0 day until Obama is out of office
2017-01-20 11:09:40 UTC
Im a slut, and I have herpes. I still am a person who deserves
respect, blogger Ella Dawson tweeted as part of her campaign to
remove the cultural stigma surrounding sexually transmitted
diseases. The Wesleyan grad gained notoriety and celebrity
online after writing an article in Womens Health titled Why I
Love Telling People I Have Herpes. A follow-up article at
Medium defended her position.
Some -- like Hillary Clinton -- praised Dawson for being brave
and insightful, while others condemned her for being stupid.
In the words of the ever-candid Dr. House:
Yesterdays sluts are todays empowered women. Todays sluts are
celebrities. If that isnt progress ...
Hillary Clinton certainly agrees with House. She even sent
Dawson a thank you note praising her for speaking out against
the stigma and for standing up to her critics:
Ella Dawson ? @brosandprose
Here's my long overdue essay on how the Alt-Right made me their
favorite feminist plaything until I had a breakdown:
Ella Dawson ? @brosandprose
Thank you, @HillaryClinton, for reading. I'm incredibly moved.
To be accurate, I'm ugly crying. #ImWithHer
2:56 PM - 6 Sep 2016
Loading Image...
Dawson was thrilled to receive the letter, of course, because it
elevated, at least in the minds of some, her campaign to make
contracting oozing sores on your genitalia cool.
In other words, and like other sex-positive feminists and
liberals who want to legitimize every social deviancy while
stigmatizing anyone who disagrees with them, the 24-year-old
Dawson is using social media platforms and a hashtag campaign
(#ShoutYourStatus) to justify her behavior and to ease her
feelings of guilt.
Instead of simply making the common-sense case for respecting
people who are hurting and not stigmatizing them because they
made a mistake -- you know, the Golden Rule -- Dawson goes much
She denies the moral context of how an STD is contracted. She
refuses to take responsibility for her bad behavior. She
perpetuates misinformation about the seriousness of the disease.
And, she plays the victim. Isnt feminism glorious?
Writes Dawson:
I wasnt the sort of person STDs happened to. I was a Planned
Parenthood volunteer, a sexuality studies major, and everyones
go-to friend when they had questions about losing their
virginity. How could I have caught something when I had always
been so careful?
First of all, being a feminist isnt a full-body condom. Second,
there is no such thing as 100-percent certified safe sex when
youre doing it with strangers or just having casual sex with
multiple partners.
How can anyone be so surprised when a risky game of sex roulette
ends badly?
After discovering that she had contracted herpes, Dawson found
solace in the internet, scouring websites for information about
the disease. She says she was surprised to learn that herpes is
a lot more common than she thought, which oddly reassured her
(misery loves company).
Dawson also discovered a powerful and invisible stigma
associated with sexually transmitted diseases that keeps people
from chatting about herpes the way they discuss allergies.
Yes, she did make that comparison. Does she not realize that
herpes, unlike allergies, is contagious?
Thats why potential sex partners get that wide-eyed look on
their faces when they find out you have it -- its not judgment,
its legit fear. Since when is simply not wanting to get a
lifelong infection a form of stigma?
Theres another reason people dont want to talk about herpes
the way they discuss allergies: its a disease contracted while
having sex. Theres a degree of privacy when discussing it that
isnt there with peanut butter allergies.
Dawson also, nonsensically, believes that contracting herpes has
nothing to do with her behavior.
She writes:
On a logical level. I knew that getting herpes had nothing to do
with my actions and didn't say anything about my character.
On a logical level? Really? She repeats this brilliant display
of logic in a TED Talk:
An STI, especially herpes, is not a reflection of your character
or a consequence of a bad decision.
Neither is it, as she writes at Medium, a consequence of
personal choices.
Sorry to break this to you, but an STD is the direct result of a
personal choice. And if youre a slut -- as she claims -- that
is, by definition, a reflection of your character.
Fact: if she had never had casual sex, she would have never
contracted genital herpes.
