UN were secretly attacking
Jews, clearly a LIE as impossible to prove because
it didn't happen. But facts are the furthest thing
away from the godless false accuser Zionist con man
or demon witch LIAR like Livini. FoxNews calls the
demon witch a Jew! ANTISEMITES.

We can witness, Americans do not have the intellect
to understand what this means. See, LIAR Nazi Israeli
broke the truce to get killed Jews for money. A
regular fair for Nazi Israeli. Now, they state they
will continue to indiscriminately murder humanity
until the tin can rockets that travel miles stop
killing Jews who hate Zionists. But importantly,
it is Israel that wants Jews to die, so they can
make off as Satanic with our stolen values. Just
like the Bush family did with Hitler, that the
Nazi Nation has no probs working gun in hand to
wipe out Jews everywhere still to this day. Again,
Nazi Israeli MURDERED JEWS in Lebanon as targeted.
And leave Jews to starve to Death in Israel for
more charitable aid they can use elsewhere. Public
knowledge not disputed by any living soul on this
planet because, the Zionist government admits freely
to this. Israeli think being Satanic is worth it,
for all the money and lives they can steal as enemies
to Christ, Hillel, Mohammad, YOU, blahblahblah.

Israeli PM says to end offensive if Gaza ends rocket attacks

Sarkozy urges Syria to press Hamas for Gaza truce

How does the ungodly get away with this obscenity?
Nobody can deny Nazi Israeli broke the truce, as
they always have done as Satanic for the last 60
years. Killing Jews for money is popular with the
Zionist Nazis don't you know us by now? FoxNews CONNED
Americans for DEATH with the unmentioned, TREASONOUS
doctoring of the NIE. To kill Americans for more
neocon gains, which Alex Jones never mentions either.
Do Americans even care enough to raise Humanity's
call? Do they demand public executions of sadistic
godless Zionist torturers? as the Standing Law of
America - The War Crimes Act - brought to be
by Reagan - DEMANDS by the Law of America? It is the
Law after all, yet, CNN, CBC, and FoxNews calls the
perpetrators of the most heinous evil against Mankind,
heroes. America is
a nation of godless cowards willing to die murdering
innocent Christians in Israel, all for the profits
of the 'magical' zionistic private bankers.

Israeli nazis state they will murder humanity
indiscriminately until rockets stop falling on
their country. Yet, they broke the truce.

Alex Jones told US as a deceiver, he's been
on Coast to Coast a hundred times. Not in these
last eight years he hasn't. I demand Alex prove
this, or be known by all far and wide a treasonous
liar, trying to take US off the tracking of
criminal action of his buddy, the demonic enemy
LIAR George Noory. bin Laden didn't do 911,
despite the facts that WE KNOW George Noory
knows better of but LIES to con the American
teen further for death at the profits of the
un-elected bushmob. See Alex wants you to blame
anyone but those directly involved in the crimes
of 911, or Iraq, or those responsible for it's
cover-up by Zionist propaganda. George Noory will
have as invited guests whos only function there
is to spread dis info as supporting more
indiscriminate warfare for the escape of the
neocon terrorists responsible for starting the
illegal wars to begin US at. Or those whom often
support torture, a war crime that only exists as
irrationally held by those who's minds have only
a blind hate for the indivisible rights of
another innocent other. And often truly hate men
and women for being Just as wise. The McCainiac
Zombie video is a perfect example. When the Zombie
is asked about the rights of Women, the McCainiac
Zombie cried out for raping more Women. The
position of authoritarian power, was only found
with the bushite as oppressor, rapist, torturer,
or Air Force Bomber, not liberation by freedom.
The bushite McCainiac KNOWS it can't compete
openly to defend it's criminal treasonous
actions! Remember, Alex "the Conservative"
thought McCain was the choice if you had to make
one, earlier on, then changed his position,
sort of, later by calling them all puppets not
worth the effort, but .. Obama's idea's matter
not, it's that his Birth Certificate is, no war
too be fawned. Palin? who's she? McCain
firebombed Vietnam as "war hero" for France?
The Banker doesn't cover our loans? Matters

Israel deliberately targeting civilians in Gaza

Rise Up for innocent Life, or don't and see
where it'll get you in the end.

Fallujah by the Sea: Aping America, Israel Unleashes Chemical Weapons
in Gaza

They are godless enemies of Life who wish
to steal the Title of Jew from Christ.


/ / In doing so, this makes Israel guilty of using
its own people as ‘victims’ for political purposes. \ \


Israeli broke the truce knowing such action woud get
killed Jews in Israel, a cash bonus!

LEAKED: graphic, uncensored video shows carnage in Gaza

FBI E-Mail Says Bush Authorized Abuse of Iraqi Detainees

Israeli plan to topple Hamas, re-instate Abbas

/ / Breaking the truce Nov. 4, then, was Israel's
way of getting the gears rolling for this whole
sick game: the toppling of Hamas, and the
re-instating of the impotent Abbas into Gaza
so the "peace process" can remain forever in
formaldehyde, to quote wiseass, er., Weisglass. \ \

Nov 4th! - perfect!. We are dealing with Nazi war
criminals who refuse US, as a Species, Justice
for everyone. Especially The Jew's Jew, Johnny


Israel Nazi State

Israeli nazis state they will murder humanity
indiscriminately until rockets stop falling on
their country. Yet, they broke the truce. They
always break their truces. Understand these
Satanic enemies of God, dropped seven million
land mines on Lebanon when learning the conflict
was over. They will kill Jews for money, THEY are
the Nazis.

Gray Ghost

/ / Funny thing noone ever shows pictures of
the scumbag Hamas rockets falling on Israeli
civilians, but the nooz is full of Palies
suffering. Fuck you all I hope Israel
exterminates the vermin. \ \ He can advocate
the MURDER of innocent people for the neocon
liars, and Google doesn't destroy his account?

Remember Zionist Nazi Israeli started all their
murder rampages against Innocent Peoples for
'free' welfare money, as broke the truce with,
IDF funded Hamas on Nov. 4th. They have been
indiscriminately bombing People with excuses
that never do add up. Example: Nazi Israeli
stated they were in the right to murder ANYONE
in a car or truck in the entire nation of
Lebanon, (especially in the Jewish communities)
because like enemy "Gray Ghost" would say, all
those innocent Peoples deserve TO DIE AS MURDER
VICTIMS for his sadistic ungodly pleasures.
Remember, Nazi Israeli didn't mention this until
thousands has already been murdered, then even
still, without radio, TV, or newspapers, telephones,
or sky writing how were ONLY THE INNOCENT JEWS
as officially targeted to know? Then the seven
million land mines to kill innocent kids for
generations. To the enemy of Life, Gray Ghost
it matters not that Israeli started the conflict
by sacrificing nazi vermined trashed as Satanic
dumfuk enemy soldiers sent across the border,
to Grey Ghost, all it knows, is Justice must not
be allowed to win this game for our human race,
for he would be truly seen as a sadistic enemy
of Freedom, powerless, or rightly dead for
his proud treasons against life in this universe.


Livni: Gaza truce would give Hamas legitimacy

See? this is why NAZI I$raeli thinks they have
an excuse for bombing people indiscriminately
to break a truce they signed on to. This isn't
a one time, maybe two time occurrence, but every
time in the last 60 plus years the zionists
aligned with Hitler have. Satanic enemies
of Humanity.

ANTI-SEMITE is FoxNews every time they assault God
with "Israel, the Jewish State" to torture, steal,
and murder.?. ANTI-SEMITE!

UnHoly Nazi Israeli Racists are Greater
than the censored words of Messiah!

IDF's YouTube Gaza channel to Correct Ourselves

/ / it will disseminate footage of precision
bombing operations \ \

Precision? They dropped seven million land
mines in Lebanon, after having seeked out where
the Jews lived, (Northern Lebanon), and murdered
them firstly! JEWS. They, as enemies of God,
like those of FoxNews, will refuse these type
of FACTS on their hatred for Love and Justice.
Their hatred for Jews, real Jews, like me.
Understand: American baby formula has been
contaminated with poisons, and FoxNews doesn't
think it's important to their corporate
responsibilities to kill ourselves further for
profit. The Zionist will murder anyone just to
steal your belief in God as Love. They HATE me
for being wise and Just. Hate. For, why wouldn't
America support my demands for open radio
communications on the Coast to Coast radio
network? Americans would rather murder Humanity
before Justice succeeds beyond their illusions
of grandeur through the mass murdering of
ourselves for stolen gains. The banker does not
cover our loans! Giving them trillions for free
unquestioningly is dumber than rocks. Enough.
Justice for US is a Must
2016-04-02 17:01:34 UTC
Hey everybody...

William Black-US Has 25 Systemically Dangerous Institutions

Wow.. same M.O.. Sure, they are easily found guilty
under standing Law for extortion and embezzlement..
But there are simply no officers of law enforcing.
That's the issue here in Canada too, regarding first
degree mass murderers being allowed to continue
to steal innocent lives.. as some kind of.. lawless
hell on earth.. For, what cop of any distinction,
would stand in our way to defend ourselves fair
here? by demanding the enforcement of standing
Law against the absolute worst of criminality.
Something surely must be done.. Vote John Kinal
for President. We are going with the truth found
in good ideas. to be of fair measure.. Justice
wagered fairly, is the freedom to be all we can
be as the civilized, breaking new grounds. Let's
get back our stolen trillions, and Americans
wouldn't be paying taxes for generations. We have
no other realistic choice considering the dire
circumstance.. I'm voting, John Kinal for President.

To rake in the coin over our deadened bodies further
immune to being brighter on all things that matter..

What do you figure?


/ / Lawyers for the Barack Obama administration
told a federal judge Monday that the U.S.
government has authority to kill U.S. citizens \ \

What is wrong with US? That is called MURDER.


Evidence on the continuing murders at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center under
-Comfort Care- Please Share

If you can, please forward this
info to save innocent life in
Winnipeg. Justice is freedom..
It's truly up to you. Do right.

Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center

They first degree murdered Jennie Kinal,
who had caught a chest infection, and
with such an infection, was refused all
antibiotics, but promised, her new Doctor
for that week Dr. Laura Chisic did,
no new concoctions would be introduced.
But later that same day, her partner in
crime Dr. Colister (who made the same
promise) secretly gave Scopolamine
together with Fentanyl, when I had
left the room briefly, causing
paralysis then the un-natural death
of my mother. As planned before hand
by the sinister Dr. Colister with
fellow conspirator Nurse Colette.
All documented.. Call the RCMP.

They openly, without apology, deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the
victims with poisons such as with my
mom. Given through lies, Scopolamine
"Devil's Breath", secretly in a
conspiracy with nurse Colette, in
deadly conjunction with Fentanyl,
causing instant paralysis, then
unnatural death through FOR SURE,
proven first degree murder.

"Comfort Care"

Support a Public Inquest into the
many continuing deaths at Winnipeg's
Health Sciences Center program titled,
"Comfort Care" - deprived needed
medications while being poisoned
to die murder victims - Save Lives

Save Lives in Winnipeg

Hi everyonee.. We have a serious
responsibilty here to speak fair
against the stealing of innocent life
currently going on over at Winnipeg's
Health Sciences Center in "Comfort Care".

Justice for we guarantees freedom to be.
The Public must be made to know.. that
Winnipeg's HSC is willingly committing
murder without misgivings. Support a
Public Inquest, Truth Commission, and
Police Investigation on HSC's "Comfort
Care" program of murder, in the first
degree. Where your loved one is
sentenced to die victim to neglect
as official public paid for policy.

We, of Canada

We, of Canada, need a Truth Commission
on the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
"Comfort Care" program of first degree
murder.. Save some innocent lives why
don't we?

My mother Jennie Kinal and I, at no time
did we freely decide, her life was to be
stolen by the first degree murderers at..

Winnipeg's HSC, the Health Sciences Center

They kidnapped, tortured, and murdered my
Canadian mother, Jennie Kinal.. as sadistic
enemies of God and mankind. They continue
to victimize citizens in Winnipeg left
without Justice granting a fair defense
for our lives, with what they call,
"Comfort Care". They side officially not
to care to provide the posioned victim a
medicinal path forward to a better
health. Refuse to give antibiotics, or
needed thyroid medication claimed as
useless, but not Scopolamine together
with Fentanyl, the deadliest poisons
against an elderly women with minor
back pain.. for, the "multiple organ
failure" was PROVEN a hoax on Feb. 3rd,
2016. While apposing Jennie and me by
openly refusing to resusitate, when
Nurse Charlene called about Jennie
losing her life without the proper
care freely given. The police when
called before, stated, go to the College
of Physicians, while the College states,
'this is a high priority police matter,
of proven attempted murder [as earlier on]
Go to the cops.' Four times I went to tell
near teenage cops always at the front desk,
'no, the Police must investigate.. pick
up a phone and call Dr. T how about?'
- ..and they continued to refuse.. they
told me as a lawful citizen of Winnipeg,
they didn't want any more information.
Like on the Public's dime from Magic
CBC TV did also refuse to defend our
lives as still falling victims. While
the whorish newspapers refused doing
right for us whatsoever as typical.
Now, ask yourself.. what honorable
officer, soldier, or as true lover
of freedom, would hold such contempt
for the value of Your Canadian Life?,
left still, jeopardized as the innocent
without rights? This murderous crime
that continues, personally involves all
Canadians.. Still cheating our loved
families for murder, by what can safely
be described, as ungodly evil criminals
of the worst disorders. More than
thousands and thousands of complaints
not granted the light of the public's
scrutiny.. Do right, forward this concern
as your own included. We must demand a
public inquest to reveal all, of who we
are.. the truly civilized.

