Post by 4741 DeadOn Tue, 16 Sep 2008 17:35:22 -0700 (PDT), Kurt Nicklas
Post by Kurt NicklasGreenspan said we're in a once-in-a-hundred-years crisis, the Dow had
a meltdown today, two major investment houses went under, and
industrial production dropped 1.1%,
And so let's vote for someone who, contrary to what he says, is going to
raise taxes! LOL!
Wow. Now you're a mind reader.
Nope. Just someone who, unlike you, knows what Demcrats are all about.
Btw, taxes WILL go up. Or America will go down. Your choice.
Neither. LOL!
Poundcake Jamieson has become Usenet's version of Chicken Little. He
specializes in making apocalyptic predictions then getting huffy when
they're thrown back in his face six months later.
Great fun!
OK, Knickers, give us an apocalyptic prediction I've made that was
May I?
"I'm beginning to wonder if my forecast of 400 electoral votes for
Gore isn't being a bit conservative."
--Zepp Jamieson 2000-08-23
"Arnie is limping along on name recognition, but it's become
clear that his campaign is an utter fiasco, and his role in
this election is that of being the biggest clown."
--Zepp Jamieson 2003-09-08
"Looks like I'm no longer the only one predicting an electoral vote
blowout for Kerry."
--Zepp Jamieson Oct 20 2004
"In any event, the worst total I see for Kerry at this time is
288 Electoral votes, a comfortable margin. He could conceivably get
as many as 346."
--Zepp Jamieson 8 Oct 2004