Instead of taking responsibility for her own bad choices, Dawson
wants to throw logic -- and morality -- to the wind and justify
her behavior by recasting the entire narrative about STDs into
something positive: Its just something that magically happens
to you. Youre a passive victim, and theres nothing you could
have done to stop it. So youre not guilty of anything. And most
of all, you dont have to feel ashamed.
This might come as a shock to Dawson and other moral
relativists, but shame isnt always a bad thing.
The personal shame you feel when youve done something wrong is
healthy, because it leads you (or should) to conviction that
will help you change your behavior.
Because society has become so sexualized, of course, most dont
feel that conviction until something negative happens as a
result -- like blisters on your genitals that keep coming back.
So maybe think of STDs as a life lesson that you need to learn
When you contract an STD like herpes, not only is your own
health compromised, but the health of all future partners is put
at risk (thats how she got it). You should come to the
realization that casual sex isnt so casual anymore -- it never
Because you can't simply "destigmatize" dangerous behavior.
Casual sex had been properly defined all along -- its merely
another game of roulette. And that realization is bound to make
anyone with a conscience feel bad.
This personal shame is not something that should define ones
entire character, and through forgiveness of ones self, that
shame should be released. No one should live under shame
forever. But getting an STD is reflective of a bad decision, one
that has life-changing consequences.
Dawson doesnt seem to have learned her lesson. She simply
doesnt want to confront that personal shame, or the morality
that goes with it. She just wants it gone, somehow. By
chatting about it, by connecting with everyone else who has
herpes as if its a club, by distastefully pretending it's just
like being born with a dangerous allergies, and by becoming an
Internet celebrity for having herpes, the shame disappears,
replaced by celebration and pride. STDs become something good,
not bad. (I wonder if Dawson works at the Ministry of Truth.)
And instead of learning from her mistake of engaging in behavior
that always comes with risk, Dawson continues it.
Im not saying she or anyone else with herpes should become
celibate -- if someone wants to risk having sex with an infected
partner, thats their choice. But for individuals and society as
a whole to ignore the behavior that led to the disease will only
perpetuate the problem. Dawson doesnt seem to see this
connection -- and this where her campaign gets dangerous.
She goes so far as to say herpes is harmless, and thats
dangerous misinformation.
In an interview with Salon, Dawson said the disease has actually
made her sex life better:
Herpes is such a great way to weed out jerks. Its like the
metal detector of douchebags because if somebody is scared of
something so harmless, theyre just not worth your time. I have
a really high bar for the people I date. Most people have risen
to it amazingly. Thats not to say Ive only had committed
relationships; Ive had casual sex since getting diagnosed, its
just always with the conversation of: This is a reality, how do
we want to handle this? Do you want to use condoms? What are you
most comfortable with? What makes sense for you?
Herpes is not harmless.
According to the Mayo Clinic, genital herpes is highly
contagious with many health risks, including brain damage,
blindness or death in a newborn, bladder problems requiring a
catheter, meningitis, rectal inflammation, damage to the nervous
system, and an increased risk of transmitting or contracting
other STDs.
And theres always a risk of contracting it if you have sex with
someone who has the disease, even if theyre not experiencing a
So if youre a guy who doesnt want to risk, say, brain damage?
Dawson thinks youre a jerk. A douchebag.
If you want to remain healthy and not get painful pustules on
your lower regions? Dawson says youre a terrible human being.
Im sure it does make her feel bad when someone doesnt want to
have sex with her because hes afraid of getting herpes -- but
thats not stigma. If Dawson would take responsibility for her
own actions and stop playing the victim, she might understand
that, and respect that other peoples decisions cant cater to
her feelings.
If anyone is being a douchebag when it comes to STDs, its
Dawson. And anyone who praises her for being brave. Theres
nothing brave about admitting you have an STD if all youre
doing is perpetuating the problem. The only people who need to
know about your STD are those you are intimate with.
Telling them isnt bravery. Its simply the right thing to do.
WalterWhite 4 months ago
Need anymore proof that Liberalism is a vile mental disorder?
46 ReplyShare
SpiderGawd WalterWhite 4 months ago
Nah. Its probably an STD too. Syphilis can drive you crazy also
I have read.