Mr.Kinal on the murder of his mother at the hospital.
(You, send to churches, politicians,
and police everywhere on Earth.)

We, of Canada, need a truth commission
on the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
"Comfort Care" program of first degree
murder.. Save some innocent lives why
don't we?

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

Call the Cops

The Public must be made to know.. that
Winnipeg's HSC is willingly committing
murder without misgivings. Support a
Public Inquest on HSC's "Comfort Care"
program of murder, in the first degree.
Where your loved one is sentenced to
die victim to neglect as official
policy.. This horror continues, so
far.. because of it's hideous sub-
humanness that most want to find
impossible to believe exists mass
murdering for real.. Not one person
has escaped in more than seven
years.. of which many, can stay
being tortured for longer than
eight months.. to finally kick
the bucket. Never allowed to
leave the dungeon.. With thousands
and thousands of complaints ignored
by two "newspapers", and three Magic
TV news broadcasters.. The Public
must be made to know we have a
responsibility to each other.. to
be thought safe, of entering a
hospital seeking remedies, not
unelected death sentences. Me must
not allow this to continue in our
stolen better names. It's unbecoming,
and they murdered my mom. Justice
must be done if we will to be free
to dream of a bettering future.
I will to work with everyone
fairly to get this won.

Something is Wrong..

No police to arrest murderers? No news
agency to express a care for the elderly
being tortured and murdered? No politician
to express indignation.. We all are somehow
at a serious loss of our humanity. Speak out.

Demand Truth Commission on Winnipeg's HSC
"Comfort Care" murdering Jennie Kinal.
Save innocent life in Winnipeg still
falling crime victims..

Again this "Comfort Care" mass murder
program in Winnipeg is not made by the
victims as something agreed upon in OUR
newspapers either. They just privately
announce your loved one is now sentenced
to deprivation of caring completely,
while openly being poisoned with
the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. Justice for we
guarantees freedom to be. Take
care to make others aware. Email
is cool.

Demand Public Inquest on the Murder of Jennie Kinal
Save life in Winnipeg falling murder victims today..

To whom this greatly concerns..

My mother died murder victim at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center. Dr. Colister approached the bed
to ask, how about giving your mother Scopolamine
to ease moisture.. Sound good? I state no.. I
explained such poison would hamper my mother's
ability to expel her current chest infection.
It would be greatly better, to remove all your
opiates, like Fentanyl, and let her heal how about
instead? my learned friend? He doesn't disagree..
His side kick states, yeah.. sounds good in similar
words.. They leave.. Then, I pop out later for a
coffee, and back when I return Nurse Colette
has administered the lethal shot.."Devil's Breath"
Stating.. your mother asked for it.. being barely
capable of stating, ' get me out of here'.. 'bloody
murderers' 'no more pain killers'.. She had no
problem health wise any longer.. but for those
in "comfort care" succeeding finally in error at
murdering her.. Now the hospital states, they
don't allow toxicology studies in autopsies.. Well..
that's why I implore for you to stand up likewise
as a fellow human being, to demand such an
easy test be carried out to determine true
cause of death.. And a Public Inquest on how
Justice has left us for no longer, on this
critical crime scene involving all Canadian
lives jeopardized.. left in self contempt by
our newspapers and TV broadcasters grinning..
Sound good? It should. Justice for Jennie Kinal.

Evidence on the continuing murders at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center under
-Comfort Care- Please Share

Care for our innocent lives stolen.
Forward this information to everyone.
Let's save some lives here people..

Don't forget, this involves many more
lives in Canada than just my mother,
willfully poisoned to die crime victim,
just like the rest officially. Denied
OUR Police protections, and vital care
in needed medicines, while doped out
of her wits to complain about who's
driving down civilization. How dare
Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
commit lawless first degree mass
murder openly, with the newspapers,
in the light of understanding
this reality measured fair.

Introduction to the Case:

This following, is of the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center and the first attempt they
made at the murder of my mother, Jennie Kinal.
Caught red handed on Jan 2nd, and 3rd of 2016.
Call the cops. We live for Justice. No limits
against murderers. Vote John Kinal for President.

Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

This was before they murdered Jennie Kinal


What they knew and chose nothing to do
about.. Still? Shouldn't someone be fired,
if not arrested as complicit in murder?

John Kinal - Protections of Persons in Care Act - Feb 24 2016

"10,000 similar complaints in Manitoba."

Ignored.. Still? Hello people.. we have a
serious responsibilty here to speak fair
against mass murderers.

If Chris, who works for our government,
had simply done the job by inforcing
Manitoba's standing law, Jennie Kinal
would be alive today. Don't allow them
to steal more innocent lives in Winnipeg.
Take action. Personally forward this to
the media movers and shakers, to save
lives, demanding Justice. I am available
for interviews. Help ourselves.

I beg you to do right.. Save an innocent life.

Please, peoples of our world..defend innocent
life being mass murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
of the most heinous ungodly evil ever known
of titled, "Comfort Care". They openly deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the victims
with poisons such as with my mom. Given
through lies, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath",
secretly in a conspiracy with nurse Colette,
in deadly conjunction with Fentanyl, causing
instant paralysis, then unnatural death through
FOR SURE, proven first degree murder. My mother
Jennie, who only several days earlier was
guilty of only minor back pain, as to why
these demons refused to stop doping her since
her arrival two months earlier. Simultaneously
claimed though, she was by her murderer, Dr.
Colister, to have had multiple organ failure
continuously for more than a month. Proven
to be a lie on Feb 3rd, by myself told to
Winnipeg Police.. Through too, the broken
orders of Law by Dr. T., Jennie's Doctor that
week. The Winnipeg Police dishonorably, have
refused to do the simplest of preliminary
investigations..such as making a single phone
call to Dr. T.. to confirm the first attempt
made at murdering my mother by Nurse Delaney..
using then, ILLEGAL hydromorophone. You
personally could save an innocent life, by
simply identifying a citizen of Winnipeg,
to give them this post personally. Again
this "Comfort Care" mass murder program is
not made by the victims as something agreed
upon in OUR newspapers either. They just
privately announce your loved one is now
sentenced to deprivation of caring
completely, while openly being poisoned
with the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. So confident in our made
illiterate police agencies never getting
involved here, that they believe they can
escape sadistically mass murdering for
decades more perhaps.. if you continue to
take no action for the world you can not
escape my friend. It is truly all up to
you.. Do right. Care for your world.
Forward go freely of Justice winning
victory. Justice for we guarantees
freedom to be..

Our Time is Now

I have conclusively proven, without
any officer of law disagreeing, that
the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center's
Dr. Colister, with conspiring Nurse
Colette, first degree murdered my
mother Jennie Kinal.. after I caught
their "Comfort Care" demon team prior,
attempting murder on Feb 2nd 2016,
and begged the police to investigate
the crime scene four times.. But they
refused cowardly as too did the College
of Manitoba Nurses, and Doctors refuse
to demand the arrests be done for Justice
must come.. To not following the rules
of murder in Canada, as not applying
blindly in all hospital settings for
more than a decade? Something must be
done in a love for moms, before yet
again, these cheats have more innocent
Canadians first degree murdered, due
our self contempt. For what demonic
gain? We are left to only speculate..
..though we know it is for sure going
on still by these enemy to all sadists.
Murdering innocent Winnipeggers left
still undefended with fair words, by
'our' evil as ungodly newspapers
and Magic TV CBC hosts. 'Go Jets Go!'

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

justice for we guarantees freedom to be

My mother was murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
titled, "Comfort Care", where these demons
deprive life saving medicines, and under
torture, openly poison the victims to death,
often by chemical suffocation. No one
escapes the death sentence program run for
many years. It involves the old, it
involves the young - and something surely
must be done.. Why is it that our humanity
can't find the strength to do good for
another? ..or for one's own mother or
father? I tried my best, and I'm as good
as it nearly gets as speaking reasonable..
But without the public being supported by
our made illiterate police agencies, or
regulatory bodies that ONLY defend, in
this case, the continuing mass murderers..
Hope seems bleak to save the innocent
lives that fell yesterday, and of those
that will tomorrow. So.. I must try to win
fair, the American Presidency.. to fight
for Justice in this forsaken city named
Winnipeg.. Once holding the title, I will
order all police and military to assist in
public arrests for public fair trial of
these mass murderers that must not steal
the better of ourselves further left
undefended.. Do right. Vote John Kinal
for President. I have the best ideas
going hands down.

Public Inquest..

Support a Public Inquest We need an autopsy
to include cause of death with the sciences
of toxicology - something forbidden the
victims of Winnipeg's Health Sciences

URGENT - Support a Public Inquiry into Why
some Winnipeg autopsies don't allow toxicology
to determine cause of death in murder..- URGENT
(they have cremated the body - all evidence
gone?. we don't think so.)

Justice for Jennie Kinal

I want a public inquest in how my mother died, so justice can be served. All the evidence is in, it's just that, because the death occurred at a hospital in Winnipeg, the Police's hands are tied.

Jennie Kinal was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by the actions of Dr. Colister, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center.

Facts: Dr. Colister told no new medications would be administered on March 8th, to myself and Jennie.. Dr. Laura Chisic, Jennie's other doctor, one of more than four others, told of Dr. Colister, doing just as he claimed he would not, ordering on the 8th of March, the deadly, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath", in conjunction with already administered Fentanyl, . Nurse Colette, sold that it was Jennie's idea to take the most lethal drug on the Canadian market that she gave Jennie, Scopolamine, to hamper her ability to expel an infection that had recently appeared, leading to paralysis and death. Nurse Colette, couldn't administer the poison while I was present however, and couldn't let on, it was
ordered in by Dr. Colister. As Colette's crazy lie of my mom being willing, now makes more sense. No antibiotics are given in Winnipeg, for ANY Canadian patient in "comfort care", but poisons a plenty to first degree mass murder it disturbingly appears. You really should care.. Think of the next victims last night. Forward this concern to everyone who loves their mother. Do it.

The TRUE disregard for a patient's wellness, made as policy at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, is like a hell on earth for real, when you hear them tell of such madness openly, denying all rights to do right for ourselves. 'End of Life' poisons to those we guess near, perfect health. Poisons to weaken clearing our bodies of new infections, with poisons to hamper breathing, and then, to top it off, heroin derivatives 80 times stronger than morphine, apposing better health.. is simply willful first degree murder.. Again, they officially deny all "Comfort Care" patients antibiotics, to die victim from neglect.. With too, refusing to resuscitate any patient as policy of evil.. So, say you
were poisoned by Scopolamine with her Fentanyl. as my mom was against her will and my own.. they told me as such, over the phone.. they will make no attempt to save my mother's life as "doctors" on scene. Demand a Public Inquest.

Don't forget, this involves many more lives
in Canada than just my mother, willfully
poisoned to die crime victim, just like the
rest officially. Denied vital care in
needed medicines, while doped out of her
wits to complain about who's driving the
ship. Different Nurses everyday, while the
Doctor changes once every two weeks, with
Colister hanging around allthe beds going,
"are you in any pain", then needles every
four hours non-stop, till you die.. No
matter whatever you say to the contrary.
Who needs a witness? Some say Jennie
Kinal was good to go, while Colister
states her story can't live more than
weeks with him and Laura Chisic ruling
over everyone here truly being tyrannized.
..while poisoning who knows how many
others too, who dream of being released,
as they go further unchecked as needling
psychopaths. We desperately need a true
concern expressed for ourselves as the
citizen measured correct in all fairness.
We will to be civilized on the farms
and in the hospitals.

Justice for Jennie Kinal

Public Inquest.. ask for it here in Winnipeg please

Please Peoples.. support a Public Inquest here
in Winnipeg on the mistreatment of Jennie Kinal
in the Health Sciences Center, ward H4, and of
her subsequent final murder.. Done in by Dr.
Colister with Scopolamine, in conjunction with
Fentanyl, to a 84 year old woman, who suffered
a thyroid issue, that caused swelling, then
indicating inside that short time frame,
confusion nearing the symptoms of dementia..
But that all disappeared a month earlier..
That's it.. she could walk talk and express
clearly, she did not want a nicotine patch..
but they gave it to her, apposing me included.
Public Inquest.. Hopefully, gaining an
understanding too, for why our police think
it none of our business still, while more are
thrown through to fall crime victim to these
apparent psychopaths.. to be denied essential
medications, and antibiotics for infections..
but to just be poisoned to death with their
unneeded injections. It's called murder..
and all stand on guard for thee of we fairly
speaking. Justice is freedom to be all we can
be as of, the civilized worlds. Commanding
ourselves with self respect. Support a Public
Inquest. .Save further lives left forsaken
now, no longer. What do you say lover of life?
Forward this post to someone in Winnipeg if
you could.. Let's go save some lives..

Paging Doctor Colister - Demanding Justice for Jennie Kinal

My mother was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by
the actions of Dr. Colister, at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center.. Whereby, after consulting my
mother Jennie and me, he told of no new
medications would be prescribed.. For a woman
heavily drugged every which way, but initially
denied her thyroid medication that I had to fight
for as reasonable.. Then denying all antibiotics
apposing our wills to truly care.. as I explained
to Dr. Chisic of her madness on March 8th, 2016..
..since the recent speculative lead up to this
appearing of an air born infection, that will
in some likelihood, take the healths of many
weakened others.. This house of hellish horror,
of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, H4, is a
place of the wickedest evil ever witnessed by
yours truly I must say. Anyway.. the hell of it
is, Dr. Colister secretly told the day Nurse
for Jennie, a named suspect labeled Colette..
'that if it should warrant'.. use this new
order for Scopolamine, in conjunction with her
fentanyl.. for Jennie's congestion. A concoction,
substantiated together, paralyzed my mother to a
position of suffocation.