18 ReplyShare
JoeSchmuckatelli SpiderGawd 4 months ago
Relatively harmless meningitis:
3 ReplyShare
no mo uro SpiderGawd 4 months ago
Intelligent life and a sane, sustainable society are
incompatible with an environment which has an absence of
feedback mechanisms.
This girl (inappropriate to call her a woman) CHOSE to engage in
behavior that has been identified as risky and dangerous and has
been the object of social norming by every civilization since we
stopped living in caves, and which results in having running,
stinking, purulent sores on her ***@lia that pose a threat of
infection to her future potential husband and to any offspring
she might have. Then she DEMANDS that we respect what she did
and the horrible results, that we remove any metrics or
judgement for her stupid and frankly dangerous behavior, and
that there be no consequences or shame or any possibility of
anything negative in her life as a result of said behavior.
She is an individual doing this, but it is part of a much larger
problem faced by the U.S. and the West. It's all a part of the
Universalist heresy, and the resulting desire for individuals to
avoid all anxiety and all risk of loss of status no matter the
costs to other people and society - and the desire to do
whatever one wants and never have the possibility of negative
consequences. This desire to live in a universe where there is
no such thing as cause and effect is as evil as it is impossible.
Some behaviors just need to end in dire and perhaps permanent
negative circumstances. The person who screws up learns, and
perhaps others see them screw up and learn. Remove the feedback
loops and try to create a society where no action will ever
result in a bad end result and that society will crash and burn,
as it should.
10 ReplyShare
St Reformed SpiderGawd 14 days ago
That reminds me: Lately Bubba looks like a garden full of STDs.
Does Hillary still touch him?
1 ReplyShare
emkcams WalterWhite 4 months ago
This woman is a vile mental disorder, as well as the people who
agree with her on this subject.
16 ReplyShare
texasken emkcams 3 months ago
One being a candidate for President.
6 ReplyShare
MylittleSunshine1231 texasken 3 months ago
Yep, Herpes does cause brain damage as in Hillary's case
4 ReplyShare
St Reformed MylittleSunshine1231 14 days ago
Blame Bubba: It happened long ago.
1 ReplyShare
respect, blogger Ella Dawson tweeted as part of her campaign to
remove the cultural stigma surrounding sexually transmitted
diseases. The Wesleyan grad gained notoriety and celebrity
online after writing an article in Womens Health titled Why I
Love Telling People I Have Herpes. A follow-up article at
Medium defended her position.
Some -- like Hillary Clinton -- praised Dawson for being brave
and insightful, while others condemned her for being stupid.
In the words of the ever-candid Dr. House:
Yesterdays sluts are todays empowered women. Todays sluts are
celebrities. If that isnt progress ...
Hillary Clinton certainly agrees with House. She even sent
Dawson a thank you note praising her for speaking out against
the stigma and for standing up to her critics:
Ella Dawson ? @brosandprose
Here's my long overdue essay on how the Alt-Right made me their
favorite feminist plaything until I had a breakdown:
Ella Dawson ? @brosandprose
Thank you, @HillaryClinton, for reading. I'm incredibly moved.
To be accurate, I'm ugly crying. #ImWithHer
2:56 PM - 6 Sep 2016
Loading Image...
Dawson was thrilled to receive the letter, of course, because it
elevated, at least in the minds of some, her campaign to make
contracting oozing sores on your genitalia cool.
In other words, and like other sex-positive feminists and
liberals who want to legitimize every social deviancy while
stigmatizing anyone who disagrees with them, the 24-year-old
Dawson is using social media platforms and a hashtag campaign
(#ShoutYourStatus) to justify her behavior and to ease her
feelings of guilt.
Instead of simply making the common-sense case for respecting
people who are hurting and not stigmatizing them because they
made a mistake -- you know, the Golden Rule -- Dawson goes much
She denies the moral context of how an STD is contracted. She
refuses to take responsibility for her bad behavior. She
perpetuates misinformation about the seriousness of the disease.
And, she plays the victim. Isnt feminism glorious?