Though, importantly, according to Dr. Laura
Chisic, (being Jennie's last stand in good for
nobody though..) tells of the order, came from
Colister, while she herself adamantly denies
all antibiotics for every infection, like I
said, even penicillin... Don't be crazy..
,.let's get to it.. "no.. we don't do that
here.." is what she spoke, in part, as
clinically insane.. So less of two evils,
is still two evils.. what say, we demand
fair say.. I wonder where that could take
us commanding in self respect for the rights
of others, as if they were of us too included..

"Fentanyl is estimated to be 80 times as potent as morphine "
"World’s most dangerous drug is not a myth: Scopolamine aka The Devil’s Breath"

When Jennie was ever questioned, she spoke
of no pain, and no interest of being doped
further out of her wits, without she was,
the claimed multiple organ failure, but
suffering with dementia.. Medicine? Figure
it out.. the police haven't had the public
interest just yet.. despite the thousands
of similar complaints, and Night Nurse
Charlene telling, in the SEVEN YEARS she
worked there.. not a single person has
ever been capable of escaping her horror
show.. "Comfort Care" in H4 at the Health
Sciences Center.. Winnipeg. Call the cops..
Call the President. Save That Man!


To those who this greatly concerns..

Hello.. The newest revelations to this heart break of a story, is that Jennie Kinal's outgoing Dr, Dr. Semus, has advised me today, March 7th, 2016, that after reviewing Jennie's medical records, they do not contain the information of Doctor T's (Tazaramangzing..?) order to the Nurses at station, for the evenings of question, Feb 2nd, and Feb 3rd, 2016, to not administer hydromoophone to Jennie, without her son witnessing first hand some form of pain.. Jennie, at that time, an alleged sufferer, of "multiple organ failure" However, the Nurses involved certainly would concure, as too, most importantly, the head Nurse for the day of Feb 3rd, does confirm that such an order did transpire, of
her quoting the Nurses report, where hydromoraphone was administered, to Jennie.. An action opposing Dr. T, by leastly, RN Delaney it appears.. Who too, like another Nurse that evening, state Jennie does suffer from "multiple organ failure". Dr. Semus, Jennie's Doctor for the last two weeks, and the prior Dr., Dr. Necozy, stated, and will state, Jennie does not, and could not have had multiple organ failure, going on now, more than a month later.. Big problem of course.. as you know... Here is the run down...

Shortened synopsis..

I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. and breathes to this day.
Being doped everyday under torture..
this information to everyone who loves
their mother.. The Police most especially.
They have been caught attempting first
degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences
Center.. Fight back for
Christ sake God damn you.

Send to many, including some of Winnipeg's Council..

, ***@winnipeg.ca
, ***@winnipeg.ca
, ***@winnipeg.ca
, ***@winnipeg.ca
, ***@winnipeg.ca
, ***@winnipeg.ca

Please help to save my mother's life..

Hello.. I've got a story of a precious
life, my mom.. and about clear abuse
transpiring in real time over at the
Health Sciences Center in Winnipeg..
I'm currently seeking for good
politicians, and some public exposure..

Jennie Kinal's Doctor forbade the
administration of a dangerous narcotic,
but the medical records indicate someone
went ahead and administered it anyway..
causing her, to be pronounced clinically

They claim my mom has organ failure, and
had clinically died Feb 3rd 2016, but..
she lives until March 8th.. despite their
failures still, to address what was my
mother's true health concerns. Freely
urinating, and defecated near everyday,
only because was feeding her, and trying
to protect her for as much time as I
could sacrifice.. Please, express your
humanity by telling this story.. It's
not only about my mother, but many
others, that are left to fall forsaken.
For I am told, this form of complaint
against some practicing health care in
Manitoba, numbers in the thousands..
I am told, of such similar complaints
the Government of Manitoba registers,
but does remain hampered to remedy for
the Public interest of Canada. Largely,
it seems, for failure to communicate these
sometimes complicated matters clearly to
the lay person.. and limited resources.

Please help to save my mother's life.

The Protection of Persons in Care office,
that enacts the Provincial Act, contacted
me today, March 1st, 2016, to inform that
the Hospital did not provide them the
medical records for the critical days
of question.. Feb 2nd, and 3rd.. Of
which they are obligated under Law.


The Protection for Persons in Care Act

The Protection of Persons in Care
office Senior Administrator, Chris,
tells if the situation as it is,
found wanting, without the Health
Sciences Center obliging.. there
would most certainly be, a public
inquest..Though, that can't happen
for two more weeks, due the person
responsible is on vacation!. It is
NOT only my mother's life on the
line my honorable friends..

I fear a misunderstanding of the
severity is witnessed here.. As too,
with my first discussions on this
matter with the Winnipeg Police..
For I argue by just simply making
one phone call to Dr. T - Dr. T =
something like, Tazariamansing.. Or
in the evidence I gave, of the head
nurse CONFIRMING, that what was
forbidden, has been administered..
As told too by the victim, my
mother Jennie, for ten hours,
gasping without a full breath..
We would acknowledge, something
of a very serious crime, of at
least gross negligence is still
under way.. Of which those in
charge refuse to remedy. Depending
on who you talk to individually..
Some Doctors like Necozy, contend
Jennie is relatively stable, and
situated to go home under an
arranged palliative care program..
while others, with just as much
authority, falsely claim she has
but two weeks to live.. Hiding
from the mistake, willing instead
to see my mom continued forsaken.
Please, for the love of God, for
mercy, call Chris as a provincial
legislator, or city counselor, or
the greatly honorable Prime Minister,
to demand the public inquest start

The Protection of Persons in Care Act's, Senior
Administrator can be contacted at 204 --- ----

I can only once again, use words to
describe, that this unresolved situation,
is incredibly dire if left unfairly
attended.. There are other lives at
risk.. Solutions to not have such a
mistake happen once more seem easy..
But delaying this process, simply
because a Manitoba employee in on
vacation.. to me, sounds kind of..
crazy.. Right? It's like, 'yes Mr.
Rockefeller, I understand, but Bill
is on Vacation right now, and he handles
all bank robberies... But as soon as he
get's back, well get on track to
following the fleeing suspects..'
In this action I take, I believe
I help the administrator also, to
draw attention to himself, not to
necessarily admonish, but to defend..
Power is with the people.. These are
serious charges.. involving more than
just my mother. There is more to this
case. I would recommend RCMP
investigators also have a look over
the evidence at hand, most naturally.

Ca|| me with any questions you may have..

John Kinal .. 204 --- ----

Please, for the love of mercy,
forward this information also..

'..thousands of similar complaints..'

Please.. they are abusing my mom with
lies as hiding from public accountability.
Don't let an innocent Canadian pay for
their continuing mistake.. Yes, there
are potentially 1000's of victims falling,
treated for shortness of breath, to
shorten their breaths to suffocation. Yes,
I know too, extremely disturbing
as to know such a thing appears
happening.. To see the video of my
mother suffocating under the poisoning..
..and to care not for such a kind gentle
women in her eighties? How can you not
care for your own mother? How can you
live without yourselves being human?
All on board? That's what you'd figure..
Right?. My expenses are great.. anyone
want to help chip in for the cab fares?


On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my mother to be on death meds, namely hydromorphone to hamper breathing for death, I demanded such madness stop immediately.. telling Dr. T of all the witnesses the day before, and the official record of Jennie up with several physiotherapists , Dr. T agreed to call a halt.. Then ordering, that if Jennie, woman with 'multiple organ failure' seems in dire need for such opiates, I will be called to witness such anguish..

On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm to have me come to the hospital, to okay the death meds (hydromorphone) - I arrived in 7 minutes to witness my mother appearing dead, with all the moisture gone from her skin, not appearing to be breathing.. I talked to her of what I thought she was going through, as incapable of taking a breath, due the poisons RN Delanely used apposing Doctor's orders..How do we know this most certain? From Jennie herself, for ten hours, telling of how she can not take a full breath, just as such poison is designed.. Turns out, Delaney and Dr. T were wrong that mom had total organ failure..
How's that? It's called attempted murder..

There are a possible number of other victims..

Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?

Points of Fact:

They claimed Jennie had multiple organ
failure where clearly she does not. To 'justify'
hydromoraphone, as a poisonous opiate to
hamper breathing, that would have killed her,
hadn't I stopped it.

Nurse Delaney repeatedly encouraged me to
stop speaking to the clinically dead, before I
revived my forsaken mother, left as dead in
bed, looking seriously poisoned with a
diuretic, and no doubt, hydromoraphone,
Something I had banned her with the
agreeing Doctor's admonishment from
doing ever again the day before. Without
my implicit approval, it would not be
allowed to happen again.

Suspect Nurse #2.. She firstly reported
to a doctor that I was abusing what she
understood, to be the clinically dead. The
doctor arrived to witness Jennies sitting
up alive. Then, shortly later, shows back
up to tell, I should get my mom back on
the hydromorophone.. Telling as recorded,
I don't want to make Jennie suffer with her
multiple organ failures do I. Told to me no
less than 7 times, by at least three nurses
trying to control free thought through guilt
on the issue. Telling her I did, as recorded,
Jennie is not in any pain, and certainly most
does not need something to stop her from
breathing. The suspect Nurse #2 then
leaves, and reportedly by her co-worker,
to tell me later as recorded in evidence
also, that they decided together, I must
not be allowed to wake the pronounced
linically dead again.. Claiming such action
is not caring. Implicit in knowing, as
ecorded, she was left for dead by
themselves, until I had revived her..
This is willful attempted murder once
more, that she knows they are almost
caught for it clearly appears in the light
of fairly understanding the evidence
before us.


On Feb 2,, 2016 after discovering my
mother to be on death meds, namely
hydromorphone to hamper breathing for
death, I demanded such madness stop
immediately.. telling Dr. T of all
the witnesses the day before, and
the official record of Jennie up
with several physiotherapists , Dr.
T agreed to call a halt.. Then
ordering, that if Jennie, woman
with 'multiple organ failure' seems
in dire need for such opiates, I
will be called to witness such

On Feb 3, RN Delaney phoned at 6pm
to have me come to the hospital, to
okay the death meds (hydromorphone)
- I arrived in 7 minutes to witness
my mother appearing dead, with all
the moisture gone from her skin,
not appearing to be breathing.. I
talked to her of what I thought
she was going through, as incapable
of taking a breath, due the poisons
RN Delanely used apposing Doctor's
orders..How do we know this most
certain? From Jennie herself, for
ten hours, telling of how she can
not take a full breath, just as
such poison is designed.. Turns
out, Delaney and Dr. T were wrong
that mom had total organ failure..
How's that? It's called attempted

There are a possible number of other murder victims..

Save an innocent life.. What if it was your mother?

Irene McDonald, as the Executive
Assistant to the Investigations
Committee of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons in
Manitoba has recommended this
as an allegation of criminal
infraction, be handled directly
by the Police..It's about time..
Police In. R16 9616


This is what we witness here as recorded
in evidence.. They said the crime victim
had organ failure, and would never recover..
A LIE.. Left for done in with the poison
known of as Hydromorphone. Raised from a
certain death sentence, and found without
the reason given, to try and steal an
innocent Life of one so still, left in
jeopardy. This needs widespread criminal
investigations for the public interest..
for we the people will to be civilized..
Fair say all the way means everyone wins.
I want only the best for my mother in a
ward of likewise care givers.. I think
we can work together, and get
that done as soon as possible..

New in the Developing Case: of the Formal Complaint Against the
Named Nurses and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center

Regarding, 'With RN Delaney again, insisting that I was not
facing reality.. That I should be just thankful for the
time I had with mom.. Jennie then began to revive..'

This after being put on 'end of life meds' to steal my mother's
life, without consultation.. Considering the day before she was
up and eating, and wanting to go home. Please, call the cops too.

In conjunction with the 22 of January where I was told Jennie
had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine
patch on her shoulder area..Apposing they did the wishes of
both Mother and son.

Everyday that goes by, while we wait for the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Manitoba to act correctly in the defense of my
innocent mother's Life, is another day she is still left in mortal
jeopardy.. These facts detail a need to have her immediately
moved out of the HCS's 'comfort ward' and to be into intensive
care where not needed treatments, are no longer administered..
Act now..

Formal Complaint Against the Named Nurses
and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heart attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area..

To whom this concerns..

My name in John Kinal, the son of Jennie Kinal, currently held against our will at 4H at the Health Science Center.

My mother told the hospital upon admission, she did not want a nicotine patch, but two weeks in, when she's near a coma.. they appose her wishes and my own, giving her the POISONOUS nicotine, and she then has, a massive heart attack hours later..Then a week later, puts her on end of life medications.. To die of.. for sure for sure.. 100%.. every patient under such treatment DIES.. I fought to deny my mother had complete organ failure.. and over 20 hours in total, brought her back to life..From a position the hospital has decided to do nothing for.. because she was clinically dead..

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "

Think of this.. They poison patients so they can't take a breath, then when the patient struggles to breath due the muscles not working, they only answer, must need more pure oxygen, or Hydromorphone ..Another quick death they believe they will escape criminal charges over..

When I learned they were giving my mother end of life medication, where only the day before she was at near the best she had been since arriving.. I demanded such madness stop immediately.. Of which two RNs on the floor argued with me for 30 minutes, to suggest I was being cruel to try such action. They argued I have not the right to deny death meds,and told I must speak to "Dr. T", of which I did.. Reminding her of all the witnesses to my mothers health, from the day before.. such as the physiotherapist.. sitting in bed, talking, and eating several yogurts, juice, and water.. She told she would then have the poising stopped... and if the seriously unqualified RN Ms. Delaney, decided it at a
later time needed to continue, would have me called firstly, to get to the hospital to witness such need.. The next day, at approximately 6pm, Ms. Delanely called me to come and witness her condition, in need of death meds.. I get all the way to the distant HSC in approximately 7 minutes.. to witness her 'dead' in bed.. not breathing due the medication stopping the muscles of her lungs incapable of taking a breath..Ms. Delaney told me to stop talking to a corpse that can't hear, speak, or see.. All the fluids of her body had been removed due, what was likely an overdose of a diuretic.. her lips were near black. Ms. Delanely told I was not ever going to get a response talking to a body with
complete organ failure..She can't pee, so her body is clinically dead..I remained, and in approximately an hour, her lips move in response to water.. and slowly I brought her back to life.. Delaney never returned to the attempted murder scene for the rest of her time at shift.. No 'miracle' claimed, but for by the several aids who witnessed, in part the 'miracle'.

The evidence offered for fair public interest, tells Ms. Delany's plan was to tell she didn't give such medications as a lie.. Why? On video, of my mother recovering the assault states.. she can't take a breath (her lungs are poisoned on purpose, due the "medicine") it takes near 20 hours for the poison to be left absent her blood stream according to the videos..The medical record as quoted to me 24 hours later, when I'm leaving for home after resurrecting the dead.. I'm told indicates the last poisoning to stop muscle function occurred 24 hours prior..

I need a formal investigation, following probable cause to arrive at the fair conclusion of decisions made to steal my mother's life..

Contact me immediately on the fair actions already underway to gather the facts here,

To College of Registered Nurses in Manitoba... (this may not have actually successfully been received.. Though I have been in contact with them earlier)


It is John Kinal reporting in on recent disturbing developments on the Jennie Kinal matter at Winnipeg's Health Science Center in 4H. As you may already be aware, hopefully, I struggled in a meeting with five professional individuals on Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016, to have Jennie Kinal taken off the hydromorophine, considering it appears as the primary cause for why it killed her, as according to RN Delaney, on February 3rd, 2016. They crazily, like unreasonable psychopaths on a mission of self destruction, argued against it.. claiming my reasoning they would at all costs refuse to tune into.. so mush so.. that Dr. Semus suggested, perhaps an alternative could be found to stop their
naked exposure to the light of being.. and would get on that, quickly, as they had done.. as it was achieved, the next day. Despite Jennie and myself stating, we do not want to be doped.. we want our bodies to heal without the confusion created by opiates, and poisons that mess with the muscles of our lungs to stop one from breathing.. But who cares truly for the health as well being of person or persons truly, for they appear insisting, Jennie's life is not the concern here.. The concern is not allowing her to live, free of the lie, that she still has, "multiple organ failure" going on three weeks..pigging out.. (she wants yogurt, egg salad, salmon, blue berries, and some kind of specialty
stews..) , Instead of facing the mistake, they've chosen still, to steal her life.. Her life loved by me.. As it has turned out however, the new opiate concoction administered by patch, exposed the reality, with the turn around.. That NO PAIN Jennie had, or has through the transformation to getting well.. But get this my learned friends.. prepare yourself.. Friday morning, February 27 2016.. Vanessa, head of all nurses for the Health Science Center, ward 4H and beyond, at approximately 9:14 am, informed me, that Jennie yelled throughout the night.. I spoke to state, that even so, the quantification she was making is still unknown.. See, it could mean, her screaming is a good thing.. because,
now she can breath.. Then she said, challenging my great wisdom of all ages, she had been screaming, "help me".. I asked Vanessa firstly, "was she then sedated", she responded, "no, she wasn't." I then said, "so this is then in the official report? She said "yes..". "Oh", I said.. "I arrived here at approximately 6:18 am, and was approached by the night Nurse responsible for Jennie, knowing her well, over this life and death struggle.. and she's stated that Jennie was exceptional through the night.. rested comfortably.. as showing a good sign for progress." I then looked over to my left, and there she was.. six feet away, not gone home yet.. I stated, "Hi.. ..did you hear Jennie scream,
'help me, help me', through the night?" She only looked briefly in terror at the face of Vanessa, then turned quickly, without a word.. and took off out of there.. Oh oh.. This is very serious.. potentially deadly if you asked me to speak in all candor, knowing what I know.. as true, holds some jeopardy to the night Nurse's true professionalism for starters, as Vanessa is her blindly foolish superior .. Why so certain? I don't have to tell you, as the College of Registered Nurses here in Manitoba, but for those not familiar reading here. See.. That would mean, Vanessa has committed a crime, and should in all fairness, though PUBLIC fair trial, be challenged to lose her license for a
lifetime.. and.. we most definitely need to call the cops about the attempted murder no doubt.. As I've stated since this madness of contempt for thousands of innocent lives started, by irrational constructs, of those who mostly only deceive themselves when Johnny enters the scene .. Do not now, in addition to holding Jennie's life in contempt, do so also, to the other wonderful woman who has done no harm alleged to anyone, being curtious, kind, and all around.. a really sweet gal.. I immediately explained this true horror occurring in real time to Dr. Semus, of which Vanessa, only feet away to hear me explain.. took the stage.. Time is pressing.. and this story is far from over.. though
when telling of her twisting to tale a fib so ridiculous, Dr. Semus walked away while she was speaking... In short form, she claimed she spoke not of 'through the night', but of 'through the evening'.. defining such a term as between 3pm and 5:30 pm.. trouble is, I was there with Jennie through out near that entire frame.. as was the tricky Dr. Colister.. and three others from Palliative care.. No.. four.. I left at approximately, 5:12pm that day.. I kid not.. my life is bared to witness. So, of course.. I then expressed THE ONLY RIGHT I have in demanding the report of my mother's treatment from starting on this allegation against a honorable nurse to finish including the critical incident
summaries of her death on February 3rd.. And in short form, Dr. Semus, responded, he had no knowledge of February 3rd, 2016.. Despite, Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016 (Many Doctors lead busy busy lives I suppose..) WOW.. that means.. well.. you as the professionals should know without me telling.. I will my mother to be moved from 4H at our earliest convenience, and especially, not given opiates mixed with poisons to further steal her precious innocent life.. She does not deserve this.. nor should anyone else, ever again.. We need a public action to remedy this for the better good of everyone..With the newspaper or without..Thousands here in Winnipeg have fallen victim to die forsaken,
according to my discussions with one Provincial investigator's aid. That of which, we together, don't yet, have the manpower, or the jurisdiction.. the Police do though, as lead by experienced practitioners.. I will to assist in any way possible to get to the core of what is important here.. My mother.. Let's let science prevail in determining what serves our healths best how about my friends?

Addendum : when I stated that it could be a positive thing that Jennie can now freely breath instead of being suffocated, I also stated, that she is for this day, eating more than she has since entering the hospital.. a container of blue berries, three yogurts, egg salad.. Vanessa immediately responded, by stating "I don't know that." See? No care for Jennie's well being..

Love John.
or Johnny..
or whatever..
let's do this..

Jennie Kinal was admitted into the Health Science Center January 7th 8:41am

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake, and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team", asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heat attack, and I found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area.. I removed it, and told the doctor, being scientifically reasonable, she clearly was in no need of such poison.. considering her health issues.. and she apposed such poison from the day she entered.. and from that moment on.. it would not be continued..

Risk of acute first myocardial infarction and use of nicotine patches .

IT'S POISON... Hello... "harmless" .... you can't be serious when free men and women talk scientifically... and it's not burning with the additional many other ingredients people crave.. not as the deadly poison in it's purest stage. Besides, she had kicked the habit. Criminal negligence. Perhaps attempted murder as regular fair.

On Feb 1st Mom is near the best she's been since arriving.. sitting up on the bed, eating yogurts, drinking water and juices.. and with the physiotherapist, was talking with me on how the plan is to bring about a hopeful position where she can walk across the room eventually.. hopefully soon..

On February 2nd, upon witnessing my mother unresponsive to all stimuli, and witnessing a intravenous drip containing a concoction she had not received prior.. and given to her without me told of such a change.. discovered they were injecting her with an 'end of life' morphine derivative.. that stops humans from breathing..

I called RN Delaney to stop this action immediately.. She apposed, claiming such actions would be cruel for at least ten minutes..defeating her irrational position I did effectively, she sided to go get her fellow senior RN to argue with me in the hallway, that again, such action would be cruel, in not allowing her to die comfortably.. I would therefore need to speak to the head physician Dr. T.. Of who I reminded the recorded history of Jennie, just the day before.. under no pain or duress in breathing.. and with plenty of witnesses to attest.. She finally capitulated to intelligent discourse, and sided such poisoning would be halted.. but if it needed to be re-introduced, I would be called
before hand.. to witness a distress that would call for such poison.. I stayed with mom who remained near powerless to breath...

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and any time "

Of which they told me, this poison will restrict Jennie's breathing, but too as an opiate, she'll feel great in this ending of her life by serious criminal negligence.

On February 3rd, at 6 pm, I was phoned by RN Delaney.. and needed to come to the hospital to okay the death meds.. Conveniently, I arrived at the hospital in approximately 7 minutes to find her, in all appearances to be dead... All the water had been drained from her face, in what appeared to be a huge overdose of a diuretic.. (Urine tests that were expected to never happen with the 'deceased' would confirm this..) As I spoke to Jennie, RX Delaney continued to insist I not do such a thing.. Jennie had complete organ failure, and can not hear, speak, or see.. As claimed, how she died was kidney failure to process urine.. and so all the poisons overtook her will to live.. so stop talking to
the clinically dead.. WITH WITNESSES.. But no.. I know better.. and over the course of approximately an hour and a half.. With Delaney again, insisting that I was not facing reality.. That I should be just thankful for the time I had with mom.. she started to revive.. upon then.. RN Delaney did not say, "..a miracle!" No she left the room, to never return for more than 24 hours, plus.. She did not come back to work the next day, nor did Dr. T approach her workstation.. Nor did any Doctor visit any other patient in the room as I recall thinking back.. Seeking a defense of plausible deniability, means they have to still insist, Mom's in a death coma..

As time permits, I will improve upon this outline... I would appreciate the quickest response feasible, to inform me on further processes, to move towards defending my mother's life hanging on, held in jeopardy by those that deny my mother's wishes, and my own to be scientific on how these medicines are administered.. Not as quoted in the audio, at regular intervals without measure..

Again, please phone me to co-operate in any respect of resolving this crisis, sooner than too much later.. Thanks before hand for being a professional about this matter..

Please.. I beg.. forward this information to save lives.


Reason for why you may have received this already..

Out of many of MPs, and many from the media emails I sent yesterday..

But.. no auto reply from the Honorable Prime Minister?

As it turns out, some did not receive this post.. this now
seems certain.. maybe due my now old email client, not
correctly addressing.. If you could help, and forward this
life and death concern to your favorite Federal and Provincial
Government members, we would all be greatly served for it,
I am most certain. A Public Inquest is a Public Inquest.

In addition, If you would will to see you favorite media
personality cover this fairly.. forward this post to them if you
would.. Again, it's potentially many victims falling due our
media's unfortunate failure to hold ourselves to account here..
Perhaps, as Dr. T as told, it actually involves a great many
more lives not yet realized.. I contend, it is in the term
"shortness of breath" used to wrongly administer the
poison known of as hydromorophone, to further hamper
breathing.. Then, they universally declare, YOUR loved
one has two weeks to live.. AND, most importantly,
'don't be cruel'.. I know it's deeply disturbing.. you don't
need tell me.. Then with the pressures of blind guilt, it's
no wonder, what with true psychopaths possibly existing,
and could so far, escape all our authorities not paying
enough attention to wise men and women speaking..
Supposedly transfixed by the complexity of simple
deductive reasoning.. (well, that just doesn't make
sense..) Hmm.. But for no longer, if you do the
responsible thing.. By forwarding this post to all
that should be greatly concerned such as I..


Some extras..

Evidence - of the murder..


Protections of Persons..

Mr.Kinal on the murder of his mother at the hospital.


'US says it may kill Americans'

That would be murder, and no you may not.

Well.. then again.. anyway..
Why don't you vote for the
better ideas losers? Did you
know, trillions have been stolen?
Did you know the FBI are still
forbidden to investigate the
mass murder of Ameriacns on
9/11 in NYC? Pulled off by
Condi and Ozolek for starters..
anyways.. I hope you care.

We Need to Understand

We need to understand why bailing out
those committing ourselves to publicly
pay for toxic 'assets'.. to the tunes
of tens of trillions taken.. is
escaping massively epic fraud of the
never seen before kind. Trillions is a
very big price tag for getting what? A
slim chance to borrow our credit back
at interest? For here, we together
are clearly being Magic TV hustled by
the media masters of clever stupidity.
I'm not fooled. nor should you be
where freedom reigns to speak a fair

How They Brainwash Us

For example, Bernie Sanders just won six of
seven primaries, in some cases by as much as
70 and 82 percent of the vote, but Sanders’
victories went largely unreported."