Writes Dawson:
I wasnt the sort of person STDs happened to. I was a Planned
Parenthood volunteer, a sexuality studies major, and everyones
go-to friend when they had questions about losing their
virginity. How could I have caught something when I had always
been so careful?
First of all, being a feminist isnt a full-body condom. Second,
there is no such thing as 100-percent certified safe sex when
youre doing it with strangers or just having casual sex with
multiple partners.
How can anyone be so surprised when a risky game of sex roulette
ends badly?
After discovering that she had contracted herpes, Dawson found
solace in the internet, scouring websites for information about
the disease. She says she was surprised to learn that herpes is
a lot more common than she thought, which oddly reassured her
(misery loves company).
Dawson also discovered a powerful and invisible stigma
associated with sexually transmitted diseases that keeps people
from chatting about herpes the way they discuss allergies.
Yes, she did make that comparison. Does she not realize that
herpes, unlike allergies, is contagious?
Thats why potential sex partners get that wide-eyed look on
their faces when they find out you have it -- its not judgment,
its legit fear. Since when is simply not wanting to get a
lifelong infection a form of stigma?
Theres another reason people dont want to talk about herpes
the way they discuss allergies: its a disease contracted while
having sex. Theres a degree of privacy when discussing it that
isnt there with peanut butter allergies.
Dawson also, nonsensically, believes that contracting herpes has
nothing to do with her behavior.
She writes:
On a logical level. I knew that getting herpes had nothing to do
with my actions and didn't say anything about my character.
On a logical level? Really? She repeats this brilliant display
of logic in a TED Talk:
An STI, especially herpes, is not a reflection of your character
or a consequence of a bad decision.
Neither is it, as she writes at Medium, a consequence of
personal choices.
Sorry to break this to you, but an STD is the direct result of a
personal choice. And if youre a slut -- as she claims -- that
is, by definition, a reflection of your character.
Fact: if she had never had casual sex, she would have never
contracted genital herpes.
Instead of taking responsibility for her own bad choices, Dawson
wants to throw logic -- and morality -- to the wind and justify
her behavior by recasting the entire narrative about STDs into
something positive: Its just something that magically happens
to you. Youre a passive victim, and theres nothing you could
have done to stop it. So youre not guilty of anything. And most
of all, you dont have to feel ashamed.
This might come as a shock to Dawson and other moral
relativists, but shame isnt always a bad thing.
The personal shame you feel when youve done something wrong is
healthy, because it leads you (or should) to conviction that
will help you change your behavior.
Because society has become so sexualized, of course, most dont
feel that conviction until something negative happens as a
result -- like blisters on your genitals that keep coming back.
So maybe think of STDs as a life lesson that you need to learn
When you contract an STD like herpes, not only is your own
health compromised, but the health of all future partners is put
at risk (thats how she got it). You should come to the
realization that casual sex isnt so casual anymore -- it never
Because you can't simply "destigmatize" dangerous behavior.
Casual sex had been properly defined all along -- its merely
another game of roulette. And that realization is bound to make
anyone with a conscience feel bad.
This personal shame is not something that should define ones
entire character, and through forgiveness of ones self, that
shame should be released. No one should live under shame
forever. But getting an STD is reflective of a bad decision, one
that has life-changing consequences.
Dawson doesnt seem to have learned her lesson. She simply
doesnt want to confront that personal shame, or the morality
that goes with it. She just wants it gone, somehow. By
chatting about it, by connecting with everyone else who has
herpes as if its a club, by distastefully pretending it's just
like being born with a dangerous allergies, and by becoming an
Internet celebrity for having herpes, the shame disappears,
replaced by celebration and pride. STDs become something good,
not bad. (I wonder if Dawson works at the Ministry of Truth.)
And instead of learning from her mistake of engaging in behavior
that always comes with risk, Dawson continues it.
Im not saying she or anyone else with herpes should become
celibate -- if someone wants to risk having sex with an infected
partner, thats their choice. But for individuals and society as
a whole to ignore the behavior that led to the disease will only
perpetuate the problem. Dawson doesnt seem to see this
connection -- and this where her campaign gets dangerous.
She goes so far as to say herpes is harmless, and thats
dangerous misinformation.
In an interview with Salon, Dawson said the disease has actually
made her sex life better:
Herpes is such a great way to weed out jerks. Its like the
metal detector of douchebags because if somebody is scared of
something so harmless, theyre just not worth your time. I have
a really high bar for the people I date. Most people have risen
to it amazingly. Thats not to say Ive only had committed
relationships; Ive had casual sex since getting diagnosed, its
just always with the conversation of: This is a reality, how do
we want to handle this? Do you want to use condoms? What are you
most comfortable with? What makes sense for you?
Herpes is not harmless.
According to the Mayo Clinic, genital herpes is highly
contagious with many health risks, including brain damage,
blindness or death in a newborn, bladder problems requiring a
catheter, meningitis, rectal inflammation, damage to the nervous
system, and an increased risk of transmitting or contracting
other STDs.
And theres always a risk of contracting it if you have sex with
someone who has the disease, even if theyre not experiencing a
So if youre a guy who doesnt want to risk, say, brain damage?
Dawson thinks youre a jerk. A douchebag.
If you want to remain healthy and not get painful pustules on
your lower regions? Dawson says youre a terrible human being.
Im sure it does make her feel bad when someone doesnt want to
have sex with her because hes afraid of getting herpes -- but
thats not stigma. If Dawson would take responsibility for her
own actions and stop playing the victim, she might understand
that, and respect that other peoples decisions cant cater to
her feelings.
If anyone is being a douchebag when it comes to STDs, its
Dawson. And anyone who praises her for being brave. Theres
nothing brave about admitting you have an STD if all youre
doing is perpetuating the problem. The only people who need to
know about your STD are those you are intimate with.
Telling them isnt bravery. Its simply the right thing to do.
WalterWhite 4 months ago
Need anymore proof that Liberalism is a vile mental disorder?
46 ReplyShare
SpiderGawd WalterWhite 4 months ago
Nah. Its probably an STD too. Syphilis can drive you crazy also
I have read.
18 ReplyShare
JoeSchmuckatelli SpiderGawd 4 months ago
Relatively harmless meningitis:
3 ReplyShare
no mo uro SpiderGawd 4 months ago
Intelligent life and a sane, sustainable society are
incompatible with an environment which has an absence of
feedback mechanisms.
This girl (inappropriate to call her a woman) CHOSE to engage in
behavior that has been identified as risky and dangerous and has
been the object of social norming by every civilization since we
stopped living in caves, and which results in having running,
stinking, purulent sores on her ***@lia that pose a threat of
infection to her future potential husband and to any offspring
she might have. Then she DEMANDS that we respect what she did
and the horrible results, that we remove any metrics or
judgement for her stupid and frankly dangerous behavior, and
that there be no consequences or shame or any possibility of
anything negative in her life as a result of said behavior.
She is an individual doing this, but it is part of a much larger
problem faced by the U.S. and the West. It's all a part of the
Universalist heresy, and the resulting desire for individuals to
avoid all anxiety and all risk of loss of status no matter the
costs to other people and society - and the desire to do
whatever one wants and never have the possibility of negative
consequences. This desire to live in a universe where there is
no such thing as cause and effect is as evil as it is impossible.
Some behaviors just need to end in dire and perhaps permanent
negative circumstances. The person who screws up learns, and
perhaps others see them screw up and learn. Remove the feedback
loops and try to create a society where no action will ever
result in a bad end result and that society will crash and burn,
as it should.
10 ReplyShare
St Reformed SpiderGawd 14 days ago
That reminds me: Lately Bubba looks like a garden full of STDs.
Does Hillary still touch him?
1 ReplyShare
emkcams WalterWhite 4 months ago
This woman is a vile mental disorder, as well as the people who
agree with her on this subject.
16 ReplyShare
texasken emkcams 3 months ago
One being a candidate for President.
6 ReplyShare
MylittleSunshine1231 texasken 3 months ago
Yep, Herpes does cause brain damage as in Hillary's case
4 ReplyShare
St Reformed MylittleSunshine1231 14 days ago
Blame Bubba: It happened long ago.
1 ReplyShare