Go largely un-reported still.. by those
who too, of some, will mass murder as war
mongers - the unfair TV tyrants of self
contempt terrorizing.. At least we should
try to be fair here.. Cheaters lose to
themselves as leaving us further governed
unfairly. Fair say all the way has you
win too most particularly.. Liberty as
Justice for all shouldn't mean we're
pro mass murder as blind false accusers
escaipng the for sure bad guys in other
words. Let's get civilized people.


Vaxxed, Wakefield and Deniro

"Great information.. I sold the issue on Google+ as thus: Vaccines contain what are called neural toxins.. that cause brain damage in every single last instance of a soldier saluting.. What would you make of such science? ..oppose? blindly like in a death cult..? in error still to sacrifice innocent life in self contempt? For example.. did you know influenza has near always been understood.. as adapting with forces we still can't identify to quantify scientifically? meaning it is impossible to vaccinate against the ever changing flu.. for no one can tell.. what strain, sometime next year.. is going to crop up out of nowhere.. 100% of the time they used to score here however.. (Until the
factory in Germany burned down so they couldn't get the product out on the shelves in time from what I understand) To rake in the coin over our deadened bodies further immune to being brighter on all things that matter.. Well.. I say, no more bullshit. Fair say all the way means we would win too most undoubtedly.. Do right.. Vote John Kinal for President. I know it's somewhat extreme in going where ever it takes to get the job done, but we must try.

It seems we must try to change the world run freely by criminal psychopaths, who care not to treat ourselves right.. My mother, Jennie Kinal was so clearly, recently murdered at the hospital here in Winnipeg. ..and I have near, no where to go to but the public to plead for Justice on the matter.. For the newspapers and Magic TV refuses to do right for ourselves... as it's true on the extremely disturbing AZT reality.. That those in control of public influence, would rather everyone die murder victims, before reasonably defending ourselves justly.

Here's to doing what it takes for the truth to reign."

That is my youtube comment..

Justice wagered fairly, is the freedom to be all we
can be as the civilized, breaking new grounds. Let's
get Justice on 9/11..get back our stolen trillions,
and Americans wouldn't be dying forsaken, or
paying taxes for generations. We have no other
realistic choice considering the dire circumstance..
I'm voting, John Kinal for President.


This is to state, they KNOW it is a crime.
Obama on Leno "It was all perfectly legal."

Agent Successfully Penetrates al-Qaeda

/ / An agent successfully penetrated al-Qaeda.
[..] and was planning “large scale operations in
New York in the summer or fall of 2001.” He
provided this information to the US in August
2001. [Agence France Presse, 11/22/01,
International Herald Tribune, 5/21/02, London
Times, 6/12/02] \ \ (Tenant warned Bush in
July - 60 Minutes - where when Bush promptly
goes on vacation - to warn who? - all the
while. Condi conniving her genius plot for

And Mr. Powell openly gives the suspects 43
million dollars on behalf of Johnny Taliban,
after the Admin. learning all this info from
those with prior inside knowledge?

'HIV test a crime, AIDS 'cure' killed a whole generation'

Yeah Way
2016-09-25 17:01:09 UTC

The Winnipeg Police Department is complicit
in mass murdering the Poor of our City at
the Health Sciences Center Hospital 'Comfort Care'

To whom this concerns.

All I demand is my rights defended, and the criminal
investigation get underway, on the recent murder of
my mother, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center. But
the city and Police refuse to allow Justice to take
place, as clearly treasonous. Turns out, they are now
suspect for mass murdering a great many for seven years
hidden here from newspaper and TV view willfully.. No
longer.. Justice done is freedom won.

What is this world to not express a concern for innocent life
sacrificed? A world truly dying from self contempt. All I ask,
is for we the people to demand a formal criminal investigation,
Justice, of which the Winnipeg Police refuse to allow. Please,
support fair say, as the enforcement of our laws apposing mass
murder. Let us be civilized.

Evidence on the continuing mass murders
in Winnipeg by the grunter Police - 250+meg file

Remember.. Dr. Colister told my mother and I,
that he would not poison my mom with Devil's
Breath or anything else, then did so secretly
with fellow murderer, conspirator Nurse Colette.
I caught them at that, as too, when they attempted
murder in early February. Support a Public Inquest.

Mass Murdering the Poor
in Winnipeg Health Sciences Center
- Police Refusing to Investigate is Criminal

They refuse to make the arrests of those guilty
of premeditated mass murder, refusing all
investigations to transpire, as the most demonic
evil ever witnessed. Listen to the cops laugh in
our faces, to think they would allow OUR laws
be enforced. Fight back for Christ sake man.

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing mass murders of the poor in our city.

The Winnipeg police are complicit with the newspaper
in mass murdering our poor, with a program run across
our countries called, "Comfort Care". taken against
our wills, to be murdered. Why can't you help save
innocent lives, by warning others? Too much of an
effort to listen to the recorded police, telling
no, they will not allow criminal investigations?
Too much trouble to listen as recorded the Chief
Medical Examiner of the province telling thousands
die victim like this in Winnipeg, and he is prepared
to do nothing, but assist in the escape of the

Real people are being murdered in Winnipeg.
They deny medications, while poisoning our
loved ones to death..While the police are
made forbidden from investigating. While
the newspaper with CJOB laughs in the powerless
faces of our poor families denied Justice,
while the city is left for more mass murder.
I call on all militaries to help Winnipeg take
down these lawless mass murderers of our poor,
to be tried fairly by We the People of the Public.
Save innocent lives..Defend freedom, defend God.

AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba
TheTruth - (eleven megabyte audio file)

My mother and I, did not sign up for Comfort Care,


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.


Open Letter to Canada’s Governor General of Canada,
His Excellency, the Right Honorable David Johnson.

Hello. My name Is John Kinal, and I am a citizen of Canada living in
Winnipeg. Terribly, my mother was recently murdered right in front of
me at Winnipeg's Health Science Center. Against her will, she was
denied medical aid, and poisoned to die under an un-elected
murder/suicide program titled, "Comfort Care". The moment the hospital
told me they were poisoning her to die, because she was at "end of
life" I demanded they stop immediately - that the allegation was
obviously false.. Her doctor for that week, known as “Dr. T”
(something like, Tazarasing) , agreed, and ordered the nurses stop
poisoning Jennie Kinal. The head Nurse told AS RECORDED, that Nurse
Delaney decided to disobey the doctor, and went ahead suffocating my
mother, with an overdose of hydromorphone, along with an overdose of a
diuretic. My mother was pronounced dead the next day from the lie she
had, “multiple organ failure”. I was capable of reviving her from her
poisoning, and I ran to the police, and spoke with the college of
physicians and surgeons, begging to save my mother from these then
caught, attempting first degree murder. The College's spokesperson
Irene McDonald told, that they can not get involved in any criminal
allegations, and that the police must be called in, while the police,
told eventually, they never had one minute to give the allegation of
attempted murder, because Mike at the Winnipeg Police's, Public Safety
Building tells, they never allow capital crime investigations to
happen at a hospital, because the doctor is always right, when it goes
to court. RECORDED. I went to the police a total of seven times,
trying to seek a defender of the criminal code of Canada's opposition
to murder.. Never happened, but for laughs in my face, that my mother
being tortured, being punched in the face by the nurse, was not
something they would EVER get involved with. My mother was finally
murdered right in front of me 30 days later, by Dr. Colister with
Fentanyl and “Devil’s Breathe” in a conspiracy with Nurse Collette..

This is an abbreviated synopsis, with all the evidence recorded, of
the most serious of crimes. The day my mother was finally done in, her
doctor from the week before, Dr. Semus, told me as recorded, that the
first time they tried to have her murdered, had been expunged from her
medical record. Despite my many hours of video recorded, documented
the event with several nurses, and doctors.. And my recorded visits to
the police.

Here is a link, with a more detailed timeline..

An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman

The Winnipeg Police are complicit in the continuing murders of the
poor in our city.

All I ask, is a criminal investigation of my allegations be sought. I
have several talks with nurses recorded.. One where nurse Charlene
tells, of no one ever escaping their death sentences in seven years,
given against our wills, on the hellish, 4th floor, Health Sciences
Center.. Thousands of victims, who’s sin, seems to be, being poor.
Please, don’t forsaken the value of my innocent mother’s life, Jennie
Kinal. Demand a criminal investigation.. as the Chief Medical Examiner
for our province tells me, he is forbidden to look at patients medical
records. RECORDED. Refusing to allow an autopsy too, or to ask my
mother’s doctor if she had ordered the stopping of the poisoning.. He
is found complicit, by simply listening to the recorded phone calls
yourself, or as a crime scene investigator.. I beg the Queen to
intervene, to demand a fair measuring on this continuing crime scene.

Contact me at your earliest opportunity, with any further follow up
questions.. so we can get started on freeing ourselves of this
dreadful tyranny, that apposes God and our Humanity. What I request,
as a sovereign citizen, is my Right, a preliminary criminal
investigation regarding this alleged murder scene, that will easily
find these murderers in serious violations, of many laws designed to
defend our liberties..

I too, wish this wasn’t so.. The evidence speaks for ourselves..


An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman:
Under no circumstances will the city allow a
complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide regarding the mass murdering of the poor..

This was emailed to all city of Winnipeg councilors
along with the Mayor, and many provincial MPs.
Including the WRHA, and the two Colleges.
Including the local papers. Think now of this
time going by already, where innocent people are
still not being defended from being murdered by
the clear enemies of being fair as we free of
their ungodly tyranny. We need a formal criminal
investigation to start immediately.


To All Concerned..

An Open Letter to Winnipeg's Mayor Brian Bowman

After talking with the RCMP, I am told that our honorable
Mayor, has the right to ask for a preliminary criminal
investigation, as to whether our laws have been broken,
in respect to my recently murdered mother. Denied health
care, while poisoned to die against her will and my own as
wilful first degree murder. Understand it isn't that any
officer of law in Winnipeg, has in anyway disagreed with
this fair assessment - documented with evidenced video,
and audio recordings included..But to blindly deny all
rights to be defended, because Mike, at the front desk of
the PSB states".. a judge always sides with the Doctor
on criminal matters" - as the reason he gives for why all
are forbidden to be defended by Law equally. He refuses
to allow me file a formal complaint repeatedly. The
recordings with Manitoba's Chief Medical Examiner,
suggest there could be thousands of victims here.. The
Chief apparently can't tell precisely, claiming, he too is
forbidden from reviewing the provably doctored medical
records, of all those alleged murdered, denied
formal investigating.

I, John Kinal, am available for any questions or interview.


Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center.

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the
continuing murders of the poor in our city.

Evidence on the continuing mass murders
in Winnipeg by the grunter Police - 250+meg file
MORE THAN 10,000 victims and counting.

I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human..

My mother Jennie Kinal was taken against her will and my own, and put
into the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center mass murder program titled,
"Comfort Care". Where my mother's medications as effective health
treatment, was denied, while being poisoned with agents that suffocate
and paralyze. We were told we could not leave, or stop them from
poisoning her. When asked on March 8th, whether my mother could
receive some help with her newly acquired chest infection - I had
suggested penicillin or maybe a antibiotic.. Dr. Chisic told me as
recorded, "we don't do that here in Comfort Care" SHE KNOWS she is
committing murder with Dr. Colister, by denying my mother the care she
deserves, while being poisoned.

Jennie Kinal was finally murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences
Center by Dr. Collister and Nurse Collette. Earlier in the day that
they committed this murder, my mother and I meet with Dr. Collister,
that I have recorded - of Dr. Collister, talking to me and my mother,
of how he wants to give my mother 'Devil's Breath'.. (the worst thing
imaginable - as it stops the lungs from expelling phlegm.) I say no,
because it will only exacerbate her newly acquired chest infection. He
can only agree.. and ends our conversation stating, no new poisons
will be prescribed.. (as too we received promise from Dr. Chisic) But
Dr. Collister, the murderer, arranges with Nurse Collette to give
'devil's breath', mixed with her fentanyl when I am absent the room..
of which my mother soon succumbs during the next shift, at the cruel
hands of night Nurse, Charlene. Who when I briefly rushed home,
thinking she was someone I could trust, she phones me to tell, my
mother will "not be walking out the front doors". And no, she will not
revive.. "We don't do that here."

The Winnipeg police are complicit in the continuing mass murders of
the poor in our city.

I explain in detail, with recordings of me speaking with the
police, and the Chief Medical Examiner.. The city refuses to
allow me to submit a complaint of murder. Trouble yourself to
listen. Lives are still being stolen, simply for being poor.

Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center. My mother was denied her needed medicines,
while punched out and suffocated. All evidence is freely
available. She nor I, did we will her to die murder victim as
suicided.. We went to the hospital for help.. If others had
warned us, we wouldn't have sacrificed our lives to these mass
murderers. The Winnipeg police, as recorded several times,
OFFICIALLY claim they are to be left unaccountable as lawless.
There are many other victims here, denied our rules of law.

like anyone else would

We the People

Please support a criminal investigation on the recent
murder of Jennie Kinal in Winnipeg. The city forbids
all police agencies from enforcing OUR law against
premeditated murder.. at the Health Sciences Center
4th floor - "Comfort Care" ..mass murder in fact.

Being civilized, is naturally progressing in understanding.
All the prophets will justice as fair say here.. as too,
the astute Atheist. Willing to be free of tyranny.

They are mass murdering the poor in Winnipeg today..

The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.


My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

Justice done is freedom won.

SHOCKING AUDIO - Winnipeg Police Admit Being Complicit in Mass
Murdering the Poor of Winnipeg - SHOCKING AUDIO


Who cares for Winnipeg murder victims?

Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we willed to have her end her
life in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, by them placing my mother
in "Comfort Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.
Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'. All Winnipeg police
officers clearly wouldn't support this wicked criminality continuing,
but they are not made aware, as the complaints are not allowed to be
silenced on this matter of our families being first degree murdered at
the lawless hospitals. It's justice for us or further we go bust. All
invites for friendship welcomed.. Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in
Winnipeg - Police forbidden to investigate.. WE DID NOT SIGN TO DIE
BREATH. Allow the truth to prevail.. Are you not human? Warn innocent
people of these crimes.. save lives..

Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

freely available.

Mass Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg


What are we going to do?
How about just taking the link for the story, and
forwarding it to those who you believe should hear the good news?
That we're not putting up with mass murder in Winnipeg any longer.
Fair say all the way has you win too, a better world.. Please I
beg you, be human. Judge this incredibly serious matter for
yourself. The top recording is of me speaking with the head of
all murder investigations in the province.. Telling he doesn't
support getting to understand what the cause is ever of any,
murdered in Winnipeg under this not elected program titled,
"Comfort Care" where they ON PURPOSE.. deny medicines the
patients needs, while then being poisoned to die with opiates,
along with concoctions that stop the patient from breathing
effectively, while spreading infections. Thousands of victims
so far, according to my contact, directly connected - and the
Chief Medical examiner stating in a recording in the archive..
too.. of "thousands" being put down this way in Winnipeg. .
My mother, nor I, did not sign into being murdered, or as they
call, suicided.


Save Lives

In Winnipeg, the police state they will not investigate
capital offenses that occur at Hospitals, because judges
always side for doctors in criminal matters. Recording
available. But in my case, with my mother, it was the
doctor that ordered Jennie Kinal no longer be poisoned,
with end of life medications.. but the nurses went ahead
anyway to attempt murder.. for it was proven, Jennie Kinal
did not have "multiple organ failure" - and they needed
to cover up their murderous crimes against the poor as
disadvantaged. Fair say all the way means we're living
civilized lives, not being murdered as forsaken in
Winnipeg.. Save lives in Winnipeg by warning others
of this program titled, "Comfort Care" - It's a matter
of life and death.

Save innocent lives by allowing the truth to prevail. By
warning others, you save lives.. Do right for ourselves,
Love justice. Love freedom. Love life.


"No one goes into palliative care without signing documents."

John Kinal - Never signed anything. And it's the medical doctor who
ordered my mother no longer be poisoned.. but my mom was according to
the medical record, and the head nurse.. and two other nurses.. all
to attempt cover of the fact, she never had 'multiple organ failure'.

"Who never signed nothing? And how did your Mom end up at the
I take it they didn't kidnap her too? Who poisoned your Mom? Again
are allegations of wrong doing. Multiple organ failure would be a
of death, not something anyone could live with."

John Kinal - That's right. That's why it is so clearly, attempted
murder on Feb 2nd when it was alleged, she had "multiple organ
failure" .But lived for more than 30 days longer.. While the police
refused to investigate, while the College of physicians are forbidden
to involve themselves in criminal matters. The audio recordings are
available.. They are murdering the poor, under "Comfort Care".. My
mother entered the hospital in hopes to be helped with her thyroid
condition, that had cause swelling in her legs.. Instead they pumped
steroids and other things into her veins non-stop, which caused
from the minute after giving her health card information.. then kept
near a coma, doped with Fentanyl 80X more powerful than morphine, and
hydromorphone to seriously hamper breathing,. to her subsequent murder
on March 8th with "Devil's Breath".


Listen: People of the world.. In Winnipeg, if a
capital offense occurs at a hospital.. the College
of Physicians and Surgeons can not get involved, and
the concern needs to be forwarded to police.. while
the police in Winnipeg state, they never allow officers
to investigate capital crimes that occur in hospital..
Recording available. THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM. For everybody.
We, the People have to face this fair. Don't fear
standing on principle.. This is really a serious
matter, of murder going unpunished. We all need to
defend ourselves fair.. Who do the Winnipeg Police
Department think they work here for? It is we the
people of Winnipeg.. The Winnipeg police department
is complicit, as an accessory to mass murder by
refusing to enforce our laws. Minimally,
obstructionists. That Law against murder we must
enforce. They get a fair say, before conviction can
be gained.. We love all honorable cops.. as they are
of us, willing freedom. The freedom to not be
murdered. Fair say all the way means cops win too,
hip hip hooray!


"Here's a list of grief counselors who can help you.."

Things are true for us to find too. Without needing a
reflex reaction, to hear of such foolishness.. as the
cause for why Winnipegger's are cheated to die victims..
denied Justice.. denied equal protection under the laws
of Canada.. it is for you friend.. a sad day to reflect
on our TRUE circumstance.. as measured correct, 100%.
Facts are facts.. and no one can thwart our fair
measure being human. Freedom is Justice.

All the evidence is made publicly available my friend.
Read the facts for yourself to be horrified. Recording at
the police desk, telling no.. they will not allow any
investigations.. no matter what. It's like a death cult.
And yeah.. it is rather terrifying to learn, I tell the
truth. Cops of course are good on general terms, but they
have to obey the rules too. The truth is better than the
lies, while further innocent lives are lost due our
inaction in further silence. Why this happens is
difficult to talk on, as it is a part, speculative.
The whole branch of medicine, called "death meds", or,
'end of life' medications, if you ask me, is extremely
faulted in error. However, it is for really happening
across North America too. Medicines to stop breathing,
or to spread infections, are clearly poison to the
thinking man or woman.. In Winnipeg the patient and
family have no rights defended whatsoever. We need
to demand a public inquest.. as so, the facts are
brought to the attention of everyone being civilized.

An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada

The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was first degree murdered at the
Winnipeg Health Sciences Center on March 8, 2016. There was
also an attempt made on Jennie Kinal's life on February 2 and
3 2016. All documented as proven easily. When contacting the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, and speaking
with the investigative Community's spokesperson Irene Mcdonald
regarding the attempt at murder incident, whereas I forwarded
the Committee the evidence.. Irene advised me that such a
criminal allegation was something they can not as ever
investigate.. and that the complaint needed to be brought
to the attention of the Winnipeg police.. Of which I did, in
total five times. The fifth time, on April 29 2016, Mike at
the desk told me, that under no circumstances do they allow
any officer of law to investigate capital crimes that occur
at hospitals, due the Doctor always being correct.. Recording
available. They didn't tell me of their willingness to BLINDLY
be, accessories to mass murder of Canadians until then. When
I first brought the indisputable evidence of the attempt at
murder, they did not tell me then, they would have all
honorable police officers denied my pleas for mercy, or
warn me that they would not be defending my mother's life
left held in jeopardy, no matter what the facts were.
Instead it was told that someone would look at it repeatedly.
Of which at no time did they phone anyone to clarify an
understanding. To simply validate the claim, only took one
phone call to Dr. T, of which they refused to do. Caring
not for the well being of my mother, a Canadian citizen
who was attempted to be murdered, upon my repeated requests
for the police to protect.. Nor did they at any time talk
to me, about how they found the facts lacking, or hard to
grasp. The evidence of the attempted murder is a solid as
it comes.. While the murder consists of Dr. Collister
telling my mother and myself, that his suggestion of
"Devil's Breath" and another drug to mix with Jennie's
Fentanyl, that "doesn't cross the blood brain barrier"
would NOT instead be administered, due my wise words
explaining why such action will bring about only harm
to my mother, with a contagious chest infection just
acquired the day before. Of which he does not disagree
with as recorded. Why? As I state, to hamper my mother's
ability to expel phlegm will do her no good obviously.
Not knowing then what "Devil's Breath" was as deadly,
and completely inappropriate obviously. But then as
documented fully, Dr. Collister goes ahead secretly in
a conspiracy with Nurse Colette to administer just such
a poison when I am not present, gone for coffee. Again,
recorded as administered by the day nurse, the night
nurse Charlene shows me the order herself, again, as
recorded. Once administered, Jennie becomes paralyzed,
then shortly in hours dies. A woman diagnosed with mild
back pain the entire two weeks prior by Dr. Semus..
A woman ready to go home as diagnosed by Dr. Necozy
the two weeks prior to that. But diagnosed by Dr.
Collister as having no more than 14 days to live.. on
February 2.. and on March 7. [NO COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT]
He failed at murder, then to cover his attempt, a month
later, went ahead and tried again.. Dr. Semus informed
me, that the hospital removed the entire February
incident from the books. The incident recorded as
transpiring by three doctors, three nurses, including
the head nurse of which I speak with for near a hour on
the matter as recorded as well. There have been no
investigations on Dr. Collister's actions for near a
decade as clearly being among psychopaths. For the
Winnipeg Police to forbid Justice, because they believe
in something of a death cult, that costs a great many
innocent lives needs to be brought to the Public's
attention, and halted immediately. Accessory to murder
in not what OUR police are for. Many more lives are
still threatened by this mass murder program called,
"Comfort Care" - an unelected death sentence given to
thousands of Manitobans with families who have complained
of "similar incidents" of murder, according to my private
discussions with a provincial employee familiar with the
numbers. I have heard from three acquaintances in my
personal life, that claim near identical scenario. 'No
choice, your loved one will now be denied needed medicines,
while given poisons to hamper breathing', and so on..
This needs a public inquest, or a truth commission to
uncover this unholy nightmare. Let's do right by saving
innocent lives, not hide to see further needlessly die
victims to our cowardice of being professionals. This
is very much an issue that involves aboriginals and the
poor most especially, not only the elderly, but the
young as well.

Please, I beg you with everything I am.. save innocent lives..
Forward this information. It is life and death. Care for those
of our society you are not absent from my friends or foes.

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a
Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016
under a program of first degree mass murder
called.. "Comfort Care"..

(..this on the first attempt at murder..)
Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

Shortened synopsis..

I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
failure, and was on end of life medication.
I said bullshit, she was great just hours
ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
to be phoned to okay the death meds once
more.. I am phoned for such action the next
day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
my mother pronounced clinically dead by
RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
my mom to discover, she has no organ
failure.. Being doped everyday under
Forward this information to everyone who
loves their mother.. The Police most
especially. They have been caught attempting
first degree murder of made helpless innocent
old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences

Suggestions to the RCMP on how to conduct criminal
investigations regarding the murder of Jennie Kinal,
that happened on March 8, 2016, at Winnipeg's Health
Sciences Center, 4H.

There are two major crime scene involved in this matter..
There was the attempt at murder made on February 2,2016,
and the murder that took place on March 8, 2016.

On February 2, 2016 I was told my mother was to die
from total organ failure.. So as a consequence, she
was then being given an opiate, Hydromorphone, non-stop,
until she dies. Which will be no more than 14 days. A
poison the doctor tells, limits my mother's breathing
too, to treat "shortness".. of which only hours earlier,
through to several weeks prior, she had no problem with
as perfect.. So an opiate to trick the body into well
being, while limiting one from breathing. Knowing too,
this "shortness" concept, being chemically treated, is
not quantified correctly. Short what? At first I tell
the Nurse to stop immediately this clear madness. No
she claims, "don't be cruel". A tactic used that had
no effect, for I was not blind to the circumstance.
As many others would be, not having the time to stay
with their loved one everyday, or being astute in reason.
I state this position to her intelligently, that my
mother doesn't need to be hampered in her breathing,
and is suffering in no pain.. and so, she calls me to
talk to another nurse, who claims again "don't be cruel".
I know then as now, these people are not mindfully of a
fair measure. I then quickly go to speak with Dr. T..
my mother's doctor that week.. Claiming my mother was
fine only hours earlier.. We were talking about going
home on video.. When did this organ failure occur I ask?
Dr. T. then calls a halt to the poisoning.. without
answer. (I learn later the next day, this was the first
time in the history of their operation - where all under
this order have been put to death without exception.)
Dr. T tells the nurses, that Jennie Kinal will no
longer receive Hydromorphone, unless she is found
expressing some discomfort in pain..If she is, I am
to be phoned at home to come to witness such a
circumstance. I stay with my mother over the next
few hours, where her breathing becomes closer to normal.
The next day, nurse Delaney calls me at home to okay
the death medication.. I happened to be already on my
way.. and arrive in approximately seven minutes.. to
see my mother appear poisoned with a diuretic , and
pronounced clinically dead by Delaney. Who then
encourages me to stop talking to Jennie, "She's had
multiple organ failure" "her kidneys gave out" "she
can not hear you", "she can not speak with you", "see
can not see you".. I continue talking to my mother..
while Delaney again goes off with "just remember all
the good times you had" and in several minutes, my
mother begins to revive.. She can not barely breath
due the poison, that takes 10 hours to leave her, as
her breathing recovers near back to normal. As on video..
without any pain. When my mother started to revive..
Delaney left to not be seen again.. save for the day
my mother dies. No action on her part to investigate
how such a thing could have happened.. I remain with
my mother for near 24 hours.. To then call everyone
officially that can help save my mother's life as
still threatened by these psychopaths. So witness
yourself..up until the murder on March 8, 2016.
she had had no "multiple organ failure".

Now to substantiate this with the facts that matter through a
preliminary criminal investigation..

First thing: contact Dr. T and state, we of the RCMP,
are just doing a preliminary investigation is respect
to the late Jennie Kinal.. who died on March 8, 2016..
But our attention right now has to do with an event
that started on Feb 2, 2016.. In where we are trying
to establish whether an order to stop Hydromorphone
was given to the attending nurses responsible for
Jennie Kinal's care? Now, if Dr. T is truthful.. of
which I suspect she will be.. she will claim yes. So,
that means that Delaney gave my mother a medication
against the Doctors order, that left her almost dead,
gasping for air for ten hours. In the recording
titled, 'back from the dead', 24 hours after I
raised my mother from her early grave, the head
nurse confirms, the last time Hydromorphone was
given, was 24 hours earlier. An attempt at murder,
for it shows, she did not have total organ failure -
surviving she did, for more than a month after. Now
get this: Dr. Semus informed me this whole incident
was made absent the medical record. But say Dr.
T states that no.. such an order didn't happen?
Well again, the head nurse confirms that the
reason I was called by Delaney was to okay the
death medication that had been forbidden.

How does this look? My mother was sentenced to die
murder victim with lies. And under every circumstance
prior.. this process had never before been stopped.
So Dr T. did the right thing.. working for Justice..
suspecting perhaps she did.. just when was this
determination made of total organ failure occur? If
Johnny had been there almost every hour, every day?
Established too, of the recording of suspect nurse
2.. who tried to insist I get my mother back on the
Hydromorphone, because of her "multiple organ failure".
The head nurse discusses her talk with suspect nurse
2, in where she tells.. we must never allow someone to
stop the process again. Now, get this.. When I
complained about them trying to murder my mother?
there was no investigations done by anyone.. for
there is zero accountability.. No complaints
department. While the college of Physicians and
Surgeons.. upon hearing of this disorder.. recommended
the police needed to investigate.. because the College
never gets involved in clearly criminal behavior.
The Winnipeg police took no action! no phone calls to
the Physicians and Surgeons.. no calls to Dr. T.. to
anyone.. including me to help them through reasonably..
They must have been lost, but refused to ask someone
for directions. Despite me going over there four times..
According to my source in government, thousands of
victim families have been denied Justice, stretching
over at least, seven years. Please.. be honorable. Do
you job and defend our lives.. This is a issue
involving all Canadians, and travelers through our
forsaken city. Why do they do it? We can only
speculate. They are very sadistic.. Delaney got
off punching my 83 year old mother in the eye just
before the attempt at murder.. Ask her about it..
They would abuse my mother, to spite me.. I would
go out for a quick coffee, and come back where
someone felt it necessary to throw her about in
the bed horrifically. I know why there, but that's
another story.. Like the young girl, and the young
man.. and the lies they were told of how they could
get out any day, if they just continue to cooperate..
Nobody has ever left Comfort Care in 4H. Not one
person. So was told to me by two nurses.. one there
for more than seven years. As recorded. And all those
that work there know it. No accountability breeds
success for the contemptuous. There are many other
stories I can tell of these sadistic enemies of
Life and God. But nobody seems to care to save
innocent lives being mass murdered. How come
chums? Let's all get started on this.. Everyone.
Please. What if it was your mom? Forward this
information. please.. let's save some innocent lives.

To the Honorable Health Minister of Manitoba

Hello.. I have disturbing news to tell, of my mother, Jennie Kinal,
being first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center,
ward 4H. What is the evidence? Dr. Colister, on the day he committed
this murder, March 8th, speaks to me as recorded, that, wouldn't I
like to approve something unheard of, to stop my mother's congestion?
(To have him not take the blame for her soon death no doubt.). I
respond, as recorded, that no. Such quackery will do nothing TRULY to
alleviate my mother's newly acquired contagious condition. At that
time, not even knowing what this poison called "Devil's Breath" was,
but typically, of all his sadistic 'end of life' 'medicines', they are
clearly poisons to murder anyone as healthy with. Of which he does
routinely as mass murdering psychopath. Importantly, he with his
partner, does not disagree with my astute medical assessment.. and
leaves stating to my mother and me, that he will allow her to recover
without new poisons offered that day.. But does so secretly..
According to the night nurse, as recorded in the medical record,
showing me the order herself, for 'Devil's Breath' to be given to
Jennie as needed.. Needing they did, Dr. Colister and the day nurse,
Colette, to administer the lethal shot when I wasn't present.. For I
would have told.. Dr. Colister, and Dr. Chisic told no new poisons to
attempt murder once more would be offered for that day.. of March
8th.. For I had explained such wickedness, will do nothing but harm my
beloved mother. hey hated me for being wise, exposing their
falsehoods, of faith initiatives. In quips I gave, no longer than two
or three sentences. As they did when I explained this operation of
getting everyone stoned with poisons to stop breathing, while
depriving life saving treatments is beyond insane.. They would speak
of their treason against life and God with grins of pleasure..of our
powerlessness. Go ask them yourself.. I called it a horror show..
Because it is.. When I would explain, a heroin junkie can feel
comfortable starving to death.. they wouldn't as couldn't disagree..
Remember, my mother was not suffering from anything, but their
poisons.. As her thyroid condition cleared right up.. DUE MY DEMANDS
FOR HER MEDICINE, of which they argued near endlessly, as pure wicked
evil to not allow.. Told me, a thyroid condition of my mothers can not
be treated.. as once it's gone.. it's gone.. A LIE.. Proven as so.. as
my mother did recover.. Why so apposed? Because a thyroid condition,
has the human body retain water.. causing mild hallucinations if not
treated.. Hallucinations lend well to no complaining effectively..
Once she recovered.. she spoke of these "murderers".. she spoke of
Delaney punching her in the eye.. she spoke desperately, while I
cried.. to free her of these torturers.. They were so sadistically
mean to her.. Knowing no police have entered to investigate for years
of formal complaints. See, the doctor the week prior claimed.. sure
all Jennie has is some mild back pain.. but he was not prepared to
stop the Fentanyl.. perhaps for fear, of then Colister coming in with
his needle.. that murders all, every single time, save none.. As all
of Colister's history, of determining end of life for countless others
in no more than 14 days.. .Except my mom the month before. It was at
that time I went to talk to the teen police at Winnipeg's public
safety building, after consulting with the College of Physicians and
Surgeons.. who recommended the police be brought in, on me catching
them FOR SURE, attempting murder the first time on Feb 2.. They just
simply refused to do anything.. Not even a single phone call..
Nothing.. I went back.. spoke polite.. on how these teens didn't
understand the words I'm telling of.. It's so important.. It's life
and death.. It's important here to know, they didn't tell that I was
in error. And yet still. refused to do anything.. Like call their Dad,
or an adult even.. I went again.. and again.. Then a teen police
officer, told me not to come back.. NO REASON GIVEN. I guess she
didn't like having to call someone else who can fairly reason. Perhaps
it's all due the vaccines.. Anyway.. we need adult police officers
from the RCMP, to consult with Prosecutors with scientific minds to
know this was no accident.. but willful first degree murder.. When I
caught them the first time.. The Hospital did not call for an
investigation.. they just threatened me to not divulge the
information.. or they would give us all the what for.. Fear is not in
me however. Perhaps to a fault.. I demand Justice must come, to see
these murderers spend a life time behind bars.. I hope I am making
myself clear.. These crimes have occurred for many years.. due the
struggle with most in time to understand.. Look at my story.. I knew,
as proven, they had tried to murder my mother.. and yet.. what more
could anyone do? We need to also look at how police investigations
must be handled in the future.. First things first.. I need support
from the Province and the city, in lieu of me not suing.. to save my
home.. to save our lives.. While I work with a prosecutor for Justice
to finally come for everyone. No longer forsaken by our careless
disregard for the rights of a great many others, of our same
community. Please let's get started on doing right for ourselves. What
if it was your mother?

- If a decision to not fairly investigate this is made, furthering
more murders - I want to still be contacted and told of such lies to
hide yourself from we being fair. I bid a good day for catching bad
guys. Let's do this right.

Support a Public Inquest, Truth Commission, and Police Investigation
on HSC's "Comfort Care" program of murder, in the first degree. Where
your loved one is sentenced to die victim to neglect as official
public paid for policy.

Justice for US
Who would apposes doing right?
Many lives are still falling..
Please, have mercy.. forward this info.

Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives..

Support a Public Inquest

My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a Winnipeg hospital, on March
the 8th, 2016, under a program of first degree mass murder called..
"Comfort Care".

I beg everyone to reach out to our media, in hopes they'll too support
shedding some light on this very serious circumstance.. We need our
voices heard as fair here. Forward this concern to everyone being
human. They are stealing innocent lives. A heroin junkie can feel
comfortable starving to death. So.. what the hell is happening in our

What if it was your mother?

I am doing what I must, after having my mother murdered in hospital,
and then to note. There was no complaints department.. no newspaper,
no radio, and no police determining fair measure either. My life is
ruled by law to live speaking for a just cause..I am admittingly, kind
of weird this way.. Not since the murder, but well before in decades..
So this tragedy, that has hurt me more than anything ever can, has me
giving of everything now, to not allow these murderers to conduct
their business as usual, further escaping our police authorities,. God
willing justice, demands of you to try for fairness towards all
parties, of the society you are not absent of. It's called, acting
civilized. It seems the TV's devote relationship tied to blindly
serving doctors no matter what, is a cause they need not worry for to
truly understand.. Like a cult.. A cult that is costing our lives as
innocent people.. murdered by those near never chastised with
accountability throughout their lawless ranks.. Dr. Semus told me
directly, that the first try at committing murder against my mother on
Feb 2 and 3rd.. had been scrubbed from the files.. And Vanessa too,
would weave the most fantastical lies, you were never lost to know,
she hadn't a clue of what she was saying for real.. As recorded..

The Telling Truth

John Kinal to Dr. Colister "No I don't agree.. Such medications will
hamper my mother's ability, to expel her newly acquired congestion"..
He does not disagree.. Nor so does his partner. ..and in closing,
supports allowing my mother recover by introducing no new poisons. Of
which we learned of his betrayal from the record, that he instead
conspired with nurse Colette, to murder my mother, with their,
"Devil's Breath"... to a woman who had only suffered arguably with
minor back pain the entire two weeks prior.. As to why they tried to
put her to "end of life" meds a a month earlier, with Hydromorphone,
was because, it turns out, she never even could have had multiple
organ failure all along.. IT WAS A LIE they were publicly caught on..
Then as evil being dumb, then went ahead further, and finally murdered
my mom. Didn't go, "look everyone! it's a miracle!" no no no.. no
investigation whatsoever.. That's not we see? Perhaps, it's all a
failure to communicate.

But so.. What about the responsibilities of the police to investigate
crimes scenes such as these? Shouldn't they as we respect the rights
of everyone in our society? To be fairly treated? The Province did not
do the simplest of inquiries into the heart of the evidence before us.
.. Leaving those that conspire to get away further from fair
judgment.. on just who the hell they think we are.. stealing innocent
lives going unreported. This is a routine case behind newspapers
doors, involving many more forsaken victims absent your personal
outrage, and action Let's truly save some great peoples lives by
warning everyone.. How about it? Sounds good to see Justice finally
succeed for Jennie Kinal?, and so included, we the people? Demand
Justice for Jennie Kinal..

David L. Martel <***@frontier.com> wrote:


You are puttin a lot of effort into this strange
belief. Your mother was on palliative or "comfort
care". This suggests that your mother was aware
that she was terminally ill and had decided to
end her life. Why do you believe otherwise?"

Hey Dave.. Yeah no.. all she had was a thyroid
condition when entering.. then we were told she
had a heart attack with her unwanted nicotine
patch, and then, multiple organ failure.. I
proved it was a lie.. And for a month, all
they did was not allow my mother to recover..
My mother, nor I, were never given a choice to
decide whether or not to end her life, by
depriving medications, while doping her with
'end of life' poisons that stop anyone from
breathing, or expelling an infection. First
degree murder. Not an accident. IN FACT:
freely admitted to.. like lawless demon
enemies of our better natures willing to
be civilized. Let's not murder people.

Remember.. Dr. Colister told my mother and I,
that he would not poison my mom with Devil's
Breath or anything else, then did so secretly
with fellow murderer, conspirator Nurse Colette.
I caught them at that, as too, when they attempted
murder in early February. Support a Public Inquest.

Forward this to save lives..


What they knew and chose nothing to do
about.. Still? Shouldn't someone be fired,
if not arrested as complicit in murder?

John Kinal - Protections of Persons in Care Act - Feb 24 2016

"10,000+ similar complaints in Manitoba."

Ignored.. Still? Hello people.. we have a
serious responsibility here to speak fair
against mass murderers.

If Chris, who works for our government,
had simply done the job by enforcing
Manitoba's standing law, Jennie Kinal
would be alive today. Don't allow them
to steal more innocent lives in Winnipeg.
Take action. Personally forward this to
the media movers and shakers, to save
lives, demanding Justice. I am available
for interviews. Help ourselves.

I beg you to do right.. Save an innocent life.

Please, peoples of our world..defend innocent
life being mass murdered here in Winnipeg, at
the Health Sciences Center, under a program
of the most heinous ungodly evil ever known
of titled, "Comfort Care". They openly deprive
vital medicines, while torturing the victims
with poisons such as with my mom. Given
through lies, Scopolamine "Devil's Breath",
secretly in a conspiracy with nurse Colette,
in deadly conjunction with Fentanyl, causing
instant paralysis, then unnatural death through
FOR SURE, proven first degree murder. My mother
Jennie, who only several days earlier was
guilty of only minor back pain, as to why
these demons refused to stop doping her since
her arrival two months earlier. Simultaneously
claimed though, she was by her murderer, Dr.
Colister, to have had multiple organ failure
continuously for more than a month. Proven
to be a lie on Feb 3rd, by myself told to
Winnipeg Police.. Through too, the broken
orders of Law by Dr. T., Jennie's Doctor that
week. The Winnipeg Police dishonorably, have
refused to do the simplest of preliminary
investigations..such as making a single phone
call to Dr. T.. to confirm the first attempt
made at murdering my mother by Nurse Delaney..
using then, ILLEGAL hydromorophone. You
personally could save an innocent life, by
simply identifying a citizen of Winnipeg,
to give them this post personally. Again
this "Comfort Care" mass murder program is
not made by the victims as something agreed
upon in OUR newspapers either. They just
privately announce your loved one is now
sentenced to deprivation of caring
completely, while openly being poisoned
with the most deadly of UNWARRANTED
'medicine'. So confident in our made
illiterate police agencies never getting
involved here, that they believe they can
escape sadistically mass murdering for
decades more perhaps.. if you continue to
take no action for the world you can not
escape my friend. It is truly all up to
you.. Do right. Care for your world.
Forward go freely of Justice winning
victory. Justice for we guarantees
freedom to be..

Here's an idea..
Down with murderers..
who's with we? fairly speaking..

Justice for Jennie Kinal

I want a public inquest in how my mother died, so justice can be
served. All the evidence is in, it's just that, because the death
occurred at a hospital in Winnipeg, the Police's hands are tied.

Jennie Kinal was murdered on March 8th, 2016, by the actions of Dr.
Colister, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center.

Facts: Dr. Colister told no new medications would be administered on
March 8th, to myself and Jennie.. Dr. Laura Chisic, Jennie's other
doctor, one of more than four others, told of Dr. Colister, doing just
as he claimed he would not, ordering on the 8th of March, the deadly,
Scopolamine "Devil's Breath", in conjunction with already administered
Fentanyl, . Nurse Colette, sold that it was Jennie's idea to take the
most lethal drug on the Canadian market that she gave Jennie,
Scopolamine, to hamper her ability to expel an infection that had
recently appeared, leading to paralysis and death. Nurse Colette,
couldn't administer the poison while I was present however, and
couldn't let on, it was ordered in by Dr. Colister. As Colette's crazy
lie of my mom being willing, now makes more sense. No antibiotics are
given in Winnipeg, for ANY Canadian patient in "comfort care", but
poisons a plenty to first degree mass murder it disturbingly appears.
You really should care.. Think of the next victims last night. Forward
this concern to everyone who loves their mother. Do it.

The TRUE disregard for a patient's wellness, made as policy at
Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, is like a hell on earth for real,
when you hear them tell of such madness openly, denying all rights to
do right for ourselves. 'End of Life' poisons to those we guess near,
perfect health. Poisons to weaken clearing our bodies of new
infections, with poisons to hamper breathing, and then, to top it off,
heroin derivatives 80 times stronger than morphine, apposing better
health.. is simply willful first degree murder.. Again, they
officially deny all "Comfort Care" patients antibiotics, to die victim
from neglect.. With too, refusing to resuscitate any patient as policy
of evil.. So, say you were poisoned by Scopolamine with her Fentanyl.
as my mom was against her will and my own.. they told me as such, over
the phone.. they will make no attempt to save my mother's life as
"doctors" on scene. Demand a Public Inquest.


(these were words sent to, in part, the college of physicians and
surgeons.. and too, the college of nurses.. )

Formal Complaint Against the Named Nurses
and Doctors of Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center

On the 21st of January, despite Jennie's expressed wishes upon intake,
and my own, the Doctor not responsible for Jennie, but on "the Team",
asked if she was a smoker, and would provide a nicotine patch, I told
him no.. she didn't want it, nor did I..

On the 22 of January, I was told Jennie had a heart attack, and I
found what I disproved of, a nicotine patch on her shoulder area..

To whom this concerns..

My name in John Kinal, the son of Jennie Kinal, currently held against
our will at 4H at the Health Science Center.

My mother told the hospital upon admission, she did not want a
nicotine patch, but two weeks in, when she's near a coma.. they appose
her wishes and my own, giving her the POISONOUS nicotine, and she then
has, a massive heart attack hours later..Then a week later, puts her
on end of life medications.. To die of.. for sure for sure.. 100%..
every patient under such treatment DIES.. I fought to deny my mother
had complete organ failure.. and over 20 hours in total, brought her
back to life..From a position the hospital has decided to do nothing
for.. because she was clinically dead..

"Hydromorphone may cause serious or life-threatening breathing
problems, especially during the first 72 hours of your treatment and
any time "

Think of this.. They poison patients so they can't take a breath, then
when the patient struggles to breath due the muscles not working, they
only answer, must need more pure oxygen, or Hydromorphone ..Another
quick death they believe they will escape criminal charges over..

When I learned they were giving my mother end of life medication,
where only the day before she was at near the best she had been since
arriving.. I demanded such madness stop immediately.. Of which two RNs
on the floor argued with me for 30 minutes, to suggest I was being
cruel to try such action. They argued I have not the right to deny
death meds, and told I must speak to "Dr. T", of which I did..
Reminding her of all the witnesses to my mothers health, from the day
before.. such as the physiotherapist.. sitting in bed, talking, and
eating several yogurts, juice, and water.. She told she would then
have the poising stopped... and if the seriously unqualified RN Ms.
Delaney, decided it at a later time needed to continue, would have me
called firstly, to get to the hospital to witness such need.. The next
day, at approximately 6pm, Ms. Delaney called me to come and witness
her condition, in need of death meds.. I get all the way to the
distant HSC in approximately 7 minutes.. to witness her 'dead' in
bed.. not breathing due the medication stopping the muscles of her
lungs incapable of taking a breath..Ms. Delaney told me to stop
talking to a corpse that can't hear, speak, or see.. All the fluids of
her body had been removed due, what was likely an overdose of a
diuretic.. her lips were near black. Ms. Delaney told I was not ever
going to get a response talking to a body with complete organ
failure..She can't pee, so her body is clinically dead..I remained,
and in approximately an hour, her lips move in response to water.. and
slowly I brought her back to life.. Delaney never returned to the
attempted murder scene for the rest of her time at shift.. No
'miracle' claimed, but for by the several aids who witnessed, in part
the 'miracle'.

The evidence offered for fair public interest, tells Ms. Delaney's
plan was to tell she didn't give such medications as a lie.. Why? On
video, of my mother recovering the assault states.. she can't take a
breath (her lungs are poisoned on purpose, due the "medicine") it
takes near 20 hours for the poison to be left absent her blood stream
according to the videos..The medical record as quoted to me 24 hours
later, when I'm leaving for home after resurrecting the dead.. I'm
told indicates the last poisoning to stop muscle function occurred 24
hours prior..

I need a formal investigation, following probable cause to arrive at
the fair conclusion of decisions made to steal my mother's life..

Contact me immediately on the fair actions already underway to gather
the facts here,

To College of Registered Nurses in Manitoba...


It is John Kinal reporting in on recent disturbing developments on the
Jennie Kinal matter at Winnipeg's Health Science Center in 4H. As you
may already be aware, hopefully, I struggled in a meeting with five
professional individuals on Wednesday, the 24 of February, 2016, to
have Jennie Kinal taken off the Hydromorphone, considering it appears
as the primary cause for why it killed her, as according to RN
Delaney, on February 3rd, 2016. They crazily, like unreasonable
psychopaths on a mission of self destruction, argued against it..
claiming my reasoning they would at all costs refuse to tune into.. so
mush so.. that Dr. Semus suggested, perhaps an alternative could be
found to stop their naked exposure to the light of being.. and would
get on that, quickly, as they had done.. as it was achieved, the next
day. Despite Jennie and myself stating, we do not want to be doped..
we want our bodies to heal without the confusion created by opiates,
and poisons that mess with the muscles of our lungs to stop one from
breathing.. But who cares truly for the health as well being of person
or persons truly, for they appear insisting, Jennie's life is not the
concern here.. The concern is not allowing her to live, free of the
lie, that she still has, "multiple organ failure" going on three
weeks..pigging out.. (she wants yogurt, egg salad, salmon, blue
berries, and some kind of specialty stews..) , Instead of facing the
mistake, they've chosen still, to steal her life.. Her life loved by
me.. As it has turned out however, the new opiate concoction
administered by patch, exposed the reality, with the turn around..
That NO PAIN Jennie had, or has through the transformation to getting
well.. But get this my learned friends.. prepare yourself.. Friday
morning, February 27 2016.. Vanessa, head of all nurses for the Health
Science Center, ward 4H and beyond, at approximately 9:14 am, informed
me, that Jennie yelled throughout the night.. I spoke to state, that
even so, the quantification she was making is still unknown.. See, it
could mean, her screaming is a good thing.. because, now she can
breath.. Then she said, challenging my great wisdom of all ages, she
had been screaming, "help me".. I asked Vanessa firstly, "was she then
sedated", she responded, "no, she wasn't." I then said, "so this is
then in the official report? She said "yes..". "Oh", I said.. "I
arrived here at approximately 6:18 am, and was approached by the night
Nurse responsible for Jennie, knowing her well, over this life and
death struggle.. and she's stated that Jennie was exceptional through
the night.. rested comfortably.. as showing a good sign for progress."
I then looked over to my left, and there she was.. six feet away, not
gone home yet.. I stated, "Hi.. ..did you hear Jennie scream, 'help
me, help me', through the night?" She only looked briefly in terror at
the face of Vanessa, then turned quickly, without a word.. and took
off out of there.. Oh oh.. This is very serious.. potentially deadly
if you asked me to speak in all candor, knowing what I know.. as true,
holds some jeopardy to the night Nurse's true professionalism for
starters, as Vanessa is her blindly foolish superior .. Why so
certain? I don't have to tell you, as the College of Registered Nurses
here in Manitoba, but for those not familiar reading here. See.. That
would mean, Vanessa has committed a crime, and should in all fairness,
though PUBLIC fair trial, be challenged to lose her license for a
lifetime.. and.. we most definitely need to call the cops about the
attempted murder no doubt.. As I've stated since this madness of
contempt for thousands of innocent lives started, by irrational
constructs, of those who mostly only deceive themselves when Johnny
enters the scene .. Do not now, in addition to holding Jennie's life
in contempt, do so also, to the other wonderful woman who has done no
harm alleged to anyone, being curtious, kind, and all around.. a
really sweet gal.. I immediately explained this true horror occurring
in real time to Dr. Semus, of which Vanessa, only feet away to hear me
explain.. took the stage.. Time is pressing.. and this story is far
from over.. though when telling of her twisting to tale a fib so
ridiculous, Dr. Semus walked away while she was speaking... In short
form, she claimed she spoke not of 'through the night', but of
'through the evening'.. defining such a term as between 3pm and 5:30
pm.. trouble is, I was there with Jennie through out near that entire
frame.. as was the tricky Dr. Colister.. and three others from
Palliative care.. No.. four.. I left at approximately, 5:12pm that
day.. I kid not.. my life is bared to witness. So, of course.. I then
expressed THE ONLY RIGHT I have in demanding the report of my mother's
treatment from starting on this allegation against a honorable nurse
to finish including the critical incident summaries of her death on
February 3rd.. And in short form, Dr. Semus, responded, he had no
knowledge of February 3rd, 2016.. Despite, Wednesday, the 24 of
February, 2016 (Many Doctors lead busy busy lives I suppose..) WOW..
that means.. well.. you as the professionals should know without me
telling.. I will my mother to be moved from 4H at our earliest
convenience, and especially, not given opiates mixed with poisons to
further steal her precious innocent life.. She does not deserve this..
nor should anyone else, ever again.. We need a public action to remedy
this for the better good of everyone..With the newspaper or
without..Thousands here in Winnipeg have fallen victim to die
forsaken, according to my discussions with one Provincial
investigator's aid. That of which, we together, don't yet, have the
manpower, or the jurisdiction.. the Police do though, as lead by
experienced practitioners.. I will to assist in any way possible to
get to the core of what is important here.. My mother.. Let's let
science prevail in determining what serves our health best how about
my friends?

Addendum : when I stated that it could be a positive thing that Jennie
can now freely breath instead of being suffocated, I also stated, that
she is for this day, eating more than she has since entering the
hospital.. a container of blue berries, three yogurts, egg salad..
Vanessa immediately responded, by stating "I don't know that." See? No
care for Jennie's well being..

Love John.
or Johnny..
or whatever..
let's do this..



(tiny 4 meg file of police claiming no investigations allowed.)

TheTruth - update on the case of murders still occurring
at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center – H4.
NEW AUDIO of Chief Medical Examiner of Manitoba..
(eleven megabyte audio file)


(..this on the first attempt at murder..)
Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

Evidence on the continuing murders - 250+meg file

Please, for the love of God, forward this concern as if it were your
own..As it should be. Are we not human? All I ask for is Justice
fairly wagered, while our police are forbidden to do so by Mike at the
PSB. Complicit in mass murders in the thousands. I wish it weren't
true too.. Don't hide from this reality, it is truly unbecoming..

I am begging Humanity for help.. please be human